
Game of Crowns !

Alex a game developer in the modern world dies in a car crash and gets reborn in the world of game he developed. A world which is cruel to weak and blessed for strong. Now he must grow and prepare himself for the various challenges that awaits him. Will he be able to protect himself, his family and loved ones and make a name for himself is yet to be seen but he posses a tool that no one else have.

Mystic_Sensei · Fantasy
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6 Chs


As I opened my eyes, I saw a beautiful woman with platinum blonde hair who was calling my name and caressing my forehead. As my eyes opened and I came to sense slowly and steadily I looked around and found myself in a luxurious room full of extravagant decorations.

I was confused as to where I am who is this woman and who are these other women dressed like maids standing all around me and the beautiful woman.

But suddenly the gates of the room opened and a man with regal features, sapphire eyes and golden blonde hair dressed like a medieval nobleman came inside. He was looking very excited but there were tears in his eyes.

He rushed towards the beautiful woman and took her in his embrace showing his love and worry.

'My dear Angela I am glad that you are alright I was very worried about you and our baby. Words can hardly express the depth of my gratitude and love for you in this moment. You have shown incredible strength and courage, bringing our precious son into this world.'

Woman smiled and said 'Thank you, sweetheart. I couldn't have done it without you.'

Then the man looked towards me and said 'So, this is our son, he looks very cute just like you, my love.'

In reply the woman smiled and said 'Yes, he is very cute and look he have same sapphire eyes as you.'

The man then gently picked me up and lifted me in the air and stated 'As I cradle you in my arms for the first time, a profound sense of joy and responsibility washes over me. You, my son, are a testament to the greatness and legacy of our family, bearing the name Alexander de Grandis with honor. 

I promise to guide and protect you as you grow, to impart the values of our lineage, and to nurture the greatness that resides within you. You are the future of our house, and I couldn't be prouder to be your father.'

I was confused and shocked to say the least. As to how this man who looks like in his mid-20's lifting me up like a baby but after hearing this I understood what the fuck is happening.

Yes, I have been reborn and this man is none other than my father who by the way is a nobleman and by the looks of my surrounding and his clothing a powerful one at that. And the women who was earlier calling me by my name is none other than my mother.

I wanted to say something to them but couldn't other than few baby noises which made me frustrated and soon my baby senses took over and I started crying.

And my mother called to my father 'Lucius don't scare the baby' and then took me away from my father and showered me with her love and said 'Now it's time for the baby to eat you go and look after the matters of realm, I will take care of him.'

To which Lucius pouted and then nodded and went on his way saying 'Make sure you take good care of yourself along with Alex.' And then went on his way.

After which my mother started to breastfeed me and I started to calm down and my adult and mature consciousness started to fade away.

And I slowly and steadily went to sleep in my mother comfy hands.