
Day 5: Eating Stuff Gives Exp

I didn't sleep that well. Not only because I continued having nightmares where I was crushed and stabbed to death, but also because I was quite afraid of falling and breaking my neck.

The next morning I started to wander naked around the forest. Yes, naked. Well, I didn't respawn with clothes and I didn't even think of taking off the bloody clothes that I died with from my corpse.

Better to be naked than to be dressed with something with traces of your own viscera and blood.

Today I discovered something very useful: I can gain experience just by eating stuff. Everything that I eat for the first time, gives me 10 points of experience. However to get an entire level I need 100 points! That means 10 different plants that I need to eat.

I don't know if it a wise idea. I would end up poisoning myself if I try to level up using solely this method.

Well, today I found four different types of wild fruits and waited until I saw other animals eating them. Only then I did the same. I will not eat random things that I don't know anything about.

Not that I fear to die. I'm immortal. But I fear what would happen to the things in my inventory if I die: will they get dropped next to my last body? Or will they completely disappear?

I don't want to lose my two books on magic. Especially the golem one, I always wanted to be a summoner!

So, for the rest of the day, I just walked around toward the east. When we separated, we just told each other that if we could, we would go to the east the most possible.

I hope that I will found someone before long. Thankfully it's summer and the weather is good, I don't want to even think about how much I would be fucked up if it was winter. I don't even have clothes for fuck's sake!

I walked for at least thirty kilometers today, which is not that easy when you have eaten only a few berries and other wild fruit during all the day. Thankfully there are many little rivers, so water is not a problem. Food, on the other hand, is already becoming one.

I can't go on eating berries. Damn, I should have watched more of those Bear Grills episodes.

Even tonight I will climb a three. I don't trust the ground, too many insect and disgusting things that can attack me during the night.

Before closing my eyes, I opened up my character sheet and looked at the experience bar.

<Experience: 40/100>

I really need to find a way to level up faster. I need two levels to spend enough point in my intelligence and finally be able to learn those two skills.

Maybe tomorrow I will try fishing or hunting. Something tells me that killing things will also award a good amount of experience.

We will see.