
Gamer in RWBY

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). You know the cliche someguy gets transmigrated and have to be the hero of their own stories right? Well this guy Albus Goodwitch has the LUCK of being transmigrated into the world of Remnant or RWBY a web series show. Knowing the plot and very much lack of faith of the MC of the show he decided to put himself in harms way to hopefully achieve his goals of peace. Fortunately the unlikely Goodwitch didn't come alone as he has the powers of The Gamer to help me out. --- Also first time doing a Gamer Fic so I do hope you don't mind the mistakes I might make along the way.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Chapter 38: Beat the Bully (1)

~Albus POV~

It's already the new day as I viewed my current updates of stats I gained from the night training the whole might going more physical build this time than knowledge. After all to have a strong soul one must have a strong body.

For the night I only did push-ups for the duration of the night. Doing so I managed to raise my physical stats of VIT +3 and STR +2.



Name: Albus Goodwitch

Class: The Gamer

Title: Supporter

Level: 28 Next Lv.: 69.0%

HP: 1400/1400

AP: 700/700

STR: 62

AGI: 60

VIT: 63

INT: 74

WIS: 70

LUCK: 71

Points: 10

Lien: 55,500


Hmhm. Everything is going pretty well on my end from here as the stats bonus is a nice touch of 10…

I'll save those for now when it's needed. For now, though I'll have to work on increasing my skills first before anything crazy happens. Like that the rest of my team members began to wake up as we talked like usual.

Inside the cafeteria eating breakfast, Ruby was the first to ask me a question about the game as she replied, "Hey Al. Since you are you know what do you even have a limit? I mean in video games characters have limits but how does that relate to your character?"

Placing my hand over my chin I replied to Ruby an answer that even I'm not aware of while replying, "Hmm… I'm not sure exactly. So far everyone has higher levels in games but… if a person would have it in real life then it would be limitless."

Her eyes widen at this as Nora began to reply to my answer with her eyebrows raised as she responded to my answer, "Limitless? Well, I wouldn't exactly agree with that I mean. Its life – Oh! Never mind I just got it. Hahaha."

Yeah, yeah Nora I get it.

My life became a game and I have to more or less deal with it.

Pyrrha next responded to me curiously as she replied on my growth rate of the game, "Really? In that case, Albus what is the level of your gaming character anyways?"

Nodding my head while turning it towards her I replied to her answer the current things of my strength, "About Level 28 really over the past week. The two days during the weekend really helped catch up with the other players. But I still need a long way ago before reaching them."

They all nodded at this but were also surprised.

If anyone hasn't figured this out yet we tried to play this conversation off as were talking about the games here in Remnant when in reality we're talking about me about my stats and everything as well as my levels.

At least this way we can play it off as people assuming we play games during the weekends when my teammates want to learn more about my abilities. Which was something I took my time to study while training last night.

I mean I haven't gotten to properly get used to the Gamer powers I was handed when I just arrived in this world. So yeah concerning myself with the gamer powers was at the time my least concern as I needed to level up.

Now that I have thought I have properly gotten the idea of what my Gamer powers are with some time on hand to get properly get accustomed to it.

The Gamer is an ability given to me by some unknown force. The ability also assists me in the usage of my ability, creating a system to monitor my daily life and this ability to learn and create skills.

That was plainly obvious from the start and then came the setting window I have. Apparently, though its basic as it can get like adjusting the brightness, music of the background check, vibration function, and more.

Hell, I even have a music soundtrack for the background and all say RWBY Vol. 1 Sound Track or the next and so on of course. But to the task at hand though it was actually the MAP function that was useful.

Apparently in Beacon Academy there happens to be a god to honest Dungeon in the area on the map. The reason why I couldn't find it earlier was the fact I wasn't close to it which makes some sense I guess.

It's like finding secret items not shown on maps… but that was the good part…

The bad part though…

It located near Amber's location is where probably most likely the relic of Choice or the crown resides inside. Honestly, though it does make sense to me how a Dungeon could be formed because it has magic.

It's like how the original Gamer came to his friend's private training ground till he changed it by entering the dungeon as it was now a literal dungeon that couldn't be stopped but is safe sense all the dangers are inside of it.

The only real problem is how do I explain this to Ozpin figuring out his secret with me around. And how do I explain the need of going inside the Dungeon with him trying to learn more about my power…

But the dungeon is what I need to grind more perfectly but how do I convince the man in question…

[The Quest is created.]



Quest: Revive the Fall Maiden!

The Gamer has found a Magic Dungeon within the Beacon Academy grounds. The Dungeon has the key to reviving the Fall Maiden from her broken state. Convince the Headmaster Ozma to enter the Dungeon and Dominate it to achieve the rewards.

Condition: You must solo run this Dungeon.

Rewards: 10,000 Lien, 500 Exp, Unlock Fast Travel Function, and Unlock???

Failure: Death.

[Accept: Y] or [Deny: N] or [Hold: H]


What the fuck.

Glancing at the rewards though they could be useful and certainly having a fast travel function would be great. I mean it makes everything convenient for me to have.

But what the hell does the unlock ??? there for?

"Hey, earth to Albus~"

Getting out of my state of thinking as I heard Nora nudged at me as I was in deep thought while cheerfully getting her attention, "Hey fearless leader! Class is gonna start soon. Gotta go fast ya know?"

Nodding at this I agreed as I press the [Hold: H] for the time being. It's not like it's going to fade away as it seems the mission of this is on hold.

For now, though I should bring this up to Ozpin about this during the weekend. This may escalate things but no way Ozpin is going to miss a chance to have one of his own be healed from this especially Amber would get healed.

Leaving the cafeteria again we all made it to our first class to learn more about Prof. Port's studies of Grimm again.

It was now gym class with Prof. Port as he teaches us how to be a team he began to instruct us outside the Emerald Forest as he spoke, "Hoh! Now young students we have a great chance in the great outdoors! For your assignment, you need to have some team-building exercises when you hunt Grimm. All you need to do for today is simply train with your group."

That sounds simple enough as everyone has done what they are told and we all began to get together as we began talking about some other stuff. As for me though I was multitasking for today.

Since I have the free time I began to experiment adding my <Glpyhs> with <Gyro-Telekinesis> to see if I can add another skill into it to see what I can do.

And like I thought it worked.

[Due to learning the skills <Gyro-Telekinesis> with <Glyphs> the skill <Gravity Glyphs> is generated.]

Skill List. <Gravity Glyphs>.


<Gravity Glyphs> (Active) Lv.1 Exp: 0.0%

Combing the skills <Gyro-Telekinesis> with <Glyphs> allows the status effect of the target to become suddenly double the weight of Remnant making it unable to move a lot and restrict its movements. The Weight can be increased depending on Skill Level. AP cost 15.


Grinning happily at this Ruby glances over at me with an innocent look on her face as she tries to talk to me, "Hey Al? What should we do for team bonding and training today? I mean Prof. Port is expecting us to get it done with a presentation so how?"

Smirking at this rubbing her cute head I replied as she seems to enjoy the head pat, "That's simple my little friend. I know a method that could help us out. Have you ever heard our great lord and savior gravity training?"

"Gravity Training?"


Snapping my fingers a glyph suddenly appeared beneath us as we all feel the weight of double the amount as we all struggle like this as I explained to them, "If we do gravity training by feeling double the weight of our gravity like this we can become stronger and faster once it wears off. Hope you guys don't mind the challenge?"

Pyrrha replies to this with a smirk on her face as she takes it head-on, "Nope. No problems from me Al. I think I can take the challenge."

Nora was next as she grins wickedly at this replying towards me trying to stick a thumbs up, "No worries fearless leader. Ugh… I won't gravity beat I Queen of the Castle!"

Ruby was having a hard time though getting used to the change as she tries to be positive, "Don't worry about me… ugh… I can do this with time… but is this how heavy I am?"

I would say yes because of the cookies but remain silent for safety.

Sorry girls but you can think of this as a workout for now hope for the best.

Game on.