
Gangsters Paradise - The Criminal

A person with issues gets the criminal system First world - Yakuza 0

DamonTheFighter · Others
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3 Chs

The start

My name is Damon. my family are satanic and just yesterday my parents sacrificed me to satan.


"Well mr devil I don't want to be here too. My father said that because I didn't believe in your cause I needed to be punished." -Samael

I expected the devil to look like a burned corpse or have horns. But he looked like a really attractive model or movie star.

"I am annoyed because I have a policy I always adhere to. If the person sacrificed to me is younger than 18 I reincarnate them with a benefit" -Lucifer

"Can I go to a fictional worlds!? Please!" -Samael

"You want to travel? Sure. but you will need to start at the lowest level worlds and go to higher ones. And also I can only give you powers connected to the evil concept." -lucifer

"Ok can you give me a Criminal system? Like the ones on the novels?" -Lucifer

"Sure, now I will send you to the lowest level world I can find in your mind and from then on it will be random. But don't worry every world you go to you will be able to handle it! Now GO!" -Lucifer

Everything went black.

[Some time later]

I woke up and felt like my head was going to kill me!

"What the fuck!"

"Damon! It's not good to curse! If you continue to do it I will have to beat you up!"

The one who spoke looked like a 20 year old youngster. And I knew him. He is Kiryu Kazuma. I think I am in the Yakuza universe!

"Ok big brother Kiryu!"

The memories of this body slowly integrated with my own.

My new name is Damon Black. I am half American and half Japanese. My father was American and my mother was Japanese. But my parents died when I was only 1 year old and my only blood relatives took me in. Which happened to be my grandfather who lived in Japan. And when he died I was transferred to the sunflower orphanage.

Where I met Kiryu kazuma and Akira Nishikiyama. We hit it off instantly. But they are 3 years older than me.

And if my calculations are right the plot of yakuza 0 will start in a month.

[System installed and ready to be operated!]

"Big brother! I am going home to sleep see you tomorrow" I smiled as I stood up from the stool we were sitting in.

It's night and we happen to be in a bar.

"Ok see you later"

After I left I got in a taxi and told him to take me to the orphanage. When I got back to my room I looked at the mirror to see how I look like.

[ image ]

I sat at the bed and opened the system.

[ System




I opened status to see what my stats are like


Name : Damon Black

Fame : Nobody

Money : 200€ (I don't know how yen works so I will use euros)

Strength : Lowest thug on the street]

Fuck! I will have to train like a bad an for the next month!

Let's see the missions

[ missions

- Steal or make illegally 1,000€

- Reward : upgrade on strength and level 2 fighting skill]

Well I need a plan