
Galaxy Nero

This story is about an alien creature who lives in a spaceship. His name is Nero He has the ability to absorb each Infinite Crystal. They're special items that give each user a supernatural power. Since Nero has the ability, it attracts his archenemy. He plans to capture Nero and use his powers as his own and rule the galaxy. But, as long as Nero has his friends and professor, the galaxy is well protected from him. Ensuring the Nero won't be captured. They also have many adventures in this story, so I hope you enjoy it.

Deep_Sabre25 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

The Infinite Thief

The gang gives Hade a tour around Home Base. They are currently on the 1st floor right now. They explain to Hade as much as each of them knows about technology. The ship has full of advanced technology made by engineers, technicians, etc. Which describes how it was built thirty-four years ago.

"Well? How do you like it, Hade?"- Nero

"Impressive! This is an amazing home you have! You're also able to travel at light speed as well!"- Hade.

"Yeah. The professor is the pilot of this ship."- Nero.

"But where is your professor? And if he's not here to pilot the ship, how is it flying on its own?"- Hade.

"Well as you can see, it has an auto-pilot feature. The mode that it's currently set on now allows it to fly slowly and safely by its own merits. So that's why we leave it on when the professor's not around just in case we crash into something."- Barbara, explaining the whole process.

"Pretty cool, huh? Anyway, before we show you where you'll be staying, let's have you meet the professor!"- Budo

And so they head to Franklin's lab by taking the elevator. Because how else would they get there?

"Hey, professor! There's someone we want to introduce you to!"- Nero.

"Really? Who is it, Nero?"- Franklin.

"This is Hade! He's decided to come along with us from now on."- Nero.

Hade is amazed to see a human for the first time. Dr. Z is the exception.

"Hello there, professor. It's nice to meet you."- Hade, bowing to him.

"Nice to meet you too! I'm Professor Franklin Whitehouse. I'm an explorer of space as well as an astronomer. I've been taking care of Nero ever since I first found him."- Franklin, kindly smiling.

"An astronomer?"- Hade.

"Yes. It's someone who studies astronomy. Astronomy is the study of celestial objects in space. Like the stars and moon. You can see them from this ship. As such, you can get a great view of every environment in space."- Franklin.

"Yeah! Being up here on the surface is one amazing experience!"- Budo.

"Professor, we should show Hade his new room."- Nero.

"You're right, Nero. Follow us, Hade."- Franklin.

They are now in the hallway.

"This place is very exhilarating! You certainly have quite a home!"- Hade, impressed.

"Right? This ship is something else, huh?- Budo.

Nero opens the door of a clean and empty room. Which is where Hade will be staying.

"That over there's your bed."- Nero, pointing at the bed with the green sheets and a soft white pillow.

"It looks quite comfortable. Thank you. Mind if I drop off my things?"- Hade.

"Not at all! Go ahead!"- Nero.

"We'll be right in our rooms if you need us. I hope you'll enjoy your time with us!"- Barbara.

They say bye to the young Terrian before exiting the room.

"I wonder if my tribe will be alright. Especially Frill. But I can't worry. I need to have faith in them. I can only hope to be helpful to Nero and the others. This journey could also make me stronger."- Hade, thinking in his head.

Meanwhile, at the Galactic Federation HQ, Luna trains with her captain, Galtic. They are having a bit of a spar. Luna punches Galtic's arms, which he's using to protect his face.

"Great punch, Luna. But you'll need a bit more force than that to pierce through your opponent's defenses.

Luna's hands get caught in Galtic's grasp as he was about to throw her. But Luna counters with a kick. An upper one that hit Galtic's jaw.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry, sir! Are you alright?!"- Luna.

"Heh, I won't deny that hurt. That was a great tactic you pulled."- Galtic.

"Thank you for the compliment, Captain. But I still can't help but feel responsible for that injury."- Luna.

"Don't worry about it. You know HQ has a medical center. My chin will get patched up in no time. Instead of feeling sorry, you should feel proud of your own strength, Luna. Despite being a child, you are a brave soldier and a great combat specialist. That's why I entrusted you to be a part of my squad."- Galtic, patting Luna on the head.

"Thank you, sir. And for the training. You're the reason I've become so strong."- Luna.

"Stop it. You're making me blush. By the way, that Nero kid seemed to like you. Maybe you should hang out with friends like him more often when you're on break."- Galtic.

"Um...well... I'll think about it."- Luna, blushing.

After Galtic leaves, Luna sees a mysterious figure outside the window. The figure, who is spotted by her, makes a dimensional portal and jumps into it. After entering, the portal quickly disappears.

"What the heck was that?"- Luna, wondering.

At Dr. Z's base, he is kicking broken robots everywhere in his lab. Indicating that he's throwing a tantrum at another failed plan.

"How does that irritating space rat keep getting the better of me?! I can't seem to win against him! And there were even times when I almost had him too! Yet somehow, he keeps finding a way out of my grasp! Not even the most powerful life I created could beat him! You hear me, Infamous! You're so incompetent!!!"- Dr. Z.

He points a finger at Infamous.

"Master, I'm truly sorry. Soon, Nero will be yours. Maybe not next time. But someday, I'll make sure that he's in your hands."- Infamous, bowing before pledging.

"You had better! Or I will dump you onto that moon just like I did to Nero twelves years ago! You know how much I disdain incompetence. I don't even have half a quarter amount of patience for it. Perhaps I could make you do better at your job as my minion with a little training. I should've thought of this solution sooner. Once I make you produce high enough results upon your training, you'll become much stronger, faster, and better than Nero."- Dr. Z.

While he's busy talking to Infamous, the mysterious figure that Luna saw appears in Dr. Z's lab when the doctor is not looking. He quietly steals the Shapeshifting Bracelet before Dr. Z could even notice the noise from the dimensional portal. The stranger disappears right after his little heist. The doctor looks around only to find that his bracelet is gone.

"What... where is my bracelet!?!?!?!?!?!"- Dr. Z, screaming at the top of his lungs.

It's officially nighttime as Barbara gives the professor a hand in the lab. He is working on another invention. The GPS. It's the perfect navigation device when traveling. Barbara hands him the screwdriver so he can tend to the bolts. He screws them all tight to put all the parts together while the chip is between them.

"Alright! It should be finished! I installed all the buttons as well. Inventing this device became a lot easier thanks to your help, Barbara. Thank you."- Franklin, smiling appreciatively at her.

"It was no trouble, professor. I'm just happy that I could be of use. We should probably get some rest now. Good night."- Barbara.

"Yes, you're right. It is getting late. Sleep well, my beautiful inventor."- Franklin.

Barbara blushes and giggles. She walks outside the lab while waving bye at Professor Franklin. He waves back. He then looks at his watch. It appears to be 10:30.

"She wasn't kidding. Time to turn in for the night."- Franklin.

While everyone on the ship is sleeping, the stranger from before just happens to stumble upon their ship. When the stranger entered, Nero suddenly awakens as he heard the noise. Apparently, he has super strong hearing. He walks out of his room and takes the elevator. This takes him up to the first floor. He spots the person that entered their ship.

"Hey! Who are you?"- Nero.

"Hello there, sleepyhead! Name's Fazer! I don't suppose you have anything valuable here, do you?"- Fazer.

"Geez. We really need to get better security on this ship. Anyway, how did you get here?"- Nero.

"I just happened to have laid eyes on this neat ship of yours from the moon and floated down here. You see, some of us from Planet Nova can fly. Even in space. At least temporarily. Due to our High Levitation, which is the name of the skill that enables our flight capabilities. We can also make portals to travel to each dimension."- Fazer.

"Wait. Doesn't being in space technically make your lungs explode?"- Nero.

"Not if we have these. These earings planted into ears create a magical barrier that surrounds the inside of our bodies. So when we're in space, it shouldn't be a problem. We call them Psy Rings. Also, I'm the only one who can perform High Levitaion just by wearing these things. I can't do the skill normally on my own. Anyway, would you happen to have an Infinite Crystal?"- Fazer.

"Are you planning on stealing one of the Infinite Crystals we have?"- Nero, entering his battle stance.

"I'd like to say borrow. But stealing is a much better idea!"- Fazer.

"Well, news flash: it isn't!"- Nero, charging at Fazer.

Fazer does the same at Nero. Both collide in headbutts. He punches Fazer, and the latter falls down on his back. Only to open a dimensional portal.

He disappears for a while much to Nero's confusion. Then opens a portal from up above and strikes him on the head with his fist. After it hits, Nero's face collides with the ground.

"Argh! Who do you think you are?!"- Nero, slowly getting back up.

"Just someone with a well-deserved goal! To be the best there is of my planet!"- Fazer.

Nero does a low kick. But Fazer flies up to dodge it and descends. Landing on the table. Nero tries a left jab at the white alien. But Fazer dodges again. He moves like water. Franklin and the others arrive in time to see the two duke it out.

As Fazer realizes been spotted, he exits the ship in a panic by making another portal and entering it. The others run toward Nero.

"Nero, are you alright?"- Franklin.

"Yeah. Sorry to wake you guys up."- Nero.

"Hey, it's fine, buddy. But what was the deal with that guy? And how did he get aboard our ship?" - Budo.

"Well, all I know is that his name is Fazer, and he's from Planet Nova. He also makes these weird portals that make appear and disappear from almost anywhere."- Nero.

"So, a Novian has managed to enter Home Base without us noticing."- Hade.

"Novian?"- Nero.

"Yes. As you can see, Novians are those born in Planet Nova. They're a race of magical beings that possess psychic powers. As well as other supernatural powers."- Franklin.

"My kind hates Novians for some unknown reason. It's been that way for years."- Hade.

"I'm sorry to hear that you got caught up in that kind of feud, Hade."- Nero.

"It's fine, Nero. Fate had it out worse for me when all I wanted was to just make a friend with a Novian. Anyone outside my homeworld for that matter."- Hade.

"What are you talking about, Hade? You have us, and we're your friends."- Budo, cheering him up.

"That's true. You're right"- Hade.

"Anyway, let's get back to bed."- Nero.

"Yeah... I do hope you're not though, Nero"- Barbara.

"I'm fine, Barbara. Don't worry. Let's get some shut-eye."- Nero.

After a good night's rest, everyone wakes up in the morning. When they arrive at the kitchen, they see an unexpected guest.

"Hey. Morning."- Luna, while sipping her tea.

"Luna?!"- Nero, Budo and Barbara.

"What's with the surprised looks? What, am I not welcome here?"- Luna.

"N-no! It's not that! But what are you doing here?"- Nero.

"Yeah. Shouldn't you be back at headquarters?"- Budo.

"Captain Galtic gave me permission to relax for a while. So, I'm gonna crash here for a bit. By the way, I'm not intruding, am I?"- Luna. "It's fine, Luna. You're our guest, after all. I was just about to make breakfast. I'd be delighted if you'd join us. Barbara, could you help me?"- Franklin.

Sure, professor!"- Barbara, following Franklin to the back of the kitchen.

"By the way, who's he?"- Luna, looking at Hade.

"Oh, This is Hade. We met him on Planet Terria. He's decided to come along for the ride."- Nero.

"It's nice to meet you, Luna. I sincerely hope we can get along."- Hade.

"I hope so too. Put her there!"- Luna.

"This ship is pretty neat. It's way more comfortable compared to HQ. We always have a broken AC."- Luna.

"Well, you're more than welcome to stay, Luna. We could have a blast together."- Nero.

Luna blushes while looking at Nero before shyly turning her head away.

"Y-yeah... sure whatever. I guess I don't mind."- Luna.

Meanwhile, Fazer, the Novian from before, is hiding inside the moon. He managed to make it his own private cave. He places all the items he stole onto the ground to count them all.

"Let's see. The Shape-Shifting Bracelet and a Blast Gun. These two might come in handy for now. Hopefully, getting at least one Infinite Crystal will be easier with these bad boys. Then, I'll show those jerks on my planet who's boss! I'll have to explore a bit more until I've found one. Ahahaha!"- Fazer.

Luna is training with Nero, Budo, and Hade at Home Base's gym. She is dodging the tennis balls firing at her from the ball shooter machine. This actually helps with her agility. Budo, alongside Hade, takes a swing at each punching bag. Nero lifts a fifty-pound dumbbell hard as he could. So far, he's done twenty lifts in a row. He's strong for someone small. Anyway, he puts the dumbbell on the ground for a while as means of recovering stamina.

"Hey, Nero! Think fast!"- Luna.

"Huh?"- Nero.

As the yellow girl delivers a fast kick, Nero blocks it with both arms.

"Huh. That's some impressive toughness for a little guy like you."- Luna, landing back on her feet after doing a backflip.

"What're you doing, Luna?!"- Nero.

"Isn't it obvious? You and I are gonna have a friendly spar!"- Luna.

"But, Luna! I don't want to hurt a friend! Especially a girl!"- Nero.

"Tch. Some of us women aren't weak as you think, you know. Come at me! You'd better not hold back!"- Luna.

"Man, she's quite the fighting type. Huh, Hade?"- Budo.

"I agree. She definitely has fire in her eyes. As well as a bit of a stubborn streak."- Hade.

"Uh... Luna, I'm not so sure if-"- Nero.

Luna glares at him in a determined expression.

"O-okay! Fine. Just remember, you asked for it!"- Nero.

Luna tries to punch Nero. But she gets caught in his grasp and quickly throws her in the air before she could retaliate. But she quickly recovers and lands safely on her feet.

Nero rushes for a tackle as the impact sends her to the ground.

"Sorry, Luna. Was I too rough?"- Nero, offering her a hand.

"Oh! I'm fine, Nero! Thank you! You're really strong."- Luna, smiling at him while taking his hand.

But while doing so, she gets back only to grab and flip him. He lands on his back after being thrown.

"But also really predictable! You're not supposed to offer the enemy a hand!"- Luna.

"Hey, you're the one who said, "You and I are gonna have a friendly spar", remember? Plus, you're not an enemy!"- Nero, rubbing his back.

"I also said don't hold back! Meaning no mercy nor remorse! You gotta be ruthless when you're facing an opponent. Think of it as a battle tip. If your opponent is on the ground, deliver another blow before they can back up. Cuz' if you don't while they're down, they could recover and brutally strike back at you when they get the chance. I should know. I was that merciless against criminals during my days with the Galactic Force."- Luna.

"Really? You were?"- Nero.

"Yeah. After Captain Galtic took me in when I was completely separated from my brother, I witnessed how brave, strong, and noble he is all the time. There was this one time when I was kidnapped by thieves. I saw how he fought bravely against them. And how kind he was when he rescued me. The Captain was always so nice to me. I looked up to him ever since. So I desperately wanted to be as strong as him. He declined at first when I asked him to train me in combat. Given that he didn't want me to get hurt. But after seeing me hit a punching bag as hard as I could and exercising a lot, he accepted. And after a few years of training, well, look what am I today."- Luna.

"Wow! That's an awesome story, Luna. So that's how became Captain Galtic's top-notched soldier. Still, I hope you'll see your brother again."- Nero.

"Me too."- Luna.

"We'll help you out. Someday, you'll find him."- Budo.

"Indeed. We're here for you whenever you need us."- Hade.

"Thanks, guys."- Luna, smiling at them.

Suddenly, everyone's stomach begins to grumble.

"Oh gosh. Let's hit the kitchen!"- Nero.

"Yeah. Before Luna's stomach makes the sound of a Terrian Bullworm's cry."- Budo, teasing her.

"Sh-shut up! Yours was growling too!"- Luna, embarrassed and annoyed.

"Let's just replenish our strength with a meal."- Hade.

They all head to the elevator.

As time skips until after dinner, Luna puts on her spacesuit and walks to the elevator. She waves bye to the group before taking off.

"Take care, Luna! We'll see you tomorrow!"- Budo.

"We hope you find your brother eventually!"- Barbara.

"Hey, Luna! Let's hang out like this more often, okay? You're fun to have around!"- Nero.

"T-thanks. You guys better take care of yourselves too."- Luna, blushing.

"She's great, isn't she, Nero?"- Franklin.

"Yeah!"- Nero.

Suddenly, the security alarm goes off. This indicates that something must've happened at the vault.

"What's going on?"- Luna.

Franklin and the other rush to the elevator, and he quickly presses the 6F button.

"Sorry about this, Luna. But we need to the vault real quick."- Franklin.

"Why? Was something stolen?"- Luna.

"I'm afraid we'll have to find out for ourselves."- Franklin.

At the vault, they noticed that all the Infinite Crystals they had up until this point are missing from the containers.

"Someone swiped our Infinite Crystals AGAIN?! Are you kidding me?! Who stole them this time?! Why does this keep happening to us?!"- Budo, stressed.

"Geez! Shut up already! Getting frustrated doesn't help any situation!"- Luna.

"Hmm. I wonder if... Hey, Luna. Did you see a Novian appear? Because I did."- Nero.

"Well, I did see someone floating in space for a short moment there. It was when I was back at HQ. It looked like they just... disappeared without a trace after going into a portal."- Luna.

"It could've been Z who stole the crystals from under our noses for all we know."- Budo.

"I don't think so. The doctor seems rather predictable and clumsy."- Hade.

"Yeah. Granted the guy's a genius. But if he tried to steal them without us noticing, he would be clumsy enough to leave a shred of evidence that he was here. Plus, he wouldn't be able to get into the vault this easily anyway. Even with Infamous' help."- Nero.

"But, Nero. Why bring the Novian up? Do you think he could've done this?"- Barbara.

"Only one way to find out. Could you get Robo-Fly, please? She might be able to the Infinite Crystals, right?"- Nero.

"Good idea! I'm sure she can help us out!"- Barbara, happily nodding at his request.

Barbara leaves the vaults and heads to her room to bring Robo-Fly here.

"If it is that punk that attacked Nero last night, he's gonna have a major beatdown from us when we get the crystals back!"- Budo.

"What? He attacked you?"- Luna.

"Well, more like I confronted him first. I just caught him sneaking onto our ship."- Nero.

"Who was he anyway?"- Luna.

"Fazer. If I can remember right, he told me he was looking for an Infinite Crystal. So I'd just assume that he was gonna steal ours. Given that he was clearly sneaking aboard."- Nero.

"Wow! He sounds like a creep!"- Luna.

"He certainly does. But what could be his reason for stealing?"- Hade.

Barbara is back with Robo-Fly.

"Robo-Fly, can you help us find the Infinite Crystals we just had?"- Barbara.

She nods and flashes a searchlight at the containers. She found something and shows a video from her eyes. A hologram to be exact. It shows that Fazer gently opened the containers, took the Infinite Crystals, and quickly opened a portal to get out of the vault when the alarm went off. And it shows the image of the moon. Meaning his location. This surprises everyone.

"So he DID steal them! Oh, he is going down! Down, I say!"- Budo.

"Thanks for the help, Robo-Fly! And you too, Barbara! You both are the best!"- Nero, praising them.

Robo-Fly flutters happily, and Barbara blushes while quietly saying thank you.

"Say, about this Robo-Fly: did you make her, Barbara?"- Luna.

"Yep! See, I'm hoping to become a very good inventor one day! But I'll tell you about it later."- Barbara.

"Right. Let's get those crystals back!"- Nero.

Everyone agrees.

"Once we find this Fazer guy, he's gonna be locked up by the authorities of the Federation for a long time until he learns to behave!"- Luna.

"I'm with you on that one! Now, let's go!"- Nero.

Professor Franklin opens the small hatch for Nero, Budo, Hade, and Luna to exit the ship. Since they've just strapped onto their spacesuits after all.

After exiting Home Base, they fly through space to find Fazer.

"Uh, where's that Fazer tower located again?"- Budo.

"Inside the moon, Budo. How did you forget so quickly?"- Nero.

"Heh. Sorry. My mind randomly shuts down for a bit sometimes."- Budo

"An absent mind like that describes you perfectly."- Luna, mocking him.

"Hey! I heard that!"- Budo, offended.

"Anyway, we need to be careful. He might not be an easy foe."- Hade.

"Relax, Hade. Novians may be tricky, but they also have a weakness. And we have him outnumbered. We can handle that little jerk!"- Luna, brimming with confidence.

Eventually, they see the moon and fly over to it to land. After landing they wander around to see where Fazer is.

"You gotta be kidding me! Don't tell me he moved to another location!"- Budo.

"No. He might just be hiding somewhere in this area."- Nero.

"Hey, guys! Come check this out!"- Luna, getting their attention.

The three rushed over to Luna.

"What's up?"- Nero.

"Take a look."- Luna, pointing at the hole in the ground. Just a small one. But they can fit in there.

"What about it, Luna? You think he's under there?"- Budo.

"He has to be! I just heard his voice coming from here!"- Luna.

"Then that might definitely be where is! Let's go get our crystals back, guys!"- Nero.

Everyone nodded firmly, and they each jump into the hole one at a time.

As they got in, the room appears to be a small cave.

"Wow! I've never seen a place like this!"- Nero.

"Neither have I to be honest!"- Hade.

"Alright, boys! Let's focus! You want the Infinite Crystals back, right?"- Luna.

"Yeah! Hey, Novian! Get out here now!"- Budo, shouting.

"You called?"- Fazer.

A portal appeared in front of them as the guy they were looking for popped up. Then the portal closed.

"You know, you should be arrested for theft! Stealing from my friends, no less!"- Luna.

"Oh yeah? Hahahahahaha! And just who are you, doll face?"- Fazer.

"D-don't call me that! My name's Luna! I'm from the Galactic Force! You'd better remember it, Novian! Now give those Infinite Crystals back right now!"- Luna.

"Better do what she says, punk!"- Budo, cracking his knuckles.

"Yeah! I don't blame you for wanting them so bad, but that rarely gives you the right to steal them from us!"- Nero.

"Of course, the noisy parade continues. Look, if you want them, you'll have to take them from me by force. That is if you can! Cuz' it won't be easy!"- Fazer.

"Dude, there's like four of us and one of you. We could easily beat you."- Budo.

"Tch. Well, it's quality over quantity, genius!"- Fazer, purposely falling back to enter the portal he quickly made beneath his feet and behind him.

He does a sneak attack on Budo as he strikes with his palm behind him. Budo falls to the ground after the attack he took.

"Budo!"- Nero.

"Watch out! Here he comes again!"- Luna, pointing that after he enters the portal and disappears, he reappears above them.

"Cosmic Flare!"- Nero, firing his signature move at him.

Fazer dodges it, but only slightly. The flames from the white fireball seem to have touched him a little bit.

As he lands safely on his feet, he pulls out the Blast Gun from his pocket.

"Where'd he get that?"- Nero.

"Who cares where he found it?! Just get ready to dodge when he fires that thing!"- Luna.

Fazer pulls the trigger, and a large blast of energy comes to their location.

Nero and Luna quickly dodge it before it hits them.

Hade does a quick tackle on Fazer without him noticing. And he takes the gun away from him.

"Ow! Get off me, would ya?!"- Fazer, trying to push him off.

"Hmm? A Terrian?"- Fazer, seeing through the helmet.

"So what if he is, punk?!"- Budo, punching Fazer straight in the face while his guard was down.

"Gah! How dare you punch me, you brute! That's it! I won't hold back this time!"- Fazer, getting back up.

He makes another portal. But this time, he only sticks his hand in it to reach a certain, yellow Infinite Crystal and pulls it out. The portal closes.

"Oh, just our luck. He's got the Max Crystal."- Budo.

"Don't worry. I'm sure the stupid, little twerp doesn't even know how to use an Infinite Crystal."- Luna, smirking.

"Oh yeah?! I'll prove you wrong, toots! Max Crystal! Give me the strength I need to crush these lunatics!" Fazer, grasping the Max Crystal firmly while holding it up.

It appears that Luna was right considering nothing's happening.

"Huh? C'mon, you stupid excuse for a diamond! Why won't you work?!"- Fazer.

"Because you're not using properly, dimwit!"- Luna, smiling in a smug manner.

"What?!"- Fazer.

"She's right. It rejected you because you're not worthy! You have too much mischief in your soul. An Infinite Crystal only grants its to the one that prays to it and the one that has a good heart. You are actually the opposite considering the deeds you just caused. An Infinite Crystal can sense the greed and darkness of one's heart. And it doesn't trust you."- Nero.

"Hmph! Whatever! I can still outwit you all!"- Fazer, putting the Max Crystal down before summoning another portal behind him.

He enters it, it closes, and then another one appears above the group, only to target Nero next.

Nero on the other hand blocks his kick with both arms to guard his face. Fazer quickly jumps off of him to avoid getting hit by an icy beam from the freeze gun which Luna was holding. Nero thinks fast and gets out of the way too.

"Luna! Please be careful!"- Nero.

"Sorry! I almost had him!"- Luna.

"Well now, I've got you!"- Fazer, appearing from behind her and grabbing her from behind.

"Oh no you don't, shrimp!"- Luna, elbowing him in the face.

Fazer makes another portal behind him again and enters from the far direction in front of Luna to strike her. That would be the case if she didn't use her Freeze Gun again to trap him in frozen ice.

Now his body is covered in ice! Well, except his head.

"Hey! Not fair! Get me out of this thing!"- Fazer.

"Yes! We got him! Great work, Luna!"- Nero.

"How did you react so quickly at the last time he was about to attack you?"- Hade.

"Well, training at a galactic army at a very young age can do you wonders."- Luna.

"Well, you rock! We never would've been able to catch this loser if not for you! Luna, thanks a lot!"- Budo.

"Yeah, no problem. Now hurry and grab the Infinite Crystals and let's bring him to HQ. The ice might melt soon."- Luna.

"Right!"- Nero.

After the thief Fazer was defeated by Nero and the group, they take the young Novian straight to the Galactic Federation Police. Luna reports to the officers, especially her captain, about the Fazer and his crime. Acknowledging the attempt at theft, Galtic tells the officers to take Fazer away and put him in a prison cell that no Novian can escape from. The cell has walls, ceiling, floor, and even the bars covered in black and red anti-energy technology that deactivates a Novian's powers. Therefore, portals are useless.

Nero and the group, including Galtic and the officers, are in front of Fazer's cell right now.

"Nice work, Luna! For a little girl, you sure work hard as an agent."- Officer A.

"Hey, I'm not a little girl! I'm an official agent who takes her job seriously!"- Luna, pouting.

"Aww, but you look like the youngest out of all of us though."- Officer A, playfully touching Luna's nose. To which she gets cutely angry.

"Well, that's because she is. But don't let her age fool you. She's really good at catching criminals."- Galtic.

"But I didn't catch this felonious Novian alone. I had help from them."- Luna, referring to Nero, Budo, and Hade.

"Hey! I know these two! Nero and Budo, right? You guys helped Luna? I'm very impressed! You must be brave folks to go through the trouble!"- Galtic.

"Well, Hade helped out too."- Budo.

Speaking of Hade, he walks over to Galtic and sticks his hand out to shake his.

"A pleasure to meet you, Captain Galtic."- Hade.

"Heh. Nice to meet you too, Hade. I heard Terrians are very strong and intelligent individuals. So, I've always dreamed about meeting one! And you're the first I've come across!"- Galtic, happily shaking Hade's hand.

"Uh... quite a pleasant surprise. We are also known for our superb hunting skills. You should come to visit our planet someday."- Hade.

"Well, we should be getting back home thanks for everything, Luna."- Nero.

"Yeah. Seeya!"- Budo.

"We'll see you again soon."- Hade.

And so they walk towards the exit of the prison.

"Captain?"- Luna.

"Yes, Luna?"- Galtic.

"I really think those guys are really awesome and-"- Luna.

"You want to join them, right?"- Galtic.

"How'd you know?"- Luna.

"I've known you for a long time, Luna. I can always tell what you're thinking. It depends on your expression. You have my full permission."- Galtic.

"R-really?! T-thank you so much, sir! But... um... Won't the others be disappointed that I'm leaving?"- Luna.

"Just a bit saddened. They will miss you. But they'll understand your reasoning. Now go on. Do us proud, my girl."- Galtic.

"I will, sir. Please promise me that you'll take care of yourself as well as the others."- Luna, hugging Galtic while he hugs her back.

"I'll be sure to visit you all though."- Luna.

"Of course."- Galtic.

Luna waves goodbye to her captain before exiting the room. The officers tear up as the yellow girl takes off.

While the three are walking, a certain someone catches up.

"And just where do you think you're going leaving a girl like me behind, huh? Some gentlemen!"- Luna.

They stopped to turn around.

"Luna! Does that mean you're coming with us?"- Nero.

"Well, duh! Of course, I am! I'm really gonna miss everyone at the Federation though..."- Luna.

"No worries! You'll see them again!"- Budo.

"Yeah. As for right now, we're glad you're sticking with us, Luna. You'd be an awesome partner in fighting crime. And we could, you know, spend a lot of time together."- Nero, while blushing a little.

"L-let's just go to your guys' ship already!"- Luna, blushing hard.

"Heh. Right! Let's."- Nero

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