
Game Of Thrones: Titans War

He wasn't a Hero. He wasn't an Anti-Hero. He was just.........A monster who entertained himself in the most horrible ways. A man like that would surely not be sent to another world like an heroic MC that you can only finds in Novels, Fanfiction and Manga would be, right ? Well seems like a certain God doesn't think so. Now in a Fantasy World that he barely knows he will do everything to secure his future. Who cares about scheming, lies, alliances, betrayals.....WHEN YOU HAVE GOD ON YOUR SIDE ?! Warning: AOT X GOT crossover, the story of Got has been changed a little, the MC won't be too Op at the start. I'm not an expert in GOT, so excuse me if i make some mistakes, i'm writing this story because i just love GOT too much !

Glasgow · Others
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Meeting with Khal Drogo, Jorah's thoughts

Jorah Mormont was many things, but there was one thing he wasn't...A coward.

Yet, when facing such an unpredictable and dangerous man, he couldn't help but tremble. The man who calmed himself Kalem, was apparently a lot more knowledgeable than he let on. He knew many things about Jorah and also about the Dothrakis, however what truly shocked Jorah was that Kalem knew about Daenerys. Kalem still didn't told him how he knew all that, but Jorah would know, one way or another.

Since he wasn't the leader of the Dothrakis group, he had to listen to the real leader who decided to bring Kalem to Drogo, since Kalem apparently wanted to meet him. Again, Jorah didn't know how it was possible for such an unknown man to know so much.

"Jorah, you look quite pale man. You good ?"

The Knight had to supress the urge to roll his eyes at how carefree Kalem was. It only managed to put Jorah on edge even more, Kalem was just too dangerous. He was surrounded by Dothrakis and he wasn't even fazed.

"....I am good, by the way i didn't managed to catch from which house you come. I'm sure that a Westerosi who came in Vaes Dothrak can't be a normal man."

Kalem chukled and shook his head, Jorah was quite surprised at this, but he hid it well.

"I'm not a lord, a knight, or even a noble. I don't come from any House...I'm just a guy who refuse to play the game by the rules."

With that, Kalem stopped talking until they reached the camp. Khal Drogo was waiting for them with a rather wild gleam to his eyes, he glared at Kalem who seemed a little too confident in his eyes.


Jorah P.O.V

"Jorah the Andal...What did you bring with you ?" Asked Drogo, how many times do i have to tell him that i'm not an Andal ! I'm a northerner and as such my ancestors are the First Men!

However that's not important for now.

" This man, Kalem as he calls himself, was spotted by one of your scout alone in the desert. He was covered in blood and the scout thought that he was an ennemy. We brought him here because he said that he wanted to meet you." I said in the Dothraki language, i'm quite fluent in it. Drogo would've have understood if i talked in Common Tongue, but i don't want Kalem to understand what we are saying.

"It is known that a man who can survive alone in the desert, can be considered as dangerous. Only warriors can be found in the desert, weakling aren't allowed in the desert. This man could be a threat." Said Pono, one of Drogo's lieutenants, even though the Dothrakis call that a Ko.

"Indeed, but for some reasons he wanted to see the Khal. I think we should listen to him. " I said as Drogo frown but allowed Kalem to talk, i step aside to look at him as he's still in his carefree attitude. It seriously start to piss me off.

"Well, honestly i'm quite surprised. I thought i would find a warrior.....But you just look like a normal dude to me, i imagined you to be more........Impressive, more intimidating."

Great! Now he's fucking taunting Drogo....He must really have a death wish. Not that i am really concerned though, my job is only to secure Drogo's loyalty by offering him Daenerys, actually i thought that Vyserys would be more patient about that, Daenerys is only twelve name days old.

I just hope i'll be able to regain my honor by serving Westeros. My real job may be to report back to Varys, but i'm only doing it to regain my lost honor. If only i wasn't so poor.....

"Oh really ? You could kill me before i even had the time to react ? That's some bold statement Drogo.....Care to prove it ?"

I was so lost in thought that i missed half of their discussions, from what i can understand Kalem is taunting Drogo. He wants to duel with him, but Drogo doesn't want to, saying that it's only a loss of time. Interesting, why does this man want to fight with Drogo that much ?

Khal Drogo wasn't able to reject Kalem's offer anymore. He got up from his 'throne' and moved towards Kalem, stopping a few inches from his face. I didn't even noticed it but even though Kalem is shorter than Drogo, he seems to be much more dangerous. His muscles are enough proof of that, his fists looks like they're aching to punch Drogo.

They both moved outside, many Dothrakis are coming to see what's happening as Kalem starts to taunt Drogo by insulting him.

"You might regret your actions Kalem...Khal Drogo isn't a man to be trifled with." I said, and i got a different reaction from what i thought i would. Kalem looked at me dead in the eyes, his face so expressionless he looks dead....There's definitely something strange there, the entire area seem to become colder while Kalem suddenly smirks.

"I'm wondering, how you'll fare.....Against some Titans." Said Kalem with a bloody smirk. I knew it something's definitely not right!!

And i was right....I understood how stupid i was to think that Kalem was the only threat, but how could i predict that ?!

Giants...Naked, sexless, grotesque parodies of Humans with completely terrifying expressions on their faces. I'm not a coward, but all of a sudden....

I lost all my strengh and dropped to the ground....WHAT ARE THOSE THINGS ?!!!!!

Hope you enjoy it!




I'm sorry for any grammatical errors =)

For those who want to know, there will be some timeskips in the story, but only when nothing important enough for Kalem to intervene happens.

Glasgowcreators' thoughts