
Game of Kings

In the VR world of [Game of Kings], there are over 1 billion players world wide. The game is played on a world map that is earth 1:10 scale. There are no NPC, only human players in the game. This is a game where players can band together to build civilizations that will stand the test of time or declare wars that will throw the entire world into chaos. To build or to destroy, all is for the player to decide, in the world of [Game of Kings]. Huge thanks to @Creaking_Shadow for this awesome cover ( ^ω^ ) Disclaimer: The background music used inside does not belong to me. All political views and religious view is strictly fictional views of characters and by no means to offend or persecute any race or religion.

Enejiang · Fantasy
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71 Chs

[18] Next stop

Following the thread of our plan, I turned to Elara, "First things first, we need to pinpoint the chokehold of these pirates. There's got to be a specific spot they're operating from."

Elara nodded, her face taking on a thoughtful expression. "The heart of the problem is what they call the 'Devil's Choke.' It's a treacherous narrow strait, sandwiched right between the continents of Middle Earth and Terra. The waters there are a nightmare – perfect for those pirate bastards to prey on unsuspecting ships."

"Devil's Choke," I repeated, the name resonating with the inherent danger it suggested. "So, controlling or securing that area could give us a significant advantage."

"Absolutely," she agreed. "But there's more to it. Nearby, there's a nation – Portus Corsair. On paper, they're a legit government, but in reality, it's a bloody pirate haven. A loose coalition of different pirate groups runs the show there."

"Portus Corsair, huh?" I mused, trying to envision the dynamics at play. "So, we're talking about a pseudo-nation that's basically a front for pirate operations?"

Elara's eyes were steely. "Exactly. It's a fking cesspool of thieves and cutthroats. They've got the façade of a government, but it's all a sham. Everything there is about piracy – controlling it, profiting from it. The so-called leaders are just the biggest pirates who've managed to claw their way to the top."

I weighed this new information. "So, if we want to secure a safe passage through the Devil's Choke, we need to deal with Portus Corsair. Either get them on our side or find a way to neutralize their threat."

Elara let out a short, humorless laugh. "Getting them on our side won't be easy. They're not exactly the diplomatic type. And their loyalty goes as far as the gold does. But yeah, we need to figure out a way to handle them. Neutralizing them... that could mean a lot of things."

"Right," I said, thinking out loud. "So we could look at forming alliances with other nations who have a vested interest in seeing those trade routes secured. Or we could go the mercenary route – hire our own muscle to protect our ships."

Elara nodded. "Both options have their merits. Alliances could give us the diplomatic and military backing we need. But mercenaries... that gives us more control, though it's a riskier investment."

"We'll need to tread carefully," I added. "Either route we take, it's going to be a delicate balancing act. We can't afford to turn Portus Corsair into a direct enemy, but we can't let them walk all over us either."

Elara's gaze drifted towards the ruins of Lyrinthia, then back to me. "This plan of yours, it's ambitious as hell. But maybe that's what we need right now – a bold move to put us back on the map..."

Sensing the wavering in her voice, I looked at Elara with a determined expression. "We're going to Portus Corsair," I declared.

Elara stared at me as if I had lost my mind. "To Portus Corsair? Are you fking serious? That's a pirate's nest, a viper's den! We walk in there, and we might as well gift-wrap ourselves for slavery. Those bastards will bamboozle us, rob us blind, or worse."

I met her gaze squarely, unwavering in my resolve. "There's a thin line between genius and madness, Elara. Sometimes you've got to roll the dice. Go big or go home, right? If we're going to make a move in this game, we need to be bold, make unexpected plays. Portus Corsair is our best shot at understanding the pirate situation and maybe even turning it to our advantage."

Elara ran a hand through her hair, visibly grappling with the idea. "This is insane, you know that? Walking into Portus Corsair is like diving headfirst into a shark tank to see if they're hungry. It's a fucking death wish."

"But think about it," I pressed on. "If we can somehow negotiate with them, or even just gather intel, it could be a game-changer. We need inside information, something we can't get from the outside. We've got to know our enemy to beat our enemy."

Elara let out a heavy sigh, her eyes narrowing in thought. "You're really set on this, aren't you? Damn it, Wang. This could either be the smartest thing we've ever done or the dumbest way to get ourselves killed. But I'll admit, the idea has... potential."

A smile tugged at the corner of my mouth. "I knew you'd see the sense in it. We need to be crafty, stay on our toes. We'll need disguises, maybe fake identities. Blend in, get the lay of the land, and get out before anyone's the wiser."

Elara shook her head, a reluctant grin forming. "You're a madman. But alright, let's do it. We'll plan this down to the last detail. No rushing in blind. We need disguises, a believable backstory, and an exit strategy. We're not going to be the idiots who walk into a pirate haven without a plan."

"We'll be careful," I assured her. "We'll make this work, Elara. It's risky, but it's our best shot at turning things around. We're not just going to survive; we're going to thrive."

Elara's gaze hardened, a spark of her old fire returning. "Alright then, let's gear up for Portus Corsair. We'll be the wolves in sheep's clothing, the cunning amidst the ruthless. But if this goes south, I'm blaming you."

With a plan set in motion, albeit a perilous one, we began preparing for our venture into the heart of pirate territory. Portus Corsair loomed in our future, a dangerous and uncertain destination. But in the world of 'Game of Kings', fortune often favored the bold, and we were about to test that adage to its fullest.

Q: How would you, usually plan for a trip?