
Game Of Thrones: Another Dragons

Once upon a time, there was a guy named Jay, just your average college student leading a pretty ordinary life. But one weekend, he decided to watch the last episode of the Game of Thrones series. Now, Jay had mixed feelings about the ending. He wasn't thrilled with it, no matter which way you looked at it. If Daenerys survived, well, she went on a crazy killing spree due to her extreme emotional issues. That wasn't exactly a happy ending. And if she was dead for good, why did Jon have to go into exile? Jay thought Jon could've made a great king with Bran's guidance, the guy they call "the Broken." For Jay, there were just too many unnecessary deaths that messed with the emotions of fans, from the beginning to the very end. But, with a not-so-happy heart, Jay decided to call it a night. After all, he had to wake up early for class the next day. Little did he know that this would be his last night as a human. When he woke up, he had become something else entirely—a monster.

AmouxCreationsX · Book&Literature
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103 Chs

Chapter 11

As Jay carried Elia, Aegon, and Rhaeny away from King's Landing, he was careful not to fly too fast, ensuring their safety and comfort during the journey. His gentle pace, however, led to a longer travel time than he had expected.

Unbeknownst to Jay, his young dragons, Igneel and Diaval, were causing quite a commotion on Dragonstone. Accustomed to their secluded life on Naath, they didn't fully understand the customs and behaviors of the native inhabitants. They engaged in mischief, like stealing sheep from the locals, and sometimes frightened the island's residents. Their playful and curious nature often led them into trouble.

Meanwhile, Rhaella Targaryen, who had fled King's Landing with her young son, Viserys, had also found refuge on Dragonstone. They had escaped the horrors of the city and arrived on the island, seeking safety.

However, a tense encounter unfolded when Igneel and Diaval, attracted by something they couldn't quite understand, approached Rhaella and Viserys. The master-at-arms of the Red Keep, Ser Willem Darry, drew his sword to protect the queen and her son from the approaching dragons. The young dragons, not appreciating the hostility, began gathering flames in their mouths, ready to defend themselves if necessary, and to satisfy their curiosity about the newcomers.

Then Rhaella bravely stepped forward, signaling her knights to lower their weapons as she approached the young dragons. Seeing her approach, Igneel and Diaval ceased their hostile postures and cautiously drew nearer to her. Rhaella, overcome with both wonder and fear, couldn't believe her eyes. She had never imagined being so close to living dragons, only knowing of the long-dead creatures through the castle's dragon bones.

But then, from the skies, two more young dragons appeared, joining Igneel and Diaval. Rhaella and her knights were left in awe, stunned by the unexpected arrival of more dragons. Even Ser Willem Darry, who had been protective of the queen and her son, couldn't help but entertain the notion that these dragons might be a key to their future. Perhaps, given time, they could grow and help reclaim the Iron Throne from their enemies. The desire for revenge and a longing to regain their lost power began to kindle in Rhaella's heart.

Rhaella and her group were contemplating their fate and the potential power of the dragons they had encountered when a thunderous roar reverberated through the air. A massive shadow cast itself over them, causing the young dragons to excitedly take flight towards the source of the roar. Jay had noticed the presence of Rhaella and Viserys in the distance, and he swiftly altered his course, landing at a distance from them. He approached Rhaella with a slow, intimidating gait, and she and her knights were overwhelmed by the sight of the colossal dragon.

Intimidated and fearful, Rhaella stepped back a few paces, and her knights advanced cautiously, their hands trembling with trepidation. As Jay stopped at a respectful distance, Elia called out to Rhaella from Jay's back, tears glistening in her eyes, exclaiming, "Mother!" Rhaella was momentarily stunned before she responded, "Elia?".

Their heartfelt conversation was suddenly interrupted by Jay, who exclaimed, "Another human with a trace of my kind's blood." The words hung heavily in the air, and silence fell upon them. The idea of a talking dragon seemed inconceivable. Dragons were known for their roars and fire, not speech. They questioned whether it was merely a figment of their imagination.

Curiosity got the better of young Rhaenys, and she inquired, "Big dragon, did you just talk right now?" Jay responded to her with a hint of humor, "Have you never seen a talking dragon, little human?"

The silence among them deepened as young dragons continued to frolic around Jay's tail. Finally, Rhaella gathered the courage to ask, "May I know who you are?" Jay answered, adding a touch of fantasy to his words, "I am the last descendant of the King of Dragons, Bahamut.".

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