
gamer around the multiverse

Connor dies by truck kun sending him to a god that gives him a wish and two power roulette spins, Sadly the spins are not that powerful but they are still better than nothing. Connor gets yeeted into another multiverse where there are not yet any omnipotent beings and 2 powerful beings are fighting over the control of the multiverse. The multiverse is special in the sense that everyone be it monster or man has a system. I only own my characters. This is my first novel don't expect too much, the novel will be updated irregularly but i will try to post 1 chap a week. Each chap will be around 1k+ words. The mc has little to no morals and his main goal is to become as powerful as he can get. There are some extra gory parts. Almost every chapter will have the mc's status page at the end of the chapter, i recommend reading the page at time skips or every 5~ chapters. (some tags will make sense in some later chapters)

Lukas_dark · Video Games
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58 Chs

47 future talents

"here is a list of people with talents, i knew you would get that card sooner or later" rin smiled and replied giving me a book.

After skimming tghourgh the book i was quite surprised at the amount of people with pretty good talents around the galaxy but the most notable one was a black market artificer that had the talent to upgrade the quality of items with his mana,life force and any other energy he might possess.

This ability would go hand in hand with my fusion and duplication skill so i definitely would go visit him later when the aliens arrived.

The next person would probably be one of the 5 direct subordinates of the galactic king.

He had the talent to create clones of himself and those clones would be the exact replicas of himself with a copy of his mind, if his original self were to die the clone closest to him would become the original. With their help he could also learn a bunch of things at a different time and then fuse into one for all the clones to share said knowledge and even any training results would get transferred over.

That would be extremely useful but that is apparent so i will have to just wait until i can get to them or until i find a better skill to copy in one of my game worlds.

And then it hit me as i smiled and said "frisk...".

"Be right back" i told rin as i created a new undertale world and appeared on a bunch yellow flowers.

I got up instantly and started running and teleporting soon i was "greeted" by flowey.

"Well well well what do we ha~" flowey started his sentence but couldn't finish due to being torn into thousands of pieces from Connor's telekinesis skill.

A minute later i was looking around snowdin looking for that kid and i saw that they were about to fight papyrus but this seems to be a pacifist timeline from what papyrus was saying about becoming a royal guard.

I could also see sans on top of a tree hiding and looking at the exchange.

Looking at this i decided to teleport in-between the two of them and papyrus started talking about something I completely tuned off and i raised my hand and Frisk's body flew to me as i grabbed her by the the neck and told the system to copy the reset.

[This skill can be copied but it would only work in your game worlds because it only works in worlds made out of code]

I frowned and let out a bit of my aura accidentally but i almost instantly suppressed it back down but from what i saw both papyrus and frisk (especially frisk) looked like they were set on fire for about a minute and they were breathing erratically and papyrus was running away as if his life depended on it.

"huh guess they are too weak, which makes sense" i said and decided to go back but i was still mad and i wanted to take it out on someone and who could be a better victim of my anger than a child who can die multiple times and it would remember all the pain it went tghourgh.

I created a knife and put it close to Frisk's eye but i stopped as i heard sans say "i think you should stop this".

"Meh i am angry and i need to take out my anger on something so-" i teleported infront of sans and before he could react i flicked his forehead with my middle finger "no" i finished as his head disintegrated.

'huh no wonder he had only 10 hp his bones were as brittle as someone who never drank milk'.

"Whatever, by the way don't reset for the next 10 minutes" i said with a shrug as i made my way to frisk and decided to just flick her head with my finger which cased her head to explode like a watermelon.

5 minutes of torturing underground monsters later.

"Well that was fun but i should head back" i said while sitting on a pile of monster dust that i quickly stored into my inventory for alchemy. i sighed and went back to rin.

"So what world options did you get?" Rin asked with a slight hint of boredom in his voice.

I proceeded to explain the two worlds and of my decision to go to that martial arts world.

"Well doing anything that has anything to do with eldrich abominations is a bad idea so are there weapon techniques in that world?" Rin asked me.

[Yes they have weapon techniques] the system answered me and i relayed the information to rin.

"For now i think we should see how that world looks like" i gave rin a pair of modern clothes and told him to change into it since the world is set in modern times.

"Alright now i will make us an identity for that world" i said to rin and he nodded.

'i want our identities to look something like this' i told the system as i thought of our identities.

[Identity: dead parents (due to being in a accidental car crash), living on the outskirts of the city in a apartment with his brother (rin), parents used to be small time martial artists and thought their two only sons (connor and rin) their martial arts, both brothers just got the notification to join the tower at the same time while eating breakfast together at home.]

[Warning you need to pay 20k coins to gain the simple sword martial art technique into your mind (10k for each person)]

'huh how much would all the important memories cost?' i asked the system slightly surprised that i could buy memories from my made up self.


'will my personality get affected in any way?'

[No and even if it did your adaptation would change you back to normal eventually]

'okay ama buy that' "You ready rin?"

"Yes what's our backstory?" To which i let him see my identity screen and afterwards we went into martial paradise.

I saw that there was a couple of notifications Infront of me.

[New martial art skill gained and fused with the others]

[you have the potential. Link established you are now a tower participant]

[Enter the tower?]

I looked around saw rin sitting beside me also reading the notification.

I looked around and could feel that there is no mana in the air which is a bit of a bummer since i hoped that it would be magical techniques.

"Let's just go there" i said looking at rin

Rin nodded before we accepted the notification and our bodies began to turn into blue pixels before we disappeared.

(End of chapter)