
gamer around the multiverse

Connor dies by truck kun sending him to a god that gives him a wish and two power roulette spins, Sadly the spins are not that powerful but they are still better than nothing. Connor gets yeeted into another multiverse where there are not yet any omnipotent beings and 2 powerful beings are fighting over the control of the multiverse. The multiverse is special in the sense that everyone be it monster or man has a system. I only own my characters. This is my first novel don't expect too much, the novel will be updated irregularly but i will try to post 1 chap a week. Each chap will be around 1k+ words. The mc has little to no morals and his main goal is to become as powerful as he can get. There are some extra gory parts. Almost every chapter will have the mc's status page at the end of the chapter, i recommend reading the page at time skips or every 5~ chapters. (some tags will make sense in some later chapters)

Lukas_dark · Video Games
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58 Chs

48 test

(A.n: sorry for the late new chapter and new uploads might slow down, keyword might)

(A.n 2: the real world is boring af when can i sign up to have my mind transferred to a computer to be inside a simulated cool rpg life -_-)

I open my eyes and see a floating screen infront of me.

[Welcome to the initiation please pick what trial you want to take based on your results you will gain a bonus from the tower.

Pick the one you think you will excell at the most.










"Hmm defense" i said and another screen popped up.

[You have picked the trial of defense, we will test your defense.

Note: do not worry about death you will be revived if you die]

Suddenly a robot holding a wooden stick appeared and above him there was a screen that said [level 1].

[To complete this level and any of the future levels of this trial let yourself be hit 5 times by the robot]

I walked to the robot and when i got 4 meters away from it it looked at me and swung the stick at me which did nothing to me as expected.

A few minutes later...

[Level 34: reinforced sniper rifle]

The bullets ricocheted off of me.

Some time later...

[Level 68: rail gun sniper rifle]

I stood waiting for the shot and i am pretty sure i will die since the last level would have killed me had i not used my telepathy and blood manipulation to soften the impact first.

I brace for impact with everything i have and i hear a deafening *BOOM* and there is a large hole in my chest and before i can do anything else i hear another *BOOM* i collapse to the ground with my head splattered across the ground.

I open my eyes and see a slightly surprising set of notifications.

[Due to a specific action your sub class leveled up 10x]

[Due to experiencing death your skill death energy resistance leveled up to lvl 70]

[Congratulations on making it to lvl 68 before dying your pick your free technique that was selected based on your performance:

Blood crystal shell technique: by using a mixture of qi and blood you can create a defensive crystal like barrier around your skin that is extremely effective against physical damage.

Qi hardening technique: temporarily harden your body or items by making your Qi flow in a special way.

Energy dispersal technique: disperse energy by making your Qi flow around your body or items in a special way.]

'hmm while all of these options sound good dispersal should be the most versatile technique so give me energy dispersal'

And i gained two new skills the energy dispersal technique and inner Qi control.

[You will now be transported to the 1st level of the tower]

I got teleported away and i could see i was still in a white space but this time there were a few doors with a few signs on each of them, they were: exit, arena (human or monster), social center and shop.

I gave a message to rin and told him that i would try out the arena and he replied that he would go there as well.

Upon entering the door i was met with 2 screens one telling me if i want to go fight other tower participants or fight monsters, i choose monsters since i have the most experience with monster fights.

[Choose enemy danger level from 1-5.

If you want to fight enemies of a higher danger level you must be ranked higher in the tower, you can do this by fighting other participants.]

'hmm let's see what lvl 1 is'

10 seconds later...

'just a goblin i should have known' i thought disappointed while i started out the 5th danger level which was only a simple bear that i killed instantly but on the bright side i gained some store credit which translated 1-1 with my system coins which was a big plus so i entered the shop to see what was there.

It looked like a futuristic super market with an uncountable amount of vending machines that had a projection of what they sold but there were only a few people looking at stuff.

'can i buy items tghourgh the tower system?'

[Shop has been updated with the items from the tower]

'good no need for social interaction then' i thought happily as i left the tower and started browsing the new items in the shop.

It had quite the large selection but i need to go up in the rankings to unlock the stuff with higher quality.

'hmmm i feel like i am forgetting something... Oh yea show me this worlds quest'

[Quest: number one

Task/s: become the number one tower participant and/or kill the current no.1 participant

Rewards: upgrade shop function to have rarity rare items, temporary world jump (specific rules)]

My eyes instantly transfixed on the second reward as i asked 'tell me the function of the world jump is and what are the rules'.

[A portal will appear that will let you go into any world you choose (only once) for up to 1 week and time will be stopped in your home universe.

The negative rules/stipulations: don't kill the main character/s or main villain/s, don't copy/steal unique powers/skills/talents, your powers that do not fit into said universe will be sealed for the duration of stay (if you went to a world like the one before you reincarnated you would basically be sealed into a peak human version of said world), don't steal important items that the main character or villain own.

Positive rules/stipulations: when you first enter the universe you can pick anywhere on the planet to enter, you can enter up to 1 month before or after the "story" starts, you can create a background when going into said world.

By the way you will travel into an actual different universe not your simulated reality inside the game world.]

'tsk there goes my plan for getting the skill absorption or 682's adaptation' (absorption basically is rimurus predator that also works on items like computers and magical items to gain their special ability) i sigh as i close off all my senses and go into a deep meditation to quickly file tghourgh all the animes mangas and novels i have ever read about and after a few minutes i smile as i have found exactly what i was looking for "bingo, that is probably the best item i can get with basically zero risk, but i won't be able to do much in that place besides maybe going to that rock gambling place, but i don't know how much it will upgrade my body since i am already quite strong but there are plenty of rare rocks in space and in different dimensions".

*Sigh* 'i wonder how long it will take to complete this world mission.

(End of chapter)