
Recovery and Resolve

The sun had barely risen when Jameson awoke from his restless sleep. He took a moment to assess himself. The throbbing pain from the previous day was now a dull ache, but a cough or a deep breath reminded him sharply of his bruised ribs.

He attempted to sit up, taking his time. As he did, the room's ambient lighting brightened, and the Red Queen's familiar holographic form appeared beside him. Her face was impassive as always, but her posture suggested curiosity.

"You're awake," she noted. "Your resilience continues to exceed my expectations."

Jameson chuckled weakly. "Didn't feel very resilient last night. These ribs, though better, are still a problem."

The Red Queen observed him for a moment before replying, "You may have enhanced durability, Jameson, but it would be unwise to underestimate the extent of your injuries."

Jameson frowned. "Thanks for the pep talk. Really boosting my morale here."

Her projection shimmered slightly as she continued, "Based on my calculations, given your previous engagements and the extent of your injuries, the odds of your survival were below average."

He raised an eyebrow, a hint of annoyance in his eyes. "Then why the hell did you send me after that thing?"

The Red Queen's image became crisper, her focus absolute. "There was a tangible probability that the Chimera would have detected your presence eventually. Imagine if it had attacked while you were vulnerable or exhausted. Your chances of survival would've been even slimmer. Eliminating the threat preemptively was the most logical course of action."

Jameson snorted, "Oh, in that case, feel free to toss me into likely lethal scenarios at your convenience."

Ignoring his sarcasm, the Red Queen replied, "Efficiency is paramount. Every decision I make is calculated to ensure our mutual objective."

Jameson sighed, reaching for an MRE packet on the nearby shelf. "Got any big plans for today?" he asked, tearing the packet open.

"We cannot predict when the Hive will become operational again," she replied, her tone stern. "We must proceed with haste."

He paused, looking at her with a weary expression. "I get it, but look at me. I'm not exactly in a state to be fending off another horde."

She considered this for a moment. "Acknowledged. Once you've re-armed and regained some strength, we'll focus on eliminating smaller concentrations of threats."

Jameson nodded, taking a bite from his meal. The road ahead was uncertain, but one thing was clear: there was no time to waste.

Jameson finished the last of his MRE, chewing thoughtfully. As he swallowed, he glanced down at his stained and battered clothes. "God," he muttered, "I'd kill for a decent shower right now."

The Red Queen's avatar appeared beside him, her form flickering in the dim lighting. "Once you're adequately armed, we can prioritize the Alert Dorms. They have functional showers."

He smirked, chuckling. "Promising a 'soldier' a hot shower? You're getting the hang of this motivation thing."

Following the route, he had cleared out during his confrontation with the Chimera, Jameson made his way back to the Armory. He stepped inside, immediately unfastening his damaged Riot Armor. He glanced over the racks, finally selecting a heavier version.

"Sick of the close calls," he murmured, strapping it on. The weight felt reassuring and given his plan to tackle threats from a distance, speed was less of a priority.

Four handguns were methodically strapped to the armor, accompanied by numerous ammunition pouches on the belt. As he took a final look around, an assault rifle caught his eye. Slinging it over his shoulder, he winced slightly, reminding himself that he'd likely only use it in the direst of circumstances. His ribs wouldn't handle the recoil well.

Under the Red Queen's guidance, Jameson moved towards the Alert Dorms. The sterile, dimly lit hallways provided an eerie backdrop. Every so often, he'd pause, concentrating and extending his senses to detect any nearby movement.

In one such moment, he detected the faint shuffle of feet from around a corner. Moving silently, he lined up his sight and squeezed the trigger. A headshot. The zombie crumpled to the ground, a clean exit wound evident. [+24 EP]

A bit further ahead, he spotted two zombies huddled together, feeding on some long-dead remains. Taking advantage of their distraction, he fired twice in quick succession. Two headshots. The 5-second interval meant the combo kill added to his tally. [+58 EP]

A muffled groan echoed from above. Looking up, Jameson could see remnants of torn clothing caught in the ventilation grates. Piecing it together, he surmised someone had tried to hide up there, seeking refuge from Red Queen's rampage. Unfortunately, they must've succumbed to the virus and turned.

As this realization dawned, a metal vent cover suddenly gave way, and the now-zombified former employee lunged down. Caught off-guard, but relying on his reflexes, Jameson sidestepped the plummeting creature. As it struggled to rise from its heavy fall, Jameson took the opportunity to land a precise shot to its head, ensuring it would never get up again. Headshot. [+24 EP]

As he continued on, Jameson would close every door behind him, a hint of satisfaction in his eyes as he heard the Red Queen electronically lock them.

Finally, he reached the Alert Dorms. With a deep breath, he banged on the door loudly with the butt of his pistol, simultaneously shouting. His voice echoed down the hallway, drawing out the undead from their hiding spots.

Almost immediately, a handful of them began shambling towards him. The first approached with its hands outstretched, its once-human eyes now void of any emotion. Jameson steadied his aim and fired, the bullet puncturing its forehead. [+24 EP]

Another two came from his left, walking in an eerily synchronized manner. Timing it right, Jameson shot one, then quickly adjusted his aim to the next, downing them both in quick succession. [+58 EP]

The last of the group was a bit swifter than the others. It lunged at him, catching Jameson slightly off guard. He stumbled back, firing a couple of errant shots that missed their mark. Regaining his composure, he took a deep breath and aimed once more. The bullet hit its mark, felling the creature. [+24 EP]

After the initial four, two more approached. Jameson, spotting a nearby laundry cart, quickly pushed it forward with all his strength. The cart barreled into the two unsuspecting zombies, knocking them off their feet. Before they could even attempt to get up, Jameson was on them, finishing both with swift shots to the head. Combo Kill. [+58 EP]

He cautiously moved into the Dorms, ensuring it was clear. Once satisfied, he closed the door behind him, making sure it was secure.

He turned to a wall-mounted monitor, reloading his guns. "Alright, Red Queen. Where to next?"

"The next location to be cleared is..."

Red Queen's holographic face appeared once again, a hint of approval evident in her words. "You've done well today, Jameson."

He simply nodded, exhaustion evident in his eyes. Without another word, he headed straight for the showers. As the hot water cascaded over him, washing away days of grime, blood, and sweat, Jameson closed his eyes, a smile playing on his lips.

For the first time in days, he felt a semblance of normalcy. The simple pleasure of hot water was a reminder of the world he was fighting to reclaim.

Starting EP Pool


Ranged Kills

11 zombie kills = 132 x 2 = 264 EP

(x4) 2 zombie kills = 24 x 2 = 48 + 20% combo bonus = 58 EP

(x2) 3 zombie kills = 36 x 2 = 72 + 40% combo bonus = 101 EP

5 zombie kill = 60 x 30% environment bonus = 78 + 100% combo bonus = 156 EP

Ranged Total EP = 854

Kill Total

854 EP

Survival Bonuses:

Strategic Traps: +30%

Ammo Conservation: +20%

No Damage: +20%

Total Bonus = +70%

Kill Total w/Bonuses = 1,452 EP

Finishing EP Pool = 3,205