
Galaxy Nero

This story is about an alien creature who lives in a spaceship. His name is Nero He has the ability to absorb each Infinite Crystal. They're special items that give each user a supernatural power. Since Nero has the ability, it attracts his archenemy. He plans to capture Nero and use his powers as his own and rule the galaxy. But, as long as Nero has his friends and professor, the galaxy is well protected from him. Ensuring the Nero won't be captured. They also have many adventures in this story, so I hope you enjoy it.

Deep_Sabre25 · Sci-fi
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10 Chs

Trip to Planet Terria

After a fateful meeting, Nero has become great friends with Budo and Barbara. And after learning about his whole story involving Dr. Z and the Infinite Crystals, which they discussed on Nero and Professor Franklin's ship, they decided to join him on his adventures and help him stop Dr. Z from capturing him, collecting all the Infinite Crystals and taking the galaxy under his control.

At Home Base, which is the name of said ship, Nero and the Professor throws a 'Welcome Aboard' party for Budo and Barbara. They all have lunch together in the kitchen. Franklin cooked the steak and Nero prepared some drinks for the table.

"We're lucky to have you guys." said Nero.

Budo and Barbara agree.

"I wonder what kind of adventures we're gonna go on together." - Barbara.

"Who knows? I'm excited!" - Budo.

"Right? Where should we travel, Professor?" asked Nero.

"Well, we could travel anywhere we'd like. Are there places you'd like to visit, Nero?"- Franklin

Nero thinks hard about where to travel. But he is not sure yet. He goes to the ship's main controller and presses the green button that has the word 'NAVIGATOR' on it. It brings up the map on the main screen. "Let's see…. How about Planet Terria? I've never been there in a while." suggested Nero. He asks everyone if it's okay with them.

"Sure!" said the excited Budo.

"I would love to as well!" Said Barbara, who is also excited. "But won't they see us as invaders?"

The Professor assures her that exploring Terria will be fine. He explains that they're friendly to some beings outside their planet except those inherent from Planet Nova.

"Well, if that's the case, we should be okay," said Barbara.

The professor flies the ship to Terria, and Nero, Barbara, and Budo head to the lower deck of the ship to take a Teleport Rocket to land there.

"Seeya, Professor! We'll be back!" said Nero as he and his friends happily wave at Franklin. "Take care!" said Franklin.

The rocket safely lands in the midst of Terria's open and sandy field. The three alien kids hop out of it and see the desert around them.

"Now that we're here, let's check this place out!" said the happy Nero.

Budo happily follows him.

"Hey, you two! Wait for me!" said Barbara as she struggles to keep up with them.

As the three happily run, Nero stops as he spots a lake.

"Hey, guys! Look!"- Nero.

"Is that a pond?"- Budo.

"Looks like it. This must the Terrenian Lake!"- Barbara.

She's learned a lot about Terria from the Galactic Academy, so she knows all the places here. Well, most of them. She explains that it's one of the biggest lakes in Terria.

"Really? Wow!"- Budo.

"You really know your stuff, Barbara!"- Nero.

"Thanks. But it's just something I've learned from school. It's really nothing big."- Barbara, blushing.

They also notice a cabin next to the lake.

"You think someone might be inside?"- Nero.

"Dunno. Maybe we should check it out."- Budo.

The three walked toward the cabin but looked behind it from the window in case they think they were intruding. They do see someone in there. It's a Terrian!

They get down and move slowly from the cabin and into the bushes. They watch from afar wondering what the Terrian is up to. He increases his concentration intensely while fishing with his rod.

"Fishing, huh? What kind of fish do you he's going to catch?" - Budo.

"Probably something big. He looks like a skilled fisherman after all."- Nero.

The man reels in another fish. It turns out to be a medium size Terrenian trout.

"Man, I was hoping to catch a Terrenian Bullfish. Oh well. At least I got more dinner."- the man, taking the trout and going back to the cabin.

Nero wonders about the Bullfish. Barbara explains that it's the largest sea creature in all of Terria. Not only it's magnificent in size, but it's also the most dangerous thing in the sea on the planet. It could eat you if you're not careful while swimming.

"I can see you, you know! Come on out!" He says as he sharply spots Nero, Budo, and Barbara.

"We're not spying on you or anything!" said the panicking Budo.

"Saying that just makes us even more suspicious," Barbara tells him.

The man picks up his spear and threatens them.

"Whoa, relax! We're not trying to cause you any harm, buddy!" - Nero.

The man puts down his spear and apologizes for the unnecessary action.

"Hey, I have some fish if you kids want some. They're at my cabin." the man hopes that will make up for his mistake.

They follow him into the cabin. After welcoming them in, the man introduces himself as Shapu.

"Hi, the name's Nero. Nice to meet you, I'm Barbara. Hey there. Budo." - the trio, introducing themselves to him.

"You kids from different worlds?" Shapu asked.

"Pretty much. Barbara and I are from Planet Arctica. And Nero grew on a spaceship." - Budo.

Shapu was surprised to hear that answer considering that no one has heard someone grew up in a spaceship on the surface.

"Yeah, pretty mind-blowing, huh?" said Nero.

"I see. You must've had an interesting experience seeing the stars of the galaxy for years on end. I'm envious." said Shapu.

"How about you, Shapu? Do you live in this cabin?" asked Nero.

"Well yeah but not originally."

Shapu explains his story to them. He says that he has been mistreated by the people in Terrennia village due to him being weak and poor which was extremely unfair and uncalled for. His family was killed by monsters that inhabit Terria. They were hunting the beasts known as the Terrian Bullworms. They are giant worms with razor-sharp teeth. They won't hesitate to take a bite out of you if you show fear around them. Shapu was with them when they died. He was incredibly scared and started screaming out of fear when they first encountered the Bullworms. The worms started to strike. And while Shapu ran away from the scene and out of the cave, he heads back to the village while crying while his parents were left behind in the cave. He was saddened about his deceased parents and was very guilty about leaving his own parents. When he returned, he hesitantly told the villagers what happened, and they got furious at him and exiled him from his village.

"And that's why I live here. All alone."

"That's so horrible! I'm so sorry to hear that."- Nero.

"It was my own fault they're dead. Who can blame the villagers? I got them killed."- Shapu

"You were just scared. You didn't know how the Bullworms would react. It's not your fault. Fear is a natural emotion. I'm sure your parents wouldn't have blamed you for that."- Barbara, comforting him.

"Heh. You're a nice girl. But still, I want to avenge them with my own strength to redeem myself. As a hunter. One day. One of the reasons I'm also out here by the lake. Until I get mentally and physically stronger, I'm staying here."- Shapu

"You wanted to catch that Bullfish, right?" - Budo.

Shapu tells them that if he catches the most dangerous sea creature, he will be acknowledged as a reliable hunter by the villagers. This creature is the next step in a hunter's growth.

"Let's help him, you guys!" - Nero.

Budo and Barbara agree.

Meanwhile, Dr. Z is in his lab checking on his new machine.

"Perfect. The installation is finally complete. I hope I can defeat Nero and capture him with this." Z calls it the Destroyer 2000. A powerful robot capable of eliminating anything in its path. He also appears to have an Infinite Crystal in his hand. The Force Crystal.

"A bit convenient that this crystal was found above my lair, but now I have one of the five crystals. Now all I need is four more and, not only Nero, but the galaxy will be mine!" he said as he laughs maniacally after.

"Let's see what's on my monitor." Z presses the green button and the screen showing the whole galaxy pops up. "Where could Nero be?" he wonders as he checks everywhere in the galaxy to search for Nero using the main screen. He instantly finds him on Planet Terria. "Hehe. Let's see how you beat me this time, Nero. You don't stand a ghost of a chance." he says and laughs again.

Back on Planet Terria, the sun begins to set, and Professor Franklin might be worried sick. They've been helping Shapu catch the Bullfish nonstop.

"Guys, we need to hurry and get back to the ship."- Barbara.

"Oh yeah! You're right! Let's book it!" said Budo.

"We'll see ya later, Shapu. We gotta go home!" said Nero waving at him. Budo and Barbara chime in.

"I understand. You guys will come back tomorrow, right?"

"Of course! We won't stop until we help you catch that fish." said Nero.

A sudden loud step occurred from outside the cabin. "What was that?" asked Budo. "Let's go check it out!" said Nero. Budo and Barbara nodded affirmatively. The three rush outside including Shapu.

And when they got there, they see a large robot far behind the cabin. A robot appears to have a symbol on its stomach that shows the letter "Z" in purple color.

"That could mean that Dr. Z's here!" exclaimed the nervous Barbara.

"Indeed, I am, little girl!" the doctor in question suddenly appears from behind the robot.

"Meet your demise, Nero! For this robot is the Destroyer 2000!" he said as the robot begins to attack.

"Barbara, you and Shapu go inside!" said Budo. "Ready for another beating, punk?!" he says as he turns to Z.

"You children won't defeat me so easily this time! Destroyer, eliminate!" Z says as he presses the red button with crossbones on his wrist.

The robot goes into rampage mode! Nero uses Cosmic Flare on it, but the robot hits it in a different direction like a baseball! It then launches its arm at Nero, who swiftly dodges it. Budo strikes with a punch. But due to the robot's metal body, it severely hurts his hand. Destroyer began to smack him away into the ocean with a backhand.

"Budo!!" shouted the worried Nero as looks at the ocean where Budo is. "You'll pay for that, Z!"

Budo quickly swims up to the surface and swims to shore. "Let's see…. Maybe I should try aiming for the head. If that doesn't work, I don't know what will." said Nero as he talks in his head as he is thinking of a strategy.

The robot launches an extended arm at Nero. He dodges it again then runs up its arm. He jumps and blasts Cosmic Flare close and directly into its face. He safely lands on the ground on his feet.

"Ahahahahaha! It won't work, fool! This robot is heat-proof! Your puny Cosmic Flare won't do a thing!" said the mocking Dr. Z.

"Blast it! Can nothing destroy this thing?!" said the frustrated Nero.

"I told you I wouldn't be defeated so easily this time!" said Z as he laughs maniacally.

From inside the cabin, Shapu watches the battle in frustration. He picks up his spear and goes straight to the door to try and help Nero and Budo. "

Shapu, wait! It's too dangerous!" Barbara tries to stop him. But he stubbornly shakes his arm from her hand. "Please! You don't know what that robot will do to you!" Barbara pleads.

"Even so, you can't expect me to just stand back and watch from the sidelines. I don't want to be the pathetic, little Terrian I was anymore. Bravery and strength are two characteristics of a Terrian's nature. It's just how we are. So I have do this! Even if it costs me my life!" said Shapu with firmness. He walks out the door with a brave face. Barbara still goes after him.

Shapu throws his spear at the robot to distract it. Destroyer becomes even more irritated and makes Shapu its target. Destroyer fires its left extended arm at him. Shapu dodges it. Destroyer unleashes an electrical blast from its cannons at Shapu, but he dodges again.

"Hey! Come and get me!" said Shapu as he lures the robot into a trap: the lake. The provoked robot chases after him into the water.

"Is Shapu crazy?! He's gonna get killed!" said the worried Budo. Nero reassures him that he might have a plan.

Indeed, he does as he swims into the ocean while the robot is after him. Z tries to pull Destroyer back, but the bot just wouldn't listen. It starts to short out from electricity when it got to the pool. Shapu figured out its weakness!

"No! Destroyer!" said the poor villain as his robot meets its demise. The robot slowly falls deeper into the abyss of the lake while Shapu swims back to shore safely.

"You should've figured out that your robot was very weak to water, Doc!" said Shapu.

Nero, Budo, Barbara, and Shapu celebrate their victory. Z flies away with a disappointed expression.

"I'll get you next time Nero. But first I'll need to search for the Infinite Crystals. So enjoy your victory while you still can." said the doctor as he flies away.

"Shapu, that was amazing!" said Budo.

"Yeah! It was clever how you lured that mechanical butt monkey into the water!" said Nero.

Barbara gives him praise too. "That was very dangerous, though! Don't ever do that! You could've been seriously killed!" she scolds him.

Shapu apologizes to her for his recklessness. The three decided to head back to the Teleport Rocket and wave their new friend bye. They get in the rocket, and it takes them back home.

They've returned to the ship, and take the elevator up to the ship's main control room.

"We're so sorry if we worried you, Professor," said Barbara as she bows her head.

"It's all right. It seems you three had so much fun," said Franklin.

"We also met an interesting friend," said Nero.

"You mean you met a Terrian?!" asked the surprise professor.

"Well, you said it yourself that Terrians are friendly to other different beings outside their race. And you weren't joking." said the happy Budo.

Nero tells the professor all about Shapu and his situation. After hearing this information, Professor Franklin fully understands their desire to help him. He seems to have an invention in mind that will help. "It might take a while though," he said.

"Thanks. Also, while we were there, you know who was causing trouble again," said Nero.

"I see. That Dr. Z doesn't know when to give up," said Franklin. He wishes that there is some way to get him to leave Nero alone, but Nero has the power to harness the energy of the Infinite Crystals. This is why the annoying doctor keeps chasing after him. He wants to capture him in order to take his powers away permanently.

"Hey, guys. After we help Shapu, we need to find and collect all the Infinite Crystals before Z does," suggests Nero. "He can't just be after me, but the Crystals as well."

Everyone agrees. Professor Franklin suggests that Nero and the others should get some rest since it's late. Budo and Barbara borrow some empty rooms where they'll be staying for the time being. Nero heads to his room too. And the gang finally goes to sleep. Franklin leaves the autopilot function on as the ship goes in slow motion. He heads to his room to get some rest as well.

Meanwhile back at Dr. Z's base, he's in his lab frustrated after another defeat by Nero.

"Blast it! Even Destroyer failed! I thought Nero would be mine for sure that time! I'll just have to stick to my other solution. I'll find all the Infinite Crystals before Nero and the rest of those pests do."Z said. "Well, since I have the Dark Crystal in my hand, there are only 4 more to look as I just noted yesterday." Z begins to build a device that can locate any item, including an Infinite Crystal.

"It would be easier to build if I had the right parts. Then I could find the rest of the crystals."

Planet Arctica might have something like that, considering the fact the planet has the most scientists and inventors. It also has a lot of machinery in a few areas.

"Hmm, going there as a human can make things difficult. I'd better disguise myself."

Z uses his Transformation Bracelet to turn into an Arctican. Now he heads for Arctica.

The next morning, Professor Franklin continues working on the invention he was mentioning yesterday. It's called the Electronic Fisher. A special fishing rod that has an unlimited grip on any sea creature that bites the bait, big or small. It can also electrocute the fish that takes the bait when the user presses the red button.

After finishing the rod, Franklin goes to the kitchen to make breakfast. Nero and his friends wake up and go to the kitchen together. The professor made eggs and bacon.

"This is so good!" said Nero. He thanks Franklin for the meal and so do his friends.

"Wait one moment, guys. I'll be right back." said the professor.

He goes to his lab to pick up the Electronic Fisher and heads back to the kitchen to reveal it to Nero and the others. "Your friend will need this to catch that Bullfish," said Franklin as he gives the fishing rod to the group.

Nero thanks him, and the gang heads into Terria once again.

Now everyone is back at Terrenian Lake.

"Incredible! This might work! Thanks, guys!" said Shapu as Nero and his friends hand him the fishing rod.

"No other person was able to catch that Terrian Bullfish. But you can, Shapu." encouraged Nero.

And when he does, he will show it to his village, and they'll accept him as a noble Terrian for his strength and courage. He casts the Electric Fisher into the pool. With his eyes closed, he quietly waits for the Bullfish to take the bait. It finally bites it.

"Now's your chance, Shapu! Push the red button!" said Barbara.

He presses it and the dangerous sea creature gets electrocuted just as well as the entire sea.

"Now reel it in! You got this!" cheered Budo.

Shapu reels it in with all his strength. He flips the Bullfish very high up in the sky, and it lands on the ground. But the force of the landing caused it to make a little shock through the ground that pushes Nero, Barbara, and Budo almost to the pool. Shapu apologizes for that.

"When you get to the village, are you guys gonna cook that thing?" asked Budo.

"That would be a nice celebration meal. Anyway, I'd like to thank you kids for all the help."

The gang heads back home and waves Shapu goodbye once again.

The professor activates the ship's scanner to see if any Infinite Crystal is around. The scanner seems to have picked something up. Nero and the others are relieved that they located the Max Crystal. It's in the west of the galaxy in one of the craters.

"I wasn't expecting us to find one that quick!" said the surprise Budo.

"Yeah! Neither was I. It was so easy that it's kind of strange." agreed Barbara.

Franklin steers west and flies to get the crystal. "I think it's because of the big wave the scanner gives off. It was big enough to detect the crystal in the west," explained Franklin.

Nero praises him for programming the scanner like that as it comes in handy on many occasions.

"Haha. Thanks, Nero. Now I have your spacesuits ready. They're in my lab. Let me go grab them." Franklin goes to his lab. He retrieves the suits and brings them to the alien kids.

"Thanks, Professor. Let's put 'em on, guys!" said Nero.

He and the others rise from the roof of the ship. They move towards the crater and Barbara uses the shovel to dig in order in order to reach the crystal. The shining yellow light appears beneath her feet.

"Hey, guys! Have a look!" shouted Barbara as she holds the Max Crystal in her hands and shows it to Budo and Nero.

"Sweet! We got it! Nice work, Barbara!" said Budo.

She blushes hard at the praise but thanks Budo. Nero compliments her as well.

"Please, you guys. I don't deserve any praise. Really." She blushes again. "A-Anyway we should hurry back to the ship."

"Yeah. Let's head on home." agreed Nero. The three went back to Home Base.

"Great job, everyone. Now we have two Infinite Crystals," said Franklin.

Now all they need is three more to go! Franklin goes to the elevator of the ship to put the Max Crystal inside the vault. While he does that, Barbara looks at her watch and notices that it's lunchtime. They go to the kitchen together.

Dr. Z is back from his little trip to Arctica. Now that he has all the parts he needed; he finally begins to build a radar. He might be able to use the tracker to find the Infinite Crystals.

Back at Home Base, Nero and the others are sitting down at the table on the main platform. Discussing about the Infinite Crystals.

"I wonder which crystal we'll find next," says Franklin.

"I bet it's gonna be the Force Crystal." guessed Budo.

"Whatever crystal it is, we need to find them all," said Nero.

"Nero's right! We at least gotta get more Infinite Crystals than Z! Then we'd be at an advantage," said Budo.

"Yeah. I'll do what I can to help locate them!" said Barbara. "Um, I'll need to use the restroom real fast. Do any of you know where I can find one?" she says as she desperately holds it.

"I'll show the way, Barbara." offered Franklin. He escorts her to the platform where the bathroom is.

"Hey, Budo. I've just been wondering. How did you and Barbara meet?" asked Nero.

"You mean our very first meeting together? Well, you see…" said Budo.


He explains that he and Barbara have become childhood friends since their time at White Star Academy, the school on Planet Arctica. Due to Barbara's timid nature and love for science, she was physically and verbally bullied by her classmates. Budo yelled at them and told them off to save Barbara. He helped her up, and Barbara graciously thanked him and apologized for the trouble.

"Don't worry about it. I'm always happy to help," he said to her.

Budo introduces himself to her and asks for her name.

"U-um, I'm Barbara… Nice to meet you.." she said as she blushes.

She promised to see him again soon and hurried off to class. And as they grew up, Barbara slightly grew more confident in herself thanks to Budo. Her dream was to be an inventor just like her father. She wanted to make inventions of her own so that she can be helpful to everyone. Budo promised to do everything and his power to support her.

Back at present.

That's how the two became friends. "I've gotta protect Barbara! No matter what! So, Nero, how about we train as hard as we can while we're looking for the Infinite Crystals? We'll have more than enough time before Z nabs them, right?" said Budo.

Nero agrees and says that he and Budo will get stronger together.

Barbara washes her hands before exiting the bathroom.

"Ah. That was refreshing. Thanks so much, Professor." said Barbara.

"Count on me anytime," he said.

They walk on the elevator, taking them up to the main deck.

"Should we keep searching for the Infinite Crystals?" Barbara asks him. Franklin nods.

"I'll use my scanner again to see if there are any other Infinite Crystals nearby," he said.

Franklin uses the scanner. But no crystal was detected.

"We should fly around until it picks up something," suggested Nero.

"It could be worth a try," said Franklin. He drives the ship around space, yet it detects nothing.

"Hmm… maybe we can continue this another day," suggested Franklin. The others agree.

"Oh yeah! Let's train together, Budo!" said Nero.

"Heck yeah! Erm… hey Professor?" Budo asks him where they should train.

"This ship does have a gym at the very bottom. Just go to the elevator and press F6." said Franklin.

Budo thanks him and he and Nero hurry over to the gym for a little training and exercise. They train together until it gets late.

"Alright, I feel a little stronger now. Thanks for training with me, Nero!" said Budo.

"No problem, Budo! Man, that training me a bit hungry." Budo's stomach growls as well.

"Yeah, same! C'mon, it might be dinner time." agreed Budo.

The two boys head to the elevator up and it takes them to the kitchen floor. Their bond has gotten stronger.

Barbara helps the professor prepare the plates, silverware, and drinks. "Hey, guys!" Nero greets as he and Budo enter the kitchen.

"Wow! You two are sweaty!" exclaimed Barbara.

Nero says that he was training hard with Budo.

"Ahahaha! I see! All that training must've been really fun!" said Franklin.

"Well, try not to overdo it. And make sure to take a shower after you two eat," said Barbara with a motherly tone.

"Yes, ma'am," said Nero and Budo at the same time.

Budo digs into the fine-cooked steak. So does Nero. They eat together vigorously.

Dr. Z on the other hand found the Force Crystal. Now he only has three more to find. But Nero and the others have two crystals in their possession(Not that Z knows that).

"Hmmm…. I wonder if I can create a better minion to help me capture Nero. I will need someone who is extremely powerful. I might have to use the Dark Crystal to create that someone." said Z with the devilish snicker.

Counting the Infinite Crystals, Nero and his friends have only 2: the Max Crystal and the Cosmic Crystal. Dr. Z has the Dark Crystal and the Force Crystal. Now everyone has four Infinite Crystals. But no one knows the whereabouts of the Spirit Crystal.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Whatever it is that I'm lacking with my story, I'll fix it if you just tell me. My next chapter will come pretty late this month if not December. Please comment to tell me what you think so far.

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