
Game of Kings

In the VR world of [Game of Kings], there are over 1 billion players world wide. The game is played on a world map that is earth 1:10 scale. There are no NPC, only human players in the game. This is a game where players can band together to build civilizations that will stand the test of time or declare wars that will throw the entire world into chaos. To build or to destroy, all is for the player to decide, in the world of [Game of Kings]. Huge thanks to @Creaking_Shadow for this awesome cover ( ^ω^ ) Disclaimer: The background music used inside does not belong to me. All political views and religious view is strictly fictional views of characters and by no means to offend or persecute any race or religion.

Enejiang · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
71 Chs

[19] Not quite One Piece

The caravan ride to Portus Corsair was a long, jarring journey that spanned three real-life days. The landscape changed gradually from the familiar territories of Lyrinthia to the harsh, untamed outskirts of the pirate nation. Elara and I, disguised to avoid drawing attention, kept mostly to ourselves, speaking in hushed tones about our plans and strategies.

As we neared the border of Portus Corsair, the caravan driver, a grizzled man named Harlan, who had seen more of the world than most, pulled the caravan to a stop. He turned to face us, his expression grim.

"This is as far as I go," Harlan declared, his voice gruff. "The border of Portus Corsair is no place for honest folk. You'll need to find another ride to get to Marauder's Haven, the capital."

Elara leaned forward, trying to negotiate. "We can pay you extra, Harlan. We need to get to Marauder's Haven. Surely there's a price that'll make it worth your while."

Harlan shook his head, unyielding. "No amount of gold is worth tangling with the scum in Portus Corsair. I've got a family to think about. This is where our paths part."

Resigned, I thanked him. "Thanks for getting us this far, Harlan. We appreciate it."

As we disembarked, our surroundings were stark and unwelcoming – a fitting threshold to a land ruled by pirates. We watched as the caravan disappeared into the distance, leaving us at the edge of a territory that promised danger at every turn.

Elara looked at me, determination in her eyes. "Well, we knew it wouldn't be easy. Let's find another driver. Someone's bound to be crazy or desperate enough to take us to Marauder's Haven."

We trudged along the border, the weight of our mission settling heavily on us. The area was desolate, save for the occasional traveler or trader, each person eyeing the other warily.

Approaching a small outpost, we found a few caravans parked haphazardly. Elara took the lead, approaching a driver who was idly smoking beside his vehicle.

"Hey there," she started, her tone casual. "We're looking for a ride to Marauder's Haven. What's your price?"

The driver eyed us suspiciously, his gaze lingering on our disguises. "Marauder's Haven? That's deep in the heart of Portus Corsair. Not a place for tourists or traders. Why the hell would you want to go there?"

Elara feigned nonchalance. "Personal business. So, what do you say? We can make it worth your while."

The driver took a long drag of his cigarette, then exhaled slowly. "Nope. Not interested. Marauder's Haven is a death trap. Find someone else with a death wish."

We moved on, approaching another driver with a similar offer, only to be met with the same result. 

After an exhaustive search, we stumbled upon a checkpoint where a lively caravan driver was prepping his vehicle, a robust camel caravan outfitted for long desert travels. Upon hearing our destination, his eyes lit up with an almost unsettling enthusiasm.

"Ah, Marauder's Haven! You're in luck. I'm heading that way and can drop you off at The Rusty Anchor – an inn run by a friend of mine. It's the perfect place for... discreet visitors," he said with a wink.

Elara and I exchanged glances, slightly wary but out of options. We agreed, and soon we were bouncing along in the back of the caravan, the desert landscape stretching endlessly around us.

As the caravan plodded on, I leaned towards the driver. "So, tell us about these Yonkos, the emperors that control Portus Corsair."

The driver, a wiry man with sun-beaten skin and a constant grin, seemed more than happy to share. "Ah, the Yonkos! They're the big shots around here. Four of them, each ruling their own slice of this godforsaken land."

He began to count them off on his fingers. "First, there's Blackbeard Bartholomew. A ruthless bastard if there ever was one. He controls the eastern sector. Rumor has it he was a navy man once, but now he's the scariest pirate on this side of the world."

"Then there's Crimson Cassandra. She runs the northern sector. Don't let her looks fool you; she's as deadly as they come. Has a knack for politics and backstabbing. Some say she's got half the council in her pocket."

"Next, we've got the Twins, Jolly Roger and Rackham Ray. They share control of the western sector. Crazy duo, those two. If they're not busy looting and pillaging, they're probably plotting against each other."

"And finally, there's the southern sector, ruled by Old Man Hawkins. He's the oldest of the lot, a veteran of a thousand battles. Doesn't move around much these days, but his word is law in the south."

Elara listened intently, her mind undoubtedly cataloging each piece of information. "Sounds like a charming bunch," she commented dryly.

The driver chuckled. "Charming ain't the word I'd use. But they've got power, and in Portus Corsair, power is everything. They've got their rivalries, sure, but they all agree on one thing – keeping their hold on this place."

The caravan rocked gently as we continued our trek across the arid landscape, the conversation taking a lighter turn. I chuckled and said to the driver, "You know, all this talk about Yonkos and pirate empires, it sounds suspiciously like a 'One Piece' rip-off. What's next? A Pirate King, Seven Warlords of the Sea, and occasional battles against the Marines?"

The driver burst into laughter, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Ah, you caught us! Yeah, the players here love their role-play. 'One Piece' is a big hit, and folks take their inspiration where they can find it. But if there were a One Piece in this world, I bet it'd look less like a grand treasure and more like a merchant ship – undefended and loaded with loot."

Elara rolled her eyes but couldn't suppress a smile. "A merchant ship as the One Piece, huh? Now that's a twist. So, we're basically diving into a live-action anime fantasy. Great."

"Hey, don't knock it till you've tried it," the driver said, grinning. "The role-play adds flavor to the game. Makes things interesting. And besides, who wouldn't want to be a part of their own pirate saga? Fighting for treasure, freedom, and all that jazz."

I laughed along. "True, but I doubt the real pirates here are as whimsical as their anime counterparts. I'm guessing there's less 'Gum-Gum Rocket' and more 'stab you in the back for a handful of gold.'"

The driver nodded, his expression turning more serious. "You got that right. It's all fun and games until someone gets double-crossed over a loot drop. These pirates don't mess around. They may role-play, but their swords and guns are very real, and so are their ambitions."

Elara leaned forward, her tone more inquisitive now. "Speaking of ambitions, what's the endgame for these pirate lords? Beyond controlling their territories, what are they after?"

The driver shrugged. "Power, mostly. Control over trade routes, influence over other factions, and a hefty share of the loot. Some might have grander ambitions – unifying the pirate factions under one flag, maybe even challenging the New Roman Empire. But mostly, it's about maintaining their grip on their little slice of the world."

Elara and I exchanged glances, a silent acknowledgment of the challenge ahead.

As we continued our journey, the driver regaled us with tales of the Yonkos' exploits and the intricate web of politics and power plays within Portus Corsair. The more he spoke, the more daunting our task seemed, but it was invaluable insight into the workings of the pirate nation.

Elara leaned back against the carriage, her eyes on the horizon. "We need to tread carefully. Any misstep in this place could be our last."

I nodded, taking in the vast desert that mirrored the lawless expanse of Portus Corsair. "We stick to the plan, gather information, and stay under the radar. We're in the lion's den now."

As the caravan continued its steady journey towards Marauder's Haven, the sun began to dip below the dunes, casting long shadows across the sand. Ahead lay a city of danger and opportunity, a place where our fortunes could change for better or worse. In the world of 'Game of Kings', Portus Corsair was a nexus of power and peril, and we were about to step right into its heart.

Q: Have you watched One Piece before?