
Game of Kings

In the VR world of [Game of Kings], there are over 1 billion players world wide. The game is played on a world map that is earth 1:10 scale. There are no NPC, only human players in the game. This is a game where players can band together to build civilizations that will stand the test of time or declare wars that will throw the entire world into chaos. To build or to destroy, all is for the player to decide, in the world of [Game of Kings]. Huge thanks to @Creaking_Shadow for this awesome cover ( ^ω^ ) Disclaimer: The background music used inside does not belong to me. All political views and religious view is strictly fictional views of characters and by no means to offend or persecute any race or religion.

Enejiang · Fantasy
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71 Chs

[43] The Expansion Debate

In the heart of Cassandra's lair, a meeting of the most powerful pirates in 'Game of Kings' took place. The air was thick with tension and the weight of decisions that would shape the future of our alliance. Cassandra sat at the head of the long, rugged table, her one-eyed gaze sweeping over those gathered. She was a commanding presence, her brown skin contrasting with her long, silky white hair that cascaded over the shoulders of her dark outfit. The scars on her belly, visible beneath the edge of her cropped top, spoke of battles fought and won. Her appearance was both striking and intimidating.

"We have a problem," Cassandra began, her voice cutting through the silence. "With the League of Pirates formed, our income from protection isn't enough to sustain all three factions. We need to expand, find new revenue streams."

Elara, sitting to my right, nodded in agreement. "She's right. Our current model won't support us all. We need a new approach."

I leaned forward, addressing the group. "Here's a thought. Instead of random raids, we become mercenaries of sorts. We get hired by other nations for targeted hits. We expand globally. If they don't want to be attacked, they pay a protection fee."

Jolly Roger, one half of the Twin Terrors, scoffed. "Mercenaries? That makes us look like we're working for governments. It goes against the pirate code. We're not fucking sellouts."

Rackham Ray, his brother, added, "He's got a point. We have a reputation to uphold. Being seen as government lapdogs won't sit well with our crews."

Old Man Hawkins, stroking his beard thoughtfully, chimed in. "It's a pragmatic approach, but it does stray from the pirate ethos. Our men pride themselves on their independence."

Cassandra, who had been listening intently, finally spoke. "It's not about pride. It's about survival and power. We can't be bound by old codes if we want to dominate."

I nodded at Cassandra's words. "Exactly. Sometimes you have to swallow your pride to stay on top. We're talking about securing our future here."

The debate continued, the room filled with the sound of raised voices and clashing opinions. Cassandra remained mostly silent, observing the discourse with a calculating eye.

Jolly Roger slammed his fist on the table. "It's not just about money! It's about who we are, what we stand for! We can't just become guns for hire!"

I countered, my voice firm. "It's about adapting. The world's changing. We either change with it or get left behind."

The meeting reached a stalemate, with no side willing to budge. Cassandra finally stood up, her presence demanding silence. "We'll table this for now. But think on it. We need a solution, and we need it fast."


In the dimly lit chamber of Cassandra's lair, the conversation continued, albeit in a more subdued tone following the heated debate.

Cassandra leaned back in her chair, her one eye reflecting a mix of contemplation and resolve. "Pushing through these reforms is going to be a bitch," she said, her voice tinged with a rare hint of frustration. "The others are too damn stubborn."

I nodded, understanding the complexity of our situation. "I expected as much. Old habits die hard, especially among pirates. But I have a plan. I'm heading north, on a diplomatic mission to the New Roman Empire."

Cassandra raised an eyebrow, a slight smirk playing on her lips. "The NRE, huh? They're the only superpower left in this world. But they're not as invincible as they seem. Political fractures, economic troubles, immigration issues, too many wars... they're a fucking falling empire."

A sense of opportunity sparked within me. "That's even better. After all, chaos is a ladder. A falling empire means gaps in power, vulnerabilities we can exploit."

Cassandra leaned forward, her expression turning serious. "Just be careful, Wang. The NRE is a snake pit. They may be weak, but a cornered beast is still dangerous."

I met her gaze, my resolve firm. "I know the risks. But it's a risk we need to take. If we can find a foothold in the NRE, it could open up new avenues for us, politically and economically."

She studied me for a moment, her demeanor reflective of the respect we had built. "You've got balls, I'll give you that. Just make sure they don't get you killed. The NRE isn't known for its hospitality."

I smirked, appreciating her blunt honesty. "I'll tread carefully. The goal is to open dialogue, see where their weaknesses lie, and how we can benefit. I'm not going in blind."

Cassandra stood up, signaling the end of our meeting. "Alright, do what you must. But keep me updated. And if things go south, don't hesitate to pull out. We can't afford to lose you."

As I prepared to leave, I felt the weight of the task ahead. The diplomatic mission to the New Roman Empire was a gamble, but one that could potentially yield high rewards.

"Thanks, Cassandra. I'll be in touch," I said, turning to leave the chamber.

Her voice followed me as I walked away. "Remember, Wang, chaos is a ladder. Just make sure you're the one climbing it, not falling off."

I stopped then grinned: "Trust me, I don't plan to."

Q: Have you ever watched "Game of Thrones" before?