
Gamer God of the Multiverse

Wouldn't you for once like to see an MC with an overpowered system that travels from world to world, dominating everything in his path? This is the story of Harrison Omen, a genius with almost no emotion, and a thirst for power. First World: Fallout Time & Place of Reincarnation: New Vegas

Soul_Simp · Others
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Harrison Omen

[Author's Note: The MC already knows how the system and his reincarnations function, I just skipped over the "Meeting God" part of the story since you all have seen it a million times]

With the opening of his eyes, he forces them to shut as the blinding light of the afternoon sun on the sand burns his eyes.

Opening them slowly, his senses slowly adjust to the world around him. With a sigh, he brings out his system.


[Author's Note: The system is very slightly based on the fallout system]

Titles: [Reincarnator: +1 All Base Stats]

Name: Harrison Omen

Level: 1

Stat Points: 0

Skill Points: 0

Store Points: 0

[Base Stats]

Power: 6

Endurance: 6

Knowledge: 6

Dexterity: 6

Luck: 6


Energy Weapons: 20

Explosives: 20

Guns: 20

Medicine: 20

Melee Weapons: 20

Repair: 20

Science: 20

Stealth: 20

Speech: 20

Unarmed: 20


Ageless, Gamer's Mind, Gamer's Body. Powerful Background.


10,000 Caps, 1,000 rounds of 308, 1,000 rounds of 9mm, Water Canteen.


Furrowing his eyebrows, he clicks for more details on his background for this world.


[Ex-NCR War Hero]

Serving in the New California Republic for five years, you were sent on suicide missions that many deemed impossible, you not only survived, but you also completed each and every mission.

The NCR brass treats you like a golden goose and will do whatever they need to keep you on their side, despite you no longer being a part of the NCR.

The soldiers of the NCR have great respect, admiration, and a little fear, hoping to never be your enemy.


Closing the screen, he looks around to see a small town that he recognizes as Goodsprings.

The village was quaint, only about two dozen people, farmers mostly.

Walking into town, he wears reinforced leather armor, a red beret on his head, a hunting rifle on his back, and a 9mm on his hip.

Catching the attention of the locals, he gives them a nod which calms their anxiety.

It's not every day that their village gets visitors, especially heavily armed ones.

Shaking his head, Harrison enters the saloon, making a left to the bar area to see a lone woman cleaning the tables, "Can I get a whiskey?"

The barkeeper, Trudy, nods her head at him before walking behind the bar and pouring him a glass.

She glances at his armor and weapons, "You a bounty hunter or something... if it wasn't for that armor, I'd think you were NCR"

Finishing his whiskey like it was a shot, he ignores the question only to hear the door of the saloon swinging open, revealing a man with a package in his hand.

From his attire, and parcel in his hands, it was easy to figure out that this was the MC of this world, The Courier.

He had a few ideas, including the one to just kill him here and take the platinum chip but he decided to wait until night when he gets shot in the head by Benny and the Great Khans.

As the sun starts to set beyond the horizon, he wanders up to the cemetery and hides behind a large rock, awaiting the opportune moment to reveal himself.

A few hours pass by until the Mojave is covered by soft moonlight, giving an eerie feeling to the wasteland.

Hearing footsteps and some light arguing, Harrison peers over the rock to see the group distracted by their captive.

Taking out his hunting rifle, he steadies his breathing before BANG!

As his first shot rings out, blowing benny's brains out, he takes out his 9mm, shooting the three Khans before they can reach for their weapons.

With his gun still razed, he strolls over to their dead bodies, double-tapping each of them.

Searching near Benny's body, he finds the Platinum chip and puts it in his Inventory.

Cutting the ropes on the Courier, he helps the middle-aged man stand, "In return for saving your life, I'll be taking the thing you were delivering... deal?"

Despite being kidnapped, and almost killed, the man looks surprisingly calm, "I'm good with that", he says with a firm nod.

As the Courier collects guns and other things from the dead Khans, he heads back to Goodsprings, leaving Harrison to his own devices.

When he's sure he's alone, he brings out his system.


Titles: [Reincarnator]

Name: Harrison Omen

Level: 5

Stat Points: 20

Skill Points: 80

Store Points: 4,000

[Base Stats]

Power: 6

Endurance: 6

Knowledge: 6

Dexterity: 6

Luck: 6


Energy Weapons: 20

Explosives: 20

Guns: 20

Medicine: 20

Melee Weapons: 20

Repair: 20

Science: 20

Stealth: 20

Speech: 20

Unarmed: 20


Ageless, Gamer's Mind, Gamer's Body. Powerful Background.


10,000 Caps, 1,000 rounds of 308, 1,000 rounds of 9mm, Water Canteen, Platinum Chip, Maria (9mm).


"I guess that old bastard was telling the truth, I do gain a level with every kill'", he says with the slightest of smiles

Putting four points into all his Stats making each of them ten, a small surge of power washes over him.

Putting all eighty points into Guns, a perk appears, [Unstoppable]


Unstoppable: Your bullets cannot be stopped by armor.


'Nice, though, I wonder what I'll get at a thousand points'


Time for some more notes by the Author, Yay!

Yes, the MC will level up from every kill.

Yes, that is really strong, especially in this world.

Yes, he can gain other stats and skills after doing/experiencing different things.

No, this will not have a regular schedule, it will be sporadic at best.

Yes, this will have some 18+ things in it like sex, torture, mass murder, etc.

Yes, he will travel to other worlds, he can travel to his next world whenever he wants but he will NOT be able to visit any of his previous ones again.

Yes, his system has a store.

No, he will not purchase the Senju bloodline of the Sharingan.

Yes, there will still be hard worlds/universes even for him.

No, death is not permanent, if he dies, he will just be sent to his next world.

When will the next chapter be released? you all need to complete a mission if you want your reward.

Mission: I want fifty comments in this chapter to be just memes but they cannot be the same one repeatedly, I want some variety.

Love you all!