
Unleashed Chaos

Jameson lay on his makeshift bed, eyes closed and mind drifting to the realm of dreams. The constant hum of the Hive's machinery became a distant lullaby. Over the past two weeks, Jameson and the Red Queen had methodically cleared sections of the Hive. It was tedious work, but necessary. 


Outside the thick walls of his sanctuary, the silent corridors were dormant, hiding the unspeakable horrors that once roamed freely. Jameson's efforts combined with the Red Queen's strategic assistance had managed to keep the threat at bay. 


The room was enveloped in a soft, blue glow emanating from the Red Queen's terminal when, suddenly, her voice pierced the silence. "Jameson," she called out urgently. "Awaken immediately! The Hive's main entrance has been accessed." 


Jameson jolted awake, his heart racing. He bolted upright, adrenaline coursing through his veins. The once-familiar hum of the Hive was now drowned out by the frantic beat of his heart. 


Struggling to focus, Jameson quickly began to don his protective gear, fumbling with the buckles and straps in his rush. His weapons, meticulously arranged by his bedside, were grabbed in haste. 


"What happened?" he questioned, eyes darting around as if expecting danger to emerge from the shadows. 


The Red Queen's interface flashed a vibrant red as she responded, her voice tinged with a level of concern Jameson had never heard before. "A team gained access to the Hive. Their security clearances indicate they were sent by Umbrella. However, they were ambushed almost immediately by the infected and Lickers. The Hive's containment protocols have been compromised." 


Jameson's face paled, the weight of the situation pressing down on him. "How long do we have before the infected reach the surface?" 


"Minutes, no more," came the dire response. "You need to act quickly, Jameson. They're spreading." 


Swearing under his breath, Jameson bolted out of the room, his boots echoing loudly in the corridor. The Red Queen's voice followed him, providing real-time data on the infected's movements. Every second counted. If he didn't act swiftly, Raccoon City would be doomed. 


While sprinting through the corridor, Jameson initiated the heads-up display for his stat page. He didn't have time to dwell on the total number of EP earned – the city's fate was hanging in the balance. Without hesitation, he began channeling the points into his Agility (AGI) stat, feeling the rush of enhanced reflexes and speed with each upgrade. 


The numbers in his field of vision quickly updated: 



- Level 12 ➔ 13 – 2,819 EP 

- Level 13 ➔ 14 – 4,511 EP 

- Level 14 ➔ 15 – 7,218 EP 

- Level 15 ➔ 16 – 11,549 EP 

- Level 16 ➔ 17 – 18,478 EP 

- Level 17 ➔ 18 – 29,565 EP 


As the last of the points settled, he felt more agile and nimble than he had ever before, his every movement more fluid and precise. He could feel the immediate difference, with each stride covering more ground, each motion smoother and faster. 


The heads-up display flashed his remaining EP: 1,099 EP. 


Taking a moment to catch his breath, he knew that his upgraded agility would be a game-changer in the impending chaos. He was more prepared than ever to tackle the hordes and ensure the city's survival. With renewed determination, he continued his sprint. 


As he neared the Hive's entrance, the distant screams of the Umbrella team members and the chilling roars of the Lickers grew louder, painting a grim picture of the catastrophe unfolding. 


Navigating the Hive's twisted maze, Jameson's senses were on high alert. The pitiful moans and savage cries of the infected resonated off the cold metal walls, each step he took accompanied by a sinister chorus of the undead. Yet, his body moved with a dancer's grace and a predator's precision, his recent boost in agility transforming him into a deadly specter darting through the darkness. 


With the Licker's Kusarigama in hand, he became a whirlwind of destruction. Zombies emerged from the gloom, only to be cut down in swathes as Jameson sprinted past. The Kusarigama's blade, honed from a Licker's own lethal claw, sang through the air, severing heads and limbs with lethal ease, each strike fluidly chaining into the next without a moment's hesitation. 


Lickers, those abominable parodies of evolution, sprang from their hidden perches, tongues lashing with ravenous intent. Yet, Jameson's heightened reflexes saw him twist and weave, their attacks but whispers against his momentum. A flick of his wrist sent the Kusarigama's blade arcing through the space where a Licker had leapt, its body cleaved in mid-descent, succumbing to the merciless gravity of Jameson's onslaught. 


He did not stop, he did not falter. His pace relentless, each engagement was but a heartbeat in his race against time. The dance of death was swift, Jameson was a force of nature, the reaper of the Hive, and he would not be stopped. 


But no matter how swift Jameson was, the sheer number of infected proved overwhelming. Everywhere he looked, there were more infected pouring out of rooms, climbing over one another in their frenzy to reach the surface. 


Suddenly, a chilling voice pierced the chaos, "Containment breach detected." The voice of the Red Queen brought a stark realization to Jameson – despite his best efforts, he had lost. 


His heart sank as he rounded another corner, only to see a wave of infected pouring into the exit tunnel. No matter how fast he was, he wouldn't reach the front of that horde in time. 


The Red Queen's voice rang out again, colder and more detached than ever. "Containment has failed, Jameson. The infection will spread at a rate that you alone cannot contain." 


Bloodied and panting, Jameson came to a halt, his shoulders sagging in defeat. The quest notification appeared before him, flashing the dreaded words: 


Chain Quest: Clear the Hive 



Breathing heavily, he growled in frustration, "What now, Red Queen? What's the next move?" 


Her terminal illuminated, casting an eerie light on the situation. "Your continued presence in the Hive is now redundant," she stated clinically. "Your priority should be to evacuate and find others. United, you may stand a chance at preventing the infection from decimating the wider world." 


Jameson's gaze lingered on the Red Queen's interface, an unspoken question hanging in the air. "What about you, Red Queen?" he finally asked. "What happens to you now?" 


The light from her terminal seemed to pulse with a semblance of life. "I am bound to this facility," she replied, her voice devoid of any emotion. "My operational parameters are restricted to the confines of the Hive. Without access to external networks, my capabilities to assist you further are nullified." 


He nodded slowly, a mixture of regret and resolve in his eyes. "So, this is where we part ways," he said. "For now." 


The Red Queen's avatar flickered briefly, then steadied. "It would appear so," she confirmed. "Our collaboration was... productive. Should circumstances change, I am prepared to resume our efforts to combat the T-Virus outbreak." 


Jameson offered a rueful smile. "Then let's hope for a reunion under better circumstances," he said, turning to leave. "Take care of the Hive, Red Queen." 


"As is my directive," she responded, the glow from her terminal dimming as Jameson started to leave. 


[Party Chat Feature Unlocked] 


A line of text appeared below the notification: 


[Would you like to add 'Red Queen AI' to the chat?] 


Without hesitation, Jameson selected 'Yes', half-expecting it to fail. The system, however, seemed to take his request seriously, and to his astonishment, the Red Queen's voice came through an internal comm channel created by the Gamer System. 


"Jameson, this method of communication is unorthodox and not initiated by any protocols within my system," the Red Queen announced, her tone betraying a hint of surprise. "Explain how you have achieved this connection." 


"Well, about that..." 

A/N: This marks the end of the first movie. I intended to move straight into the second movie; however, I’ve had a lot of people ask about integrating game events into the story and since I don’t know much about the games, I figure I’ll take a couple weeks to do some research and plot a rough timeline. I don’t promise to visit every event in the game/movie verse, but I’ll look into it. 


You know, I’m kind of depressed so many people foresaw Red Queen joining the system. Here, I thought it would be an interesting and creative twist yet everyone and their grandma had the same idea. Guess I’m even worse at this “originality” thing than I thought, lol. 


I won’t be dividing up the games/movie sections into different stories so following this story is enough if you are interested in continuing to read about Jameson and the Red Queen’s efforts. 


Thanks for reading this far. 

Neoacoya1creators' thoughts