
Chapter 11.

They had walked for an hour and, although Aldarion tried to initiate a conversation with elusive in all the ways he knew, the most he came to get out was a slight nod or denial, so Aldarion ended up giving up after a while.

After a while, they came to a clearing where you could see a wooden house with a thatched roof and a chimney. Around the house there was what appeared to be a plantation, so Aldarion deduced that this was the farm he was looking for.

As if to confirm his assumption, Dibbler pointed at the house. - "So... Is this the farm?" - Asked Aldarion, waiting for a response from the man, but only got him to agree to his question.

The slippery response only made him despair. That attitude was driving him crazy. Aldarion, not wanting to argue because the man was at least kind to guide him to the farm, just scratched his head and snorted. - "Well, whatever. Let's go to the farm, maybe they'll give us something to eat". - Aldarion said with resignation and he started walking with his back to Slippery.

When he had taken a few steps, he realized that he was the only one who was walking, so he stopped. He turned around to look at Dibbler and told him. - "What's wrong, do not you come?"

Slippery simply dedicated himself to shaking his head, then he waved goodbye and left.

Aldarion was stunned. - 'He's a good person, but... Damn how I hate his attitude! Is it so hard for you to say something?' - He thought to himself. Aldarion turned around and continued on toward the farm while he grumbled.

As he approached, he noticed that smoke was rising from the chimney, so he deduced that, if there was anyone, he would be inside the house. When he reached the door, Aldarion knocked a couple of blows on it.

"Excuse me! There is someone in the house? My name is Aldarion, I have come to bring you the package from Bree's Gersten! "- After saying this Aldarion heard noises coming from inside the house, indicating that someone was going to open the door for him, so he relaxed.

The wooden door opened with a slight squeak, showing the figure of an older man. - "So Gersten has sent you. That man is increasingly lazy. I do not know why he could not come instead of having to have someone else do his job for him. "

"It's okay, sir, it's not Gersten's fault. This has been something he asked me as a favor, because I had to go through here, but he would not have asked me "- Aldarion told him.

The man, smiling and told him. - "You look like a good boy. Go inside and sit down, my wife is preparing dinner. By the way, I'm Mr. Tunnelly and this is my wife. " - The man told him to enter with a gesture and went to sit at the table.

Then, Aldarion entered the house and he noticed the woman while

He waved at her. Mrs. Tunnelly seemed to be a woman of about fifty years, so Mr. Tunnelly had to be older than her.

As he approached the table, Aldarion took out the package and handed it to the man. He received it with a grateful smile. - "Thank you very much boy, without this I could not work".

"Ding! The user has completed the 'Take a package to the farm' mission. Rewards: + 10 reputation points, + 20 experience points". - The warning of mission compliance by the system came instantly to Aldarion, but he ignored it at that time.

Seeing that the man seemed very kind, Aldarion could not help asking. - "Excuse me, Mr. Tunnelly, if it's not a lot of indiscretion, what's in the package to make it so important?" - Aldarion thought it could be a very expensive item.

The man smiled at him, opened the package and showed it to him. - "For many this may not be of special interest, but for a farmer like me this could be the most important thing".

What I showed Aldarion inside the package was a series of bags and each of these contained seeds. When he saw them, Aldarion realized the meaning of the man's words.

For any other person, some seeds did not mean anything, but for a farmer their life could be considered. They were their work, their sustenance and they would take care of them as if they were gold.

After seeing the seeds, Aldarion thought of something else. - 'Maybe Mr. Tunnelly knows about wild fruits and he can teach me'.

Having no more sources of food had led him to warm his head almost all the way, so having a solution at his fingertips filled him with joy. So he did not think about it anymore and asked it directly to the man. - "Mr. Tunnelly, do you know about wild fruits?" - The man nodded as he closed the package containing the seeds. - "Could you teach me?" - Coninuó asking Aldarion to see the statement of the old man.

The man put his index finger and thumb on his chin as if he was thinking of something. Seeing that Mr. Tunnelly was not doing anything, Aldarion started talking again. - "Sir, the truth is that I'm traveling and having knowledge about wild fruits would be very useful, so if you could help me I would be very grateful. I could even pay you if it's what you want".

Mr. Tunnelly began to frown as Aldarion spoke, which scared him, but at the moment in the end he spoke, Mr. Tunnelly told him. - "Easy kid, you do not need to pay me". - At that moment he got up, he took the package and he went to a piece of furniture where he kept it.

Then he went to a room and, from what Aldarion was hearing, it seemed that Mr. Tunnelly was looking for something. - "Where could it be? Where? Where...?" - Aldarion was watching everything in silence, not wanting to disturb him.

After a few seconds, Aldarion heard him speak again. - "Ah! Here you were!"

After that, the man left the room with what appeared to be a book. Mr. Tunnelly approached the table, he sat down and handed him the book while explaining what it was. - "In this book are all my knowledge about plants, herbs and fruits. If you want it, it's yours, I do not need it anymore. Take it as a reward for bringing me the seeds". - Aldarion, happy, gave him a sincere thanks and he took the book.

The moment he opened it and went to read it, what happened left him stunned. - "Ding! The user is in possession of the book 'Knowledge of Mr. Tunnelly'. Do you want to transfer your content to your mind?"

Aldarion could not believe it, this was a tricking skill, I wish he had had this ability in his other life. If it had been like that, I would not have had to spend many sleepless nights studying.

Without immediately accepting, Aldarion asked the system what consequences there were if he did so. - "The user would learn everything in the book, but, because he would receive a lot of information at the same time, it could cause him a headache until he manages to order all the information".

After listening to the system, Aldarion thought better and decided to save the book and absorb the knowledge when he went to bed.

After that, Ms. Tunnelly served the meal and they were chatting throughout the dinner and, when they got tired of this, everyone went to bed.

Aldarion had to sleep on the floor by the fireplace because they did not have another bed in the house, but that did not matter to him.

After saying goodbye to the farmers, Aldarion took out the book again and told the system to absorb the information. The system, without saying anything, did it and at that moment Aldarion received a strong twinge in the head, even though what bothered him the most was the dizziness generated by the amount of information. Seeing that the process was going to take a while, he decided to go to bed and fall asleep.