
Gamer in Danmachi

A boy went sleeping and wake up in danmachi. Found out he have a shit gamer system, but wants to enjoy the adventure life free of school and he will do everything in his power to achieve that.

lucifer38hell · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 8

Sitting on the bed I thought about learning healing magic as I opened the book and began to read.


After eating breakfast in the morning, I went towards the black market inside Daedalus Street. I know the location because of the former person memory. He used to come here to sell stolen goods from merchants.

I wore a black clock and use the darkness spell over my face as I entered inside the black market. Walking forward I started looking around searching for something that I need...

'Ahh there you are - monster lure.'

I read about it in monster book stating that adventures should be careful when seeing a monster lure and run away from there as monster hoard might appear because of it.

"How much is it" I asked the seller pointing my finger at the lure.

"50,000 valis" he replied

Looking at him I saw him squinting his eyes at me trying to see my face.

"Give me 4" I said

"Certainly sir that will be 200,000 valis" he told me

Putting my hand inside the robe I take out 20 coins from inventory and paid him.

Taking the pouch from him filled with monster lore I put it inside my clock and put it in the inventory.

I started heading out from there and towards the dungeon but feel as if someone tailing me. It feels someone pushing a needle at the back of my head.

I know this will happen when coming here, but I also know the people who will follow me will be low level. Level 1-2 max because more powerful people know they won't get much by coming after me just from looking at my attire. Level 3 and people above that level don't need to resort to this type of work as they will get more from going to the dungeon and killing monsters there.

I continue the heading towards the dungeon, and after getting inside I ran towards the second floor tunnels.

Before going inside the tunnel, I look back and saw the three people entering the second floor looking around as they saw me I ran inside.

After going further inside the tunnel, I dug a hole on the side of the wall with earth magic and after getting inside I manipulated the wall with my magic to cover the front with two holes to see outside.

After 10 seconds I saw three people running past me and I ready myself with my left hand for fire magic as I crumbled the wall with my right hand.

After hearing the sound, they turned around and saw me standing behind them. There were three of them.

"You ran away pretty fast, but you should've kept running instead of confronting us," the first person said.

"Now, hand over everything, and we might let you live," the second person threatened.

"Forget talking let's just kill him, take everything, and go," the third person declared.

All of them drew their swords and began to run towards me, ready to attack..

As they were a meter away from me, I bring out my hand and spewed fire pumping half of my magic in it burning them


There scream echoed in the tunnel as I continued it for 20 seconds then stopped.

Two of the guys are burned to crisp smelling like pork probably dead and 3rd guy kneeling on the ground with third degree burn.

"You motherfu**er I will kill you, then I find your family and torture them to death" he said gritting his teeth in anger. His lips, nose, ear, hair, skin on his body looks like its melting and charred like meat on a griller.

He looks strong otherwise he would have died the same way as the other two.

I didn't say anything just looked at him smirking as if mocking him, which made him mad.

"You fu**er" he said as he stand up and charge towards me.

I pulled out my sword and put my palm behind the blade facing towards him.

The moment his blade came slashing towards me I flash my palm with high intensity of light at his face and blocked his sword with mine.


 he screamed

I backed away.

"Fu**er, where are you. When I get my hands on you I will feed you to the monster alive." He said slashing around blindly with closed eyes.

Using aura to strengthen myself, I took out the knife throwing it with full force towards him, stabbing him on his thigh.

"You fu"

He stumbled as the knife stuck on his thigh, I run forward at full speed using aura, slashing at his neck beheading him, not giving him even a chance to spew bullshit.

I stopped using aura, and started stripping everything valuables from their bodies, with disgust on my face.

It feels yucky pealing out armor and sword or searching for money when flesh, whatever left of their cloth and steel sticks to each other.

 I buried them in the ground manipulating it with magic then flattening it as it was before.

Removing my cloak and making my face visible I started to run forward.

I now understand how people get used to killing. In anime and manga I read, people say that monster and people feels different when you kill them but to me I feel more sympathy for the monster. They are made by the dungeon to kill humans and doesn't have their own thought like other animals in my previous life. It doesn't mean I will stop killing monsters but I can still sympathies form them.

But people who try to kill other for their own benefit, I don't care one bit if I skin them alive or make a grilled pork of them by setting them on fire. But I guess I don't have the stomach for skinning someone so grilling it will be.

'Man look at me, thinking of different ways to kill someone in the future. Is this what people meant in my previous life when they said "In the absence of laws, the delicate fabric of society unravels, revealing the savage nature lurking beneath the veneer of civilization". What am I becoming...…'.

After coming to the 5th floor I stopped taking a breather.

'Hmm 3 swords, 2 light chest plate, 3 knife, 1 armguard, 100,000 valis. Not a bad haul.' I thought gleefully.

I started walking forward, looking for monsters as I remember the ant hordes come on the next floor. As I am searching around for spacious place to lure monsters three war shadows came behind me, hearing the sound I turn round blowing fire at them for a sec.


Smoke started coming out of them as they jumped back.

Rushing forward I bisect 1st one, while remaining two pounced on me.

I manipulated earth with my foot making earth cone to pierce through them but they broke through it, making me dodge to the side.

'it's not strong enough huh'

Standing up I jumped between them dodging their swipe spinning between them cutting both of their heads.

'I have become strong but I need something more to go SSS rank'

This is my status after training in the time chamber.



STR :SS-1055 

END :S-945

DEX :A-854

AGI :A-867 

MAG : SSS-1120

Walking around I found a big room to fight so I got back and sealed both side of tunnel from where someone can come to the big room with earth wall so others don't come there.

Coming back to the room I stretched a bit.

"Ok it's time to do or die"

Taking out monster lure I looked at it. Its look like an egg with shell outside and when I crushed it there's some type of meat inside and a different type of smell, sweet and repugnant at the same time. I crushed it and through it to the ground.

After a few seconds some chittering sound enter my ears, wall starts to break revealing war shadow(WS) and frog shooter(FS), there's some needle rabbit(NR) in the mix and from entrance killer ants(KA) started to swarm inside.


Standing in the middle of the room I rushed forward cutting first KA head as NR jump at me, I punched to its side blowing it to bits dodging FS tongue cutting it. Blowing fire in front as monsters screamed, I jump back turning I slashed 2 WS and landed on the ground.

As the battle raged on eren continue fighting relentlessly, he swiftly moved his head out of the way to avoid a strike from NR creature. Seizing the moment, he delivered a powerful kick to a WS, skewering its head with his foot. As he charged ahead, deftly navigated through the throng of monsters, relentlessly cutting and punching his way through.

Blowing fire to the oncoming monsters with his open palm, eren leaped back towards the looming KA, gracefully landing on the back of one's head and swiftly slicing through its neck. A kick to another KA's abdomen caused it to burst open in a gory display.

The relentless onslaught of monsters pressed in on me, sweat dripping down my brow as I continued to battle on. Suddenly, a sharp pain jolted through my calf, looking down a KA sinking its mandibles in, attempting to cut through my leg. Reacting quickly, I drove my sword through its head, making it vanish in smoke. However, a NR managed to pierce my forearm, causing me to lose my grip on my sword.

I grabbed the NR head with my free hand in anger and crushed it, but a WS swiped its claws at me with. I crossed my arms in defence, but the force of the blow sent me crashing against the wall, coughing up blood.



 The horde closed in, screaming and crocking.

"F**king shit"

I muttered under my breath, pushing myself up from the ground. I thrust both palms forward, summoning a torrent of fire, directing the flames towards the oncoming horde. With a fluid motion of my hand, I manipulated the fire in a circular motion, burning the creatures in front of me.

The sound of their agonized cries filled the room, mixing with the crackling of the flames and burned meat.

I channeled my energy, using aura on my body I rushed forward with full force as I unleashed a powerful punch that shattered the head of KA, swiftly taking down WS with a lethal kick. Engaging in combat with a mix of hand-to-hand and martial arts techniques, I fought fiercely, tapping into every skill at my disposal I learned from masters memories.

Suddenly, my concentration is broken as FS's tongue struck my head, causing me to stumble and resulting in a wound that started to bleed. Regaining my balance, I leaped towards the wall, delivering a powerful kick to FS making a hole onto the roof before landing back on the ground. Again, using aura and infusing my hands and feet with thunder element, I surged towards the remaining monsters, started to tear and blow them all my might.





Kneeling on the ground, blood dripped down from my mouth, nose and different cuts on my body as my clothes have become ragged, I put one hand side of my chest.


I got punched at least 4 times on the same place by WS that some of my ribs cracked.

Fighting monster horde is hard as they kept coming even if you continue to cut them.

'I think there were more than 300 monsters there.'

I looked around the room and there are many monsters core and loot on the ground. There is war Shadow finger blade, needle rabbit horn and tusk, killer ant shell and frog shooter hind leg which is very delicious when cooked.

There are only 2 monsters up to 20 floors that I know leave meat behind to consume, one is frog shooter and other one is battle boar. Using my magic, I made a circular wave on the ground from outermost side of the room to me so that all the loot gets together near me.

After doing that I took out a healing potion and drink it sitting against the wall to recover.

The wall above my cracked

I looked up seeing a war Shadow claw coming out I raised my hand burning it.

A monster core and a finger blade fell on top of me.


After sometime recovering a little I stand up and started collecting all the loot near me putting everything in inventory except for some finger blade and rabbit horn which I put in the bag.

After this I continue to fight monsters on floor 6-7 for some hours but without using monster lure.

"I think that's enough for today"

'I am exhausted from fighting continuously.'

 Taking out a cloak I wore it going towards the first floor remembering about the Jack bird.

'Every time I come in the dungeon I have to remember to search around for that bird. Can't leave my golden goose now, can I '.

As I am searching on the first floor for my golden goose I came across people standing near a room where I remembered I caught jack bird.

'So news is already out then huh.'

There are 4-5 groups of people standing far away from the entrance and 4 people standing near the entrance looking in the room from time to time.

'Heh….. continue to be dumb fucks. Because of people like these who just run around without thinking other people make money by fooling them.'

I turn in different direction and continue to rush through the tunnel here and there searching.


Hearing the sound I turn around and jumped onto the wall kicking it blowing the wall with blood, muscles and feathers away before the monster even came out from the wall.

"Ohh… "

Picking up the golden egg I went outside of the dungeon.


I stood in line in front of rose booth waiting for my turn.

"Hello sir, what can I do for you?" she said

"I want to sell these" I said giving her the pouch

She put everything in the tub on the side of her examining the loot.

"It's 9,000 valis" saying she handed me the money.

Taking money from her I took out a KitKat wrapped in aluminum foil and handed to her.

"Eat this, it's chocolate it will give you energy, you look lifeless" I said.

Frowning she said "I don't need..

"Well have a great day... bye" interrupting her I said and left running.


After cleaning myself I sit down on the bed.

"First selling cores"

I sold all monster core except a handful which I kept for emergency money

"15 SP total for more than 500 monster core hah... shitty system."

"Next hmmm I don't know how much frog leg meat cost but I should sell these to Mama Mia restaurant. Adventures come there to eat so they will surely buy it."

"But first…" I said opening my status



STR :SS-1095 

END :SS-1025

DEX :A-894

AGI :A-897 

MAG : SSS-1420

"Hmm… I need to find a way to level up my DEX and AGI because they are the lowest.

Have a nice day

lucifer38hellcreators' thoughts