
Chapter 12.

"AAAGH! Damn! Why do you have to behave like this? Surely he hates you now…" - A female voice sounded in the middle of the forest. - "Besides, wasn't there another name less ridiculous than Slippery?"

Indeed, the girl who spoke was none other than Slippery, who until a few minutes ago had just said goodbye to Aldarion. She had waited for the distance to be long enough for him not to hear. So she could start releasing everything that had been spinning in her head.

'Well, at least he hasn't realized I was a girl, if he wouldn't be in trouble. No one should know who I am, if my father finds out that I have escaped again, I don't know what punishment he would impose on me'. - She thought to herself as she bit her fingernail.

'But Thalion... seemed very nice, as well as handsome. Not to mention that he was very brave to save me, if he hadn't arrived on time, I don't know if he would be alive now... It was just like the stories my mother told me, where the gentleman comes to rescue his loved'. - As I was thinking this, the girl's hair began to blush, and she did not realize until it was over. She put her hands on her cheeks and felt the heat of her blush.

"I-it can't be that, right? Not that I fell in love with him at first sight". - She said very nervous in a practically inaudible tone.

Just then, the noise of some bushes was heard and four Dunedain appeared who approached her. The one who seemed to be the leader of the group went ahead of the others and bowed slightly while greeting. - "My lady Fíriel. Her father sent us to pick her up. Please don't resist and join us quietly".

'Damm it! My father has discovered me very soon this time. I won't be able to go on adventures in a good season'. - She thought. - "Well, I will go with you. Don't worry, I won't do anything wrong". - She indicated calmly.

After hearing what Fíriel said, the Dunedain leader who came to pick her up looked at the girl with a surprised face. Fíriel noticing this he asked. - "What's up Telos?"

"I'm surprised you don´t make any fuss, that's all, my lady". - He said without much thought.

"That is nothing Telos, only today I am in a very good mood. I just hope Father is not very angry". - Firiel answered looking askance.

'I wonder what happened to the lady so she is so happy'. - Telos thought to himself.

"My lady, your father only cares about you. You know you are very important to him. You are his only daughter. Leaving the camp alone is very dangerous, you could meet a bandit or a pack of wolves". - He said to defend Firiel's father.

When Fíriel heard that last, she almost tripped. - "Defend myself, so he doesn't have to worry so much". - She said almost screaming, but then Firiel stopped to think about what happened before and that, if Thalion had not rescued her, she would not have finished well. Therefore, she fell silent and continued walking.

Some time later, they arrived at Dunedain camp. Firiel thought that having returned so fast, her father would not scold her so much, but she couldn't be more wrong. Her father and she were arguing for a while while her mother tried to mediate between the two.

The discussion ended with his father punishing her and announcing that he was going to start looking for a fiancé. She was twenty-five years old already and, according to the Dunedain tradition, she had to start looking for one.

This, of course, did not suit Friel, who, just that day, had met a man, for whom she had begun to feel something, and she knew that when her father was referring to a fiance, she wanted to say One of his race. A Dunedain from your camp or someone else failing.

Fíriel had a broken heart. He had feared the arrival of this day forever. She always wanted to live adventures around the world, without having to tie herself to anything or anyone.

Fíriel knew that he could not go against his father's orders and that she would have to promise himself with whom he told her. At best, I could delay it, but nothing more.

Shattered, Firiel simply said nothing, suppressed the tears that began to form in his eyes and went to his shop after saying goodbye to his parents.

When she arrived at her tent, she closed the entrance and ran to bury herself in the skins of her bed while crying. - 'Why does this have to happen to me? Is it that all women are tied to this destiny?' - Fíriel shouted in his head.

"Oh Thalion. Why is destiny so cruel to me?" - He whispered to himself in tears. At that moment he realized that he had mentioned it and did not know why. - 'What do I feel for him? Love?' - Thought.

Suddenly he started having crazy ideas in his head. -'But... that would be impossible, my father would never let me be with him, he is not one of us...'

Fíriel was crying for hours, until there was a time when he stopped cursing his cruel destiny. She decided that if she had to marry, she would do it with Thalion, because he is the only man for whom she thinks she has felt something. She would fight to be with Thalion, she still had time and more if she managed to delay the proposition.

'According to the traditions of Dunedain, first I have to get a fiance, but until I turn thirty I won't have to get married. If I play my cards well, I could find a way to meet Thalion and be with him'. - She thought.

After this little hope surfaced in Fíriel's heart, she began to cheer up, wiped away her tears and she began devising a plan to accomplish her goals.

Fíriel knew that his parents would only accept a man of his race and, in addition, they would try to be as prestigious as possible, but perhaps Telos could help her. He was always good to her, he was like an older brother to her. So she hoped that with her help she could escape her destiny.


Hi guys! Again, forgive the delay.

I just wanted to tell you that as you have noticed, I have changed the way of writing a bit. When characters speak they will be indicated with "...", but when they express thoughts they will be indicated with '....'.

Also tell you that for those who are not from Spain this weekend they start Christmas but do not finish until January 7.

During this period I will not be in my usual work site but I will try to upload as many chapters as possible.

Thanks again for your patience. Enjoy guys.