
Game of Crowns !

Alex a game developer in the modern world dies in a car crash and gets reborn in the world of game he developed. A world which is cruel to weak and blessed for strong. Now he must grow and prepare himself for the various challenges that awaits him. Will he be able to protect himself, his family and loved ones and make a name for himself is yet to be seen but he posses a tool that no one else have.

Mystic_Sensei · Fantasy
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It was a stormy night I was going home from my office after overworking on a project which finally have been completed today and now, I can finally rest.

  I am Alex who works in a game development company named Ancient Games. We develop games various strategy, war and Kingdom building games.

We have just finished our biggest project named Game of Crowns which is an all-in-one Kingdom building game. 

The game is powered by a very powerful AI making all the NPC into sentinel beings which makes the story unpredictable other than the Global Major Events that are set in stone by developers but even they can be affected by the actions of a user\s.

Game features superb graphics, smooth gameplay, powerful anti – cheat measures along with an exciting story and sophisticated world building.

The best part of this game is it is totally free other than the initial purchase and anti – pay to win. That means it is totally on the player's efforts how much they will grow.

Other than the birth which is the beginning of the game where you can be born in a peasant, merchant, serf, slave, blacksmith and few lucky ones into noble household. Everything will be dictated by your efforts. Any character can be molded into anything with proper strategy and actions.

A slave can become a king if chosen the correct path a noble can die next moment if chosen the wrong words so nothing is set in stone and depend on your actions.

In this game there is many left to be discovered new land, weapons, recipes, medicine, resources, etc.

To progress in game, one will have to study war strategies, formations, working of various units, characters, trade methods etc. as we the developers have did it so ourselves to give a completely real and immersive experience to the player.

The game has been developed, and will be released soon for the players all around the world.

I was going back to my apartment after working late in the office in my car I was feeling very drowsy and was having a hard time opening my eyes. I wanted to stop and rest but there was a storm outside and I can bet this litterbox of car that I was driving will not start again in this much rain.

So, I continued my journey anyway, few moments later I heard a loud horn and when I opened my eyes the only thing, I saw was 2 bright headlights of a truck and "BAM!!".

Yes, you are right my sleepy ass was driving in the wrong lane and I just got KO'ed by a fucking truck. And in the last moment of my life came my regrets – "Damn! I really wanted to play my game !".

And that's how my lame ass life came to an end, thank you.




Or that's what I thought until I heard a gentle and warm voice calling my name.

' Alex, Alex, my dear Alex'.

Hi there this is my first work please be merciful!

Advice is always appreciated!

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