
Game Of Thrones: Titans War

He wasn't a Hero. He wasn't an Anti-Hero. He was just.........A monster who entertained himself in the most horrible ways. A man like that would surely not be sent to another world like an heroic MC that you can only finds in Novels, Fanfiction and Manga would be, right ? Well seems like a certain God doesn't think so. Now in a Fantasy World that he barely knows he will do everything to secure his future. Who cares about scheming, lies, alliances, betrayals.....WHEN YOU HAVE GOD ON YOUR SIDE ?! Warning: AOT X GOT crossover, the story of Got has been changed a little, the MC won't be too Op at the start. I'm not an expert in GOT, so excuse me if i make some mistakes, i'm writing this story because i just love GOT too much !

Glasgow · Others
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A New Beginning

"Game of Thrones and Attack on Titan ?" Kalem repeated what Vaijra said just to be sure. Seeing the God nod he smirked.

"Of course! I'm not an expert, but i know the basics of the two stories.....You're going to ask me to choose which one i want to be reincarnated into ?" Said Kalem, he wasn't actually sure of what to choose.

"Nope, you'll go to the world of Game of Thrones, even though it will be slightly alterned....You'll have the ability to summon Titans from Attack on Titans" Said the God, only to stiffle a giggle when he saw Kalem's face.

".......FUCK YEAH!!!!"

"Indeed, it's a good opportunity for you. I watched your life and i know that you only care about one thing....Entertainment, i'm the same. You'll entertain me and the powers i gave you will entertain you. The entire summon thing will be explained once you land in this new world, it will work like a system....You do know what it is ?" Asked Vaijra, unsure of what Kalem's answer will be. No actually he already knew, he just wanted Kalem to-

"HAHAHA! Of course i know! I've read so many shitty Isekai Manga i can't even count them!" Said Kalem only to calm down when he noticed that he was behaving like a child.

"Very well then. You will also become immortal, i don't want you to die too early, of course it won't be a total immortality...You'll have to earn this one."

"Just a quick question...Will i get any other powers ?"

"You will. The 'system' will give you missions, if you accomplish them, it will grant you a random ability. It can be absolutely everything, you could get the ability to resurrect the dead with your first mission." Said Vaijra, now Kalem had stars in his eyes.

"So i'll be an OP MC ?" Said Kalem, hoping that he wasn't confusing the god with his words.

"Indeed you'll be....It's not fun when you have everything directly, but it's also not funny if you have to be weak for too long. Trust me, you'll be strong enough to piss on anyone when the story starts."

"Hmm, if i remember it starts in Winterfell...I remember the first episode with the Stark family and the royal family. I should really get to know the world better before i start to do anything crazy." Said Kalem, he was met with the blank face of Vaijra.

"What can't you understand in 'You'll be strong enough to piss on anyone' ? You only need to do some missions and you have your powers.......The Titan thing is only because it's funny. Those people believe that everyone plays the game in some way, they all believe that everyone act like them. Lies, betrayals, scheming........It bores me, and i'm sure it will bore you quickly too......It's funnier to be carefree. Insult them, treat them like trashes, they won't be able to react. In this world you'll have everything you desire. I only ask for one thing. "Said Vaijra. Kalem was now sure that he was going to love his second life.

"I want you to.........."

"Destroy the White Walkers ? BASIC!!" Shouted Kalem, it was just so common.

"Nope, i want you to have a child." Said Vaijra, Kalem slowly turns to him.

"Really ? Like......REALLY?! ONLY THAT?!"

"Yup, now i'll send you there." Said Vaijra.

"Wait! About that child thing......"

"Yes have a child with any woman you want. Cersei would be good. "

Kalem didn't even have the chance to react that a portal appeared behind him.


And then he disappeared. Vaijra sighed as another being appeared in the 'room'. This one was actually covered in fire, he had deep pink eyes that glared at Vaijra.

"It does seem you decided to send the man in our world.........What about the Higher-Gods ?"

"I'll deal with them. I'm the one who takes decisions for Humanity, you just obey.......R'hllor"


In a desert, a portal opened. Kalem was thrown out the portal as it disappeared again.

"Fuck! He sent me there without telling me where i would appear !"

Kalem wanted to check where he was, even though he kinda knew since a desert wasn't the most common thing in Westeros. Before he could even more, a robotic voice was heard in his mind.

[Hello Host, i am the Human God System. You can call me HGS. I'm here to help you.........Fuck the entire world, i believe that is what God Vaijra told me to help you do]

"Well........Let's fuck the world!!!"


At the same moment, a woman dressed in a red robe gasped when she looked at the fire in front of her.

She was used to watch the fire, it brought her the messages of the Lord of Light. She was loyal to her God and thus always watched the fire, never missing her duty. It was the first day she saw something like that.

The fire took a human shape before a being appeared. The man had a body that could only be described as perfection, but what shocked her was what he wore.

'A Fire Armor'

She didn't needed a confirmation to know who it was. Still in her shocked state she moved, her forehead kissed the ground as she waited for her Lord to speak.

"Rise, priestess" Said the man.

"My dear Lord of Light.......What is thy bidding, my master ?" Said the woman, she had such a look of respect and adoration, that even a fanatic would be scared.

"I need you to do something for me......You'll head to Essos, and search for this man" Said the Lord of Light as the priestess suddenly had visions of the man.

"Why this man my master.........Who is he ?"

"He's someone who's favored by the most powerful god in this world. Before, i was angry at his actions, thinking that it would lead to a catastrophe......But i talked with him, and i only need to test one thing before i can decide if i'll help this man or not."

The priestess was totally shocked at what he said.......Her Lord just said that there was a God more powerful than him in this world.

"H-How, how can there be a God more powerful than you, my Lord ?"

"Vaijra, God of all Men. I won't tell you everything but just know something......I want you to go to Essos, find this man, and..........Kill him. You can use whatever you want, but do it.......If he survive, then he becomes mine and Vaijra's champion. If he survives.............."

R'hllor turned to the windows of the room, the starry night made it easier for him to decide.

"He'll become your new master, you'll serve him with everything you have, you'll dedicate your life to him......It's only funny when something new happens...........While you do this, your sister will go to Stannis Baratheon and help him, until i can decide if the Man that Vaijra brought, really deserve to be my champion, do you understand Melisandre ?"

Hope you enjoy it!

Comment to let me know what you think of this chapter!

Sometimes the story will switch to some other characters, and even the P.O.V will switch, but it will be rare.

Most of the time the story will only focus on Kalem. It will allows the reader to read Kalem's life, and not what happens to every people in the world. Contrarily to GoT, this story will only focus on one character. The other aren't nearly as important.

Glasgowcreators' thoughts