
Game Of Thrones: Another Dragons

Once upon a time, there was a guy named Jay, just your average college student leading a pretty ordinary life. But one weekend, he decided to watch the last episode of the Game of Thrones series. Now, Jay had mixed feelings about the ending. He wasn't thrilled with it, no matter which way you looked at it. If Daenerys survived, well, she went on a crazy killing spree due to her extreme emotional issues. That wasn't exactly a happy ending. And if she was dead for good, why did Jon have to go into exile? Jay thought Jon could've made a great king with Bran's guidance, the guy they call "the Broken." For Jay, there were just too many unnecessary deaths that messed with the emotions of fans, from the beginning to the very end. But, with a not-so-happy heart, Jay decided to call it a night. After all, he had to wake up early for class the next day. Little did he know that this would be his last night as a human. When he woke up, he had become something else entirely—a monster.

AmouxCreationsX · Book&Literature
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103 Chs

Chapter 12

Amidst the silent gathering, Rhaella spoke with hesitation, addressing Bahamut, "Dragon King Bahamut, I wish to strike a deal with you." Bahamut remained silent, waiting for her to continue. Rhaella pressed on, "If you assist us in reclaiming what rightfully belongs to us, I will do anything within my power to fulfill your request."

Bahamut pondered for a moment before asking, "And may I ask anything within your power?" Rhaella nodded in agreement, saying, "Yes, Dragon King."

Bahamut then presented his own terms, "I want your power—the power to rule the realm that you believe is rightfully yours, a power that is also within your grasp." Rhaella was taken aback, struggling to find a response.

But Bahamut was not finished. He offered a counter-deal, stating, "You are too weak to propose a deal with me, Dowager Queen of humans. Instead, I will offer you a deal if you agree."

Rhaella looked to Bahamut, her curiosity piqued. Bahamut continued, "If you are willing to leave Dragonstone with me, I will pledge to help you conquer Westeros in the future, uniting the realms of Westeros and Essos under the rule of one with Targaryen blood."

Rhaella was utterly astonished by Bahamut's proposition. Bahamut asked, "So, what is your answer?"

After a moment of contemplation, Rhaella replied, "No, I won't leave. Dragonstone is House Targaryen's ancestral seat. If I abandon it, it would mean surrendering our claim to the Seven Kingdoms. I implore you, Dragon King, to assist us in retaining Dragonstone or leave one of your kind to aid us. We would be forever grateful."

Bahamut walked away from her, and with a mighty flap of his wings, he soared into the sky, carrying Elia and her children, along with the young dragons. They all followed Bahamut, leaving behind the determined but stubborn Rhaella. Despite Elia's pleas, Bahamut turned a blind eye to her and soared away.

Rhaella's skepticism was not without reason. Trusting the words of a stranger, be they human or dragon, was no simple matter. Moreover, Bahamut's offer seemed beyond belief—a proposition that granted dominion over the known world. It was a promise too grand, even for a mighty dragon. However, Bahamut's intentions were sincere; he had little else to do in this unfamiliar world, and his lifespan far exceeded that of any living being.

Bahamut soared through the skies, flying as fast as he could while ensure Elia and her children were not overwhelmed by the speed or the air pressure. Moon and Sapphire, the young dragons, clung to him and did their best to shield Elia and her children from the rushing wind. Moon even used her tail to help them hold on, while Sapphire used her wings to protect the infant from the air.

As the journey continued, Bahamut realized the need for breaks. Humans were not as resilient as dragons, and he didn't want Elia and her children to suffer too much from stress and hunger. So, he decided to land on an island near Tarth, allowing Elia to rest on his back while the young dragons went fishing.

The young dragons returned with a massive roasted fish, providing sustenance for Elia and the children. Thirsty, Bahamut led them to a nearby pond and used his magic to create large droplets of water for them to drink. Elia and Rhaenys were amazed by Bahamut's abilities, which went far beyond the stories they had heard.

Before the island's natives could gather, Bahamut took to the skies once more. This time, he even used his magic to create a protective shield for Elia, allowing him to fly at full speed while ensuring her safety.

As the morning sun painted the sky, Bahamut finally reached Sunspear, the seat of House Martell. The people of Dorne were awestruck by the colossal dragon's presence. Before landing, Bahamut circled the city several times, making a grand and impressive entrance before finally touching down near Sunspear castle with mighty roar.