
Gamer in Danmachi

A boy went sleeping and wake up in danmachi. Found out he have a shit gamer system, but wants to enjoy the adventure life free of school and he will do everything in his power to achieve that.

lucifer38hell · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 9

I went outside and bought full bag of plastic bag and came back to my room.

Taking out frog meat which looked like chicken leg with thigh but 3 times bigger I put 10 in one bag, and like that I have 4 bags total of 40 pieces frog meat. Putting 3 bag back in the inventory and taking one bag I went towards Mama Mia's pub.

Going inside the pub I saw Mama Mia behind the counter and the staffs are talking to each other.

There are few people sitting around the tables talking and drinking. Its near 8pm, people should start to come in.

I come in front of mama mia as she looked at me. The staff also stopped talking.

"Do you want to buy frog meat, it's from the dungeon." I said.

"Ohh let me see" She asked.

I handed the bag over to her and she looked inside.

I cleaned the meat with water and dried it with air before putting it in the bag so it should look good quality.

"Hmm it looks good. How much?" She asked

"Uhh.. "

'one beginning adventure sword cost around 5,000 valis so meat shouldn't be that expensive'.

"3,000 valis" I said


"May take this and prepare it for tomorrow" she handed the bag to a cat girl

"Yes mama nyaa"

"Here's your money"

It happened so fast that I kept looking at her.

"Ohh... Thanks" saying I took the money hesitantly then turn around to leave.

"Hey boy" she said and I looked back.

"Sit down may will prepare some food for you"

"Uhh.. I will eat somewhere else so it's fine"

"Sit down it's on the house"

Frowning I asked "why?"

"Do I need a reason to give free food" she said arching a brow.

"No... I guess" confused I walk back towards the counter and sit down on stool.

"Is this your first time getting frog meat?" she asked me.

"Yeah I got them today" I replied to her.

"Most people cook it by themselves, you don't know how to cook do you?"

"I know how to cook but don't have the time for it." After all if you stay by yourself you will learn to cook eventually.

"These are delicacy because how good it tastes."

After hearing her words my mind caught up to what she is trying to say, why she bought the bag so fast from me….. I got scammed.

I looked at her "ohh you caught on huh."

"Let this be a lesson kid, don't sell things without knowing the price".

My mood plummeted listening to this.

"Don't be so down kid" she said looking at my face.

"You will remember this in the future".

"Any meat you will get in the dungeon are top tier meat, the deeper in the dungeon the better it becomes and more expensive it is."

Pouring a glass of juice she handed me.

"Here, drink while your food is being prepared".

"Don't you have anything else" I asked for different juice. Drinking the same orange juice every time is making my taste buds sick.

"No, other fruit cost more"

"You are a cheapskate, you know that"

"Haha the pub does not run by itself kid" she said walking back in kitchen.

As I was drinking my juice someone came besides me

"Sorry for that" said a girl.

"Huh.." turning to side I looked at her. She have silver hair and silver eyes She looked like some exotic girl.

"It's fine I learned my lesson" I replied to her in normal tone. My taste in girl is a milf type. After all milfs are the best.

"Do you want to know the price" she said to me.

I looked at her, then behind her. Other waitress are talking among themselves, looking towards the kitchen I saw no one coming, I turned back to her nodding my head.

"Promise, you will come back here to eat again"

"Ok" I promised.

"You are lying"

"No I am not" I am lying. Who the fuck would come to a place where he got scammed.

"So you will come again?" she asked again.


"You lied again"

I looked at her squinting my eyes, she looked back the same way, squinting at me.

'How the fuck is she doing that.'

"So....will you come here again to eat"

"Yes I will" I said nodding my head.

"You are…. not lying!" she said puzzled.

"Hah.. I knew it".


"Nothing, so the price".

I am smirking in my head 'she must've some sort of lie detector skill, I just have to think I will come once again here and it works, she didn't say when' I feel pretty proud of myself.

She squint her eyes "Hmm..... tomorrow".


"I will tell you the price tomorrow when you come to eat again" she said smirking.

'Crafty gal she is' turning away from her I started drinking my juice.

"Meh... I will find out by going to different places to sell it anyway" I said waving her to go away.

"Nyaa syr getting rejected nya " said a cat girl coming behind the girl I am talking to.

"What.. no I am not" she said with a little blush.

"Mister you have high taste to reject my cute sister nyaa"

"Wha...I didn't...she didn't.." I said flustered.

"Here's your food " mia said putting a plate in front of me.

It's the same frog leg meat I sold her

"Have a taste what it's like"

"What are you two doing go get people in" she said to the two waitresses.

"Yes mama" both said running away

I took a bite and "Hmmm".

Wow it's like those A5 I have seen on YouTube previously. I haven't tasted any but from there description this is what it would have felt like.....I think. Soft and tender meat with intramuscular fat and so good that putting it in my mouth feels like the best food I have in my life.

I ate with gusto.

"That was delicious. How much?" I asked mia.

She looked at me with quirked eyebrow.

"Ohh yeah, well thanks for the food"

I said getting up and walking away.

"Come back tomorrow" the girl said from behind.

I didn't say anything and kept walking.

"Don't break her heart nyaa" the cat girl said loudly.

"Hey you.."

I started walking faster getting out of there.


Laying down the bed I opened the panel thinking what to buy. I only have give or take 1000SP remaining. Every time I look to buy something my thought come to stop at the seal from naruto for 500SP.

Sitting on the bed and making up my mind I bought 1 seal form Naruto which increase gravity upto 10 times for 500SP. Now I have very low SP as the seal start to appear on my body.

I stood up strip all my clothes and went to the bathroom standing in front of the mirror. The seal is just a strip of black ink identical on both side of my body.

Starting from behind the ear, moving down to the side of the neck and then the shoulder, there is a circular band on the bicep. Then the strip of black ink continuing from the triceps down to the wrists, there is another circular band on the wrist.

Another strip starts between my chest and stomach which is in circle then going down straight and stops near my pubes then split again identically to both side. Going to the side of my waste then going down to the calf, making a circular band on the calf then going to the ankle and making another circular band.

The information comes to my brain from the system on how to use the seal. I just have to pour magic on the circle in-between my chest and stomach and it will start.

Looking at my reflection, it's looked like I am becoming some type of model with my skin clearing up day by day and muscles started to show on my body. Even my little brother down there looking healthy like a person eating good food looking plump and bigger than before.

'Man if I was a girl I would fuck myself.'

I come near the door where I marked my height and now, I maybe 2 to 3 cm taller than before.

'Ok enough admiring myself. Let's see what's the seal can do'

Getting ready I pour little magic into the seal.

The moment I pour mana into the seal-

1st second-

It felt like someone pick up a 16-wheeler truck filled to the brim and put it on top of me. The sudden weight on my body buckled my knees and I have to supported it with his hands to not fall over. Standing in a squat position with my hand straight, palm holding onto my knees I gritted my teeth head down feeling all the air went out from my lungs. Breathing air feels so hard as if my lung doesn't want to expand to take more air inside because of the pressure on my body. I made my whole body taunt because I feel like if I loosen my body even a little bit I will shit all my innards.

2nd second-

I closed my eyes hastily feeling my eyeball started to come out from my socket. Next, my ear felt like it's going to tear itself away from my head and lastly where most of the pain coming from, my groin. My dick and balls which are hanging freely between my legs felt like someone pulling it with all her/his might to rip it apart from my body. Feeling immense pain I moved one of my hand towards my groin to hold it from ripping away and lost my balance falling on the bathroom floor.

3rd second-

On my knees, face on the floor with one hand holding my groin and other on the floor supporting my body with ass in the air as if ready to get some from behind, I stopped the flow of mana on the seal and the weight disappeared.

Turning around I lay on the floor holding my groin in pain.

'fuck me, this is the lowest level of the seal !'

'Aaahhh…my balls. I will never do this naked again with parts hanging out in the open'.

Taking out a healing potion I put a few drops of it on my genitals feeling relieved from the pain.

Standing up I wore my clothes and went to bed feeling sore from so much pressure on my body.


Coming to the restaurant to eat breakfast I asked the person.

"Do you sell meat dish from dungeon?"

"Yeah but it's hard to get a hold of it as people don't want to sell that stuff. Why, do you want to sell some?" he asked me.

"What's the price for one frog leg?" I asked him.

"1 frog leg is 1700-2000 valis and if you want to buy to eat then 4000 valis." He told me.

'That fat bitch scammed me whole 9 pieces' I thought angrily.

'I will take my revenge just you wait, fuck'.

"How much is it really?" I asked again probing.

"Kid, I just told you the real price because I thought that you have some to sell. If you sell me I will give you 2000 valis per leg. How about that?"

"How much do you want?" I asked seeing what his price range is.

"I can buy 10 pieces from you at the moment. I have to sell it as well, tell people that they can get some premium food from here. So, can you sell that much?"

"Only 10 pieces?" I asked disappointed.

"What? You have more. How many?" he asked incredulously.

"At least 30" I replied.

"And you don't give those to your familia. That's what everyone does, so they cook in for their own familia, and that's why dungeon meat rarely found in the market." He told me.

"I have some personal reason. So can you tell me who else can I sell?"

"Hmm if you have that much then I suggest go to the gambling place in the entertainment District. They will buy all from you and any type of rare food from the dungeon. Many rich people go there so selling isn't a problem for them."

"Thanks for the info man, I will get 10 pieces for you. You will buy them, right?" I asked him.

"Why do you think I give all the info for"

"Haha then I am coming after a little while. Keep the money ready. How much?." I asked as I stood up finishing breakfast.

"It's on the house if you continue to sell me when I ask for it"

"Heh, it's a deal then. Just tell me in the morning when I come for breakfast." I guess becoming a regular customer has its charm.

"uh btw what's your name?"

'I don't even know his name and making a deal with him. Where's your head at dude, its ok that you don't talk to people that much but at least try to be a normal human.'

"its Kenji Yamamoto"

"I am eren dragonheart"


I came in a clothes store looking for some tight clothes to wear for training.

"Hello sir how may I help you?" asked the receptionist.

"Do you have some tight clothes to wear and something tight to wear on head." I asked her.

"We have some speedo which a man wears on beach, we also have some tight fitting cap to wear on head for people who go for long swim. Will that be good for you?" she asked.

"Hmm… show me those speedo you said"

"What size are you?" she asked me.

"Uhh.. I don't know". There isn't any number on the underwear I wear here.

She looked towards my waist.

I started fidgeting from the look, the way she is looking at my waist I feel like she is looking at my dick and its making my horny. I haven't masturbated after coming here which if you count the time chamber its more than 15 days. Before I masturbated every other day in the shower or at night looking at porn. But after coming here those thought never cross my mind because I am always in the dungeon or train my magic or martial arts in my room.

After taking some time to look she picked some boxes from behind her and opened taking out some speedo shorts and tight rubber caps.

"Here are some why don't you try it in there" she said pointing me to a changing room.

"Thank you" saying I picked some and went towards the booth.

Removing my pants I put on the 1st speedo and it is tight. I want something tight to wear so that next time I use seal my body parts don't hang around freely. The seal will still affect my body but if all parts stick close together then maybe I won't feel that much pain I felt earlier.

I tried 2 more of different sizes and the 2nd one is tight but not enough to crush my balls. After that I tried the cap on and it fits perfectly holding my ear tightly. Changing back, I came outside and went towards her.

"Can you give me 5 of this size speedos and 5 of these caps." saying I showed her the one which fits perfectly.

She put 5 speedos including the one in my hand and 5 caps into a bag and handed it to me.

"That will be 75,000 valis sir"

Giving her the money I came outside with bag.


Have a nice day

lucifer38hellcreators' thoughts