
Game of Kings

In the VR world of [Game of Kings], there are over 1 billion players world wide. The game is played on a world map that is earth 1:10 scale. There are no NPC, only human players in the game. This is a game where players can band together to build civilizations that will stand the test of time or declare wars that will throw the entire world into chaos. To build or to destroy, all is for the player to decide, in the world of [Game of Kings]. Huge thanks to @Creaking_Shadow for this awesome cover ( ^ω^ ) Disclaimer: The background music used inside does not belong to me. All political views and religious view is strictly fictional views of characters and by no means to offend or persecute any race or religion.

Enejiang · Fantasy
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71 Chs

[42] A Night at Sea Wolves HQ

As night fell over the virtual world of 'Game of Kings,' I guided Sophie's avatar back to the Sea Wolves HQ, a sprawling fortress that served as the nerve center of our operations. The fortress buzzed with activity, with pirates going about their tasks and discussing their latest exploits.

Upon entering the main hall, I spotted Elara conversing with a group of players. Her avatar was unmistakable, a formidable presence even in the digital realm. I approached her with Sophie in tow, introducing them.

"Elara, meet Sophie. She's assisting me in-game now," I said, gesturing towards Sophie's avatar.

Elara looked Sophie over, a smirk playing on her lips. "Nice to meet you, Sophie. Welcome to the madhouse."

Sophie offered a polite nod. "Thank you. I'm still getting the hang of things, but I'm glad to be here."

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, Elara pulled me aside, her voice low but with a teasing edge. "So, Master Wang, your harem is expanding, huh? First Cassandra, now a personal maid in-game. You're building quite the collection."

I rolled my eyes, a smile tugging at the corner of my mouth. "Come on, Elara, it's not like that. Sophie's here to help with logistics and crafting. That's all."

Elara let out a laugh, her tone light but pointed. "Sure, sure. Just 'logistics and crafting.' You've got a thing for powerful women, don't you? First you charm the pirate queen, now a maid? What's next, a princess?"

I shook my head, amused and slightly exasperated. "You're reading too much into it. We're just working together. Plus, Sophie's new to the game. She needs guidance."

"Guidance, right," Elara teased, nudging me playfully. "Well, just remember we've got a league to run and pirates to manage. Don't get too distracted by your, uh, 'guidance' duties."

"Trust me, I'm focused on the league," I assured her. "Sophie's presence here is purely professional. Besides, we've got bigger fish to fry with the new power dynamics."

Elara raised an eyebrow, her expression shifting to one of agreement. "True enough. With Blackbeard out of the picture, we've got a lot of restructuring to do. Just giving you a hard time, Wang. You've got a good head on your shoulders. Keep it that way."

I nodded, appreciating her candor. "Thanks, Elara. And don't worry, I haven't forgotten what we're here for."

Elara, with a sly grin that hinted at some inside joke, leaned closer to me as the noise of the Sea Wolves HQ hummed around us. Her eyes glinted with mischief under the virtual light.

"Hey, Wang, you know you've earned yourself quite the reputation around here, right?" she started, her tone teasing but with a hint of seriousness.

I raised an eyebrow, curious and slightly apprehensive. "Oh? And what reputation would that be?"

Elara chuckled, shaking her head. "Let's just say the rumor mill's been working overtime since you and Cassandra... you know. You've got yourself some nicknames. And they're not the kind you'd put on a business card."

I felt a knot of apprehension in my stomach. "Alright, hit me with it. What are they calling me?"

"Well, for starters, there's 'Cassandra's Consort,'" she said, trying to stifle a laugh. "That one's pretty tame. Then there's 'The Pirate Queen's Plaything.' Oh, and my personal favorite, 'The Boy Toy Buccaneer.'"

I groaned, running a hand through my avatar's hair. "You've got to be kidding me. 'The Boy Toy Buccaneer'? That's just... that's just fucking great."

Elara was now laughing openly. "Come on, it's not all bad. It means you're getting noticed. And let's be honest, being linked to Cassandra? There are worse fates in this game."

I couldn't help but crack a smile, despite the embarrassing nicknames. "I guess you're right. But still, 'The Boy Toy Buccaneer'? That's going to stick, isn't it?"

"Like barnacles on a ship's hull," Elara confirmed with a nod. "But hey, embrace it. You're in Cassandra's inner circle, and that's a big deal around here. Plus, it's all in good fun. Pirates love their gossip and nicknames."

I sighed, accepting my fate. "Well, if it helps solidify our position and keep the peace, I'll take one for the team. But I'm not making any 'Boy Toy Buccaneer' flags, just so we're clear."

Elara patted my back, still chuckling. "Don't worry, your secret's safe with me. But seriously, you're doing good work here, nicknames aside. Just keep your eye on the prize and let the pirates have their fun."

As we moved away from the conversation, I reflected on the double-edged sword of notoriety. In 'Game of Kings,' reputation could be a powerful tool, but it also came with its share of challenges. Still, if being 'The Boy Toy Buccaneer' meant keeping the Sea Wolves strong and united, I was ready to play the part.

Q: Do you have any nicknames?