
Galaxy Nero

This story is about an alien creature who lives in a spaceship. His name is Nero He has the ability to absorb each Infinite Crystal. They're special items that give each user a supernatural power. Since Nero has the ability, it attracts his archenemy. He plans to capture Nero and use his powers as his own and rule the galaxy. But, as long as Nero has his friends and professor, the galaxy is well protected from him. Ensuring the Nero won't be captured. They also have many adventures in this story, so I hope you enjoy it.

Deep_Sabre25 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Galactic Endeavors

While the everyone is having dinner, someone in a black space suit jumps onto their ship. The mysterious person slowly opens the roof as quiet as possible, so that no one notices them. They jump down, and the roof automatically closes on its own. They sneak their way into the elevator.

"Let's see… Which floor is the vault?" they said. It sounded like a feminine voice.

She reads the sign next to the elevator. '1st floor: Main Control. 2nd Floor: Kitchen. 3rd Floor: Hallway. 4th Floor: Lab. 5th Floor: Bathroom. 6th Floor: Vault. 7th Floor: Garage. 8th Floor: Gym. Acknowledging the information, she presses the 6th floor button. The elevator takes her there.

"There should be some Infinite Crystals there. That's what that Z guy told me. He'd better keep his word." she says.

" That was delish, Professor! You're quite the cook!"- Nero.

"You should thank Barbara, too. She helped me with most of the cooking."- Franklin.

"Thanks, Barbara!"- Budo and Nero and unison.

She blushes. "Hehe. You're welcome."- Barbara.

"Well, I'd better go tinkle. Be right back!"- Nero.

He heads to the elevator, but notices that it's occupied. Because the elevator isn't there.

"That's weird. Only four of us are in this ship, and none of us are using the elevator."- Nero.

After someone is done using it, Nero hears the footsteps from the 1st Floor.

"My bladder can wait. I'd better go see who's up there."- Nero.

Nero presses the 1st floor button and goes inside the elevator.

Right before the girl leaves, Nero, who walked out of the elevator, spots her.

"Hey, what do you have in that bag? And how did you get into our ship?"- Nero.

She hesitates to tell Nero anything and tries to exit through the roof. Nero tackles her before she could even exit. All the Infinite Crystals fall out of the bag.

"Hey, those are our Infinite Crystals! Were you stealing those?!" – Nero.

"I had to take them."- the girl explains.

"But those are ours! Did you steal them of your own accord? Or did someone tell you to?"- Nero. She doesn't answer his questions.

"Be quiet, you!"- the girl.

She pulls out a tranquilizer gun from her pocket and shoots at Nero before he could react. Putting him to sleep for just a short while. But that amount gives her more than enough time to grab the crystals and put them in the bag. She exits from the roof.

Nero wakes up in his room as he slowly opens his eyes.

"Huh? How'd I end up back in my room?"- Nero.

He walks outside of his room to go the bathroom. Barbara and Budo are happy to see him awake.

"Nero, are you okay? What happened to you back there?"- Budo.

"I'll explained after I'm done using the bathroom."- Nero.

Time passes a little bit. Nero, Budo and Barbara are having an important chat in the former's room. He just explained the whole situation to them.

"What?! Are you kidding me?! We just got the Force Crystal back, too!"- Budo, frustrated.

"That's not fair! Who is this girl? Did you get a glimpse of what she looked like?"- Barbara.

"She had yellow skin and pink hair. She also had a black space suit on." – Nero.

"That stupid- argghhhhhhh!!!! It's like the entire universe doesn't want us collecting all the Infinite Crystals!"- Budo.

"Now what do we do?"- Barbara.

"Don't worry, guys. We'll catch her and get those crystals back!"- Nero.

"Yeah!"- Budo.

"We should discuss this with the professor."- Barbara.

The next morning, Nero told Professor Franklin what happened.

"We've got to find her, professor!"- Nero.

Franklin nods his head and gets in the pilot chair to turn the ship's detector on. It indicates that she is at Dr. Z's place.

"Z! So, she is cooperating with that punk, huh?"- Budo.

"Most likely. But we barely see someone like her working with him."- Franklin.

"She seems like trouble too though. Let's go to the base."- Nero.

Franklin steers the ship into Z's base. But in order for them not to be spotted by the doctor, Franklin flies above his base for Nero and Budo to jump down like that other time.

"Let's go!"- Nero.

"I'll come with you guys!" – Barbara.

"Okay. But you gotta stay next to us."- Budo.

They all put on their space suits and fly onto the base. They sneak in from the windows of the library. By carefully slowly opening the window. And they get behind the shelves. They whisper.

"Reminds me back when you and I snuck in like this the other day, huh, Nero?" – Budo.

"Yeah. Barbara, did you bring anything with you just in case anything bad happens?"- Nero.

"Don't worry, Nero. I've got some gadgets in my bag that will help us if things get to tough. Some of which case might help us in getting those crystal back during this infiltration. I'm sure we'll be fine."- Barbara.

"Okay. Nice! Let's go." – Nero.

They exit the library and head straight to the lab. Then, they overhear a conversation as they go into hiding.

"Well, I got the crystals you wanted me to get. Now what?"- the girl.

Nero recognizes her voice from last night.

"Now, I have four Infinite Crystals! Thanks to you, I only have one more to collect. I'll have to find it first!"- Dr. Z.

"What do you mean four? I only brought you three. Heck, I didn't even need to count." – the girl.

"Oh, right. I guess I didn't tell you, did I? I used the Dark Crystal to create Infamous. He's in that box over there." – Dr. Z.

He points to her right, and she sees the demonic alien in the same box he trapped Nero in. She is terrified of his appearance.

"So she is with Z, after all! Nero, you were right about her being trouble!"- Budo.

"Shhh! Quiet, Budo!"- Barbara.

Dr. Z notices the noise.

"Who's there?! Come on out!" – Dr. Z.

"I'll go see."- the girl, as she goes to see who's hiding.

She eventually finds Nero and friends hiding behind the generators.

"Let me guess. You want the crystals back, right?" – the girl.

"Yeah! That's right! Give them back right now!"- Budo.

"Whoever's there, you can bring them over here!"- Dr. Z.

She walks them over to the evil doctor.

"Well now, what do we have here? Nero and his foolish friends making their way into my lab!"- Dr. Z.

"Z, what's going on? Did you make her steal the Infinite Crystals from under our noses?!" – Nero.

"That's right! You're quite perceptive, little alien! She will be making my dreams of conquering the galaxy come true! She is quite useful when it comes to infiltration!"- Dr. Z.

"I'm sorry, what? What about me? You promised to help me in my goal!"- the girl.

"Tch. It was just a lie, foolish little girl. I used you!"- Dr. Z.

"You what?! You piece of-" the doctor cuts her off by putting her to sleep with the tranquilizer gun.

Before Nero uses Cosmic Flare on him, Z hits him and his friends with the gun as well. They have fallen asleep.

Budo, Barbara, and the girl wake up in the vault, where they are being held prisoners.

"Huh?! This is the same place Z put us in!"- Budo.

"Oh no! Nero!"- Barbara.

"Z must've put him in that huge box in the lab! Blast! This just had to happen to us again!"- Budo.

"Been in this situation before, huh?"- the girl.

"Yeah. But Nero came to bust us out, and we all escaped together. This is all your fault, by the way!"- Budo, pointing a finger at her.

"Hmph. You're blaming the wrong person, dimwit!"- the girl, crossing her arms and looking away as if she is ignoring Budo.

"What'd you say, witch?!"- Budo.

"C'mon that's enough! We should just work together at getting out of here and rescuing Nero!"- Barbara, breaking up the fight.

"Yeah, I'll have to agree. We should get your crystals back too."- the girl.

"Nero got us out of here before though, right?"- Budo.

"We should still help him regardless, Budo. He helped us out here last time. Now it's time for us to help him."- Barbara.

"You sure don't lack morality, do you? But how are we getting out of here?"- the girl.

Barbara sees an air vent.

"We could probably escape through there."- Barbara.

"Alright! I'll try to get it open!" – Budo.

He uses furniture to climb up to the vent. He tries to reach it stretching out his arm but failed. He then loses his balance and falls to the floor.

"Budo, are you alright!?" – Barbara, running towards him.

"Yeah. I'm okay. That really hurt though."- Budo.

Barbara helps him up.

"I can jump pretty high. Just let me give it a shot."- the girl.

"No way! I got this!"- Budo.

"But you'll get hurt again!"- Barbara.

"She's right, bonehead. You clearly don't have the best balance. Just let me try."- the girl.

Budo growls in anger but agrees in defeat. The girl jumps to the vent and powerfully kicks it with her foot. The kick had enough force to bust the mesh off. She land safely on her feet, unfazed.

"Wow! You're really incredible!"- Barbara.

"During my time, I've been training in combat and in athletics. But let's save it for later. We need to get the crystals and save your friend, Nero."- the girl.

The three climb into the air vent, and crawl through the rooms of Dr. Z's base.

"Anyone have any idea where this vent leads?"- Budo.

"I don't know. If only I had my bag.."- Barbara.

"It leads to either the library or the lab."- the girl.

"How do you know?"- Budo.

"Because while I was foolishly working for that doctor, I looked at the map on one of his walls in the hallway. It displayed the image of all the locations of his base. I saw that the vent from the vault we were just in leads to two different directions. The lab and the library."- she explains.

"You could've given us that info earlier."- Budo.

"Shut it! How was I supposed to know when to tell you before Z put us in that prison?" – the girl.

"Come to thank of it, he confiscated my bag. There was something in there that was really important!" – Barbara.

"Then we'll get your bag back. Don't worry."- the girl, smiling at Barbara while reassuring her.

"I'm still worried about Nero, though! We need to get him and the crystals back!"- Barbara.

"Oh, we will! I can't wait to make Z pay for messing with our best friend!"- Budo.

After chatting, they finally found to paths of the vent. Their left leads to the lab while their right leads to the library.

"Looks like they are two different pathways."- Budo.

"I'll head to the library."- the girl

"Why? Nero clearly needs our help!"- Budo

"Think I don't know that? Just shut up and listen. I might be able to distract the doctor while you two quickly zoom to the lab and Nero out safely. And get the Infinite Crystals I took. When I head to the library. I'll immediately call for Z's name to distract him. When exits the lab, you two know what to do."- the girl.

"Grab Nero and the Infinite Crystals, right? Got it."- Barbara.

"Exactly, our suits should still be there as well."- the girl.

"Awesome! Let's move forward with this plan!"- Budo.

"Good luck."- Barbara.

"Thanks, but I won't be relying on luck that much for this operation to work out. Now get ready."- the girl

"Wait a sec! Won't Z notice us when knock the mesh off when exit the vent?"- Budo.

"Not if you're as fast and sneak as me. Anyway, let's go."- the girl

"Please be okay, Nero..."- Barbara.

"Hang in there, buddy. We're gonna bust you out!"- Budo.

The yellow-skinned girl kicks the mesh off and jumps down into the library. Safely landing on her feet. She exits the place with great speed, runs fast in the hallway, and makes her way to the lab.

"Hey, Dr. Z!"- the girl, calling for him.

She got the doctor's attention, and he exits the lab.

"What?! How did YOU get out?!"- Dr. Z.

"Just come with me to your kitchen and we can have a talk!"- the girl.

Dr. Z reluctantly follows her to the kitchen.

"A talk? This better not be a trick."- Dr. Z, as he walks with her.

"Oh no! It really isn't like that at all, sir! I'd like to make up for my disrespectful behavior towards you."- the girl, being good at acting.

"Hmph. Very well."- Dr. Z.

Now that Dr. Z cleared the room, Budo kicks the mesh down to the ground at the lab. He jumps down and catches Barbara, who jumped too.

"You guys!"- Nero, happy to see them again.

"You okay?"- Budo.

Nero nods in assurance. Barbara, after regaining her bag, opens the door and lets Nero out.

"Good thing Z didn't open Infamous' box. Otherwise, we'd be in hot water. Thanks for the rescue!"- Nero, hugging both his friends.

He then runs over to the glass container and grabs all the Infinite Crystals.

"By the way, where's the girl?"- Nero.

"Well, she offered to be the distraction to Dr. Z. That bought us time to get you out of here. I hope she'll be alright though."- Barbara.

"We oughta thank her. Whoever she is."- Budo.

"Let's find her, then get out of here!"- Nero.

They exit the lab and run through the hallway. Only to find the nasty doctor and the girl walking by.

"What?! You helped them escape, did you?!"- Dr. Z, astonished at her.

"You're really stupid, aren't you? And you call yourself an 'evil genius'?"- the girl.

She kicks the doctor directly at the shin and runs over to the group.

"Let's go!"- she said.

Everyone runs towards the exit. But some robots are in the way. Barbara pulls out an electric boomerang and throws it at the enemies. They are paralyzed by the shock from the boomerang.

"Awesome! Nice shot!"- the girl.

"Thank you!"- Barbara

"There they are, Infamous! Get rid of them!" – Dr. Z yells from way behind.

"Uh oh. He brought out that scary guy!"- the girl.

"That's Infamous! The Alien of Destruction! He was created by Z same as me!"- Nero.

"Wait! You were one of his minions!"- the girl, surprised.

"I'll explain later! I'll take the Cosmic Crystal from the bag use it to beat him again!"- Nero.

"Hey, big guy! Take the Force Crystal! It'd be faster if you and Nero teamed up to take them down with the Infinite Crystals! You seem like the fighting kind!"- the girl.

"But I don't know how to use an Infinite Crystal!"- Budo.

Infamous fires a laser at the group. But they all dodged.

"Budo, just ask it to give you its power!"- Nero.

Budo holds the Force Crystal in his hand and places his other hand to touch its glowing spot above. He then closes his eyes.

"Force Crystal. Please, I need your power. I want to protect and help those a care about. I want to get rid of the evil that stands in our way. Please, I just need your energy!"- Budo.

"My power is yours."- the crystal, responding to Budo's strong will to protect others and defeat any evil blocking his path. Budo shines with red energy that's surrounding him. The energy enhances.

"Take this!"- Budo.

He launches Force Beam at Infamous and Dr. Z! Nero uses the Cosmic Crystal to transform and launches Ultra Cosmic Flare. Sending them both flying through the wall and possibly burned. Infamous and Dr. Z have become severely injured. Nero and Budo revert to normal. Though Budo looks fatigue and is about to fall over. Until Nero catches him.

"Let's hurry up and get out of here, you guys! Time to go home!"- Nero.

Everyone's back at home base. Including the new girl.

"Look. Sorry for everything I did."- she apologizes.

"It's okay. Z put you up to bad stuff, huh?"- Nero, he walks over to her.

"Yeah. I'm a complete idiot for believing he could help me with my goal."- the girl says.

"What do you mean? What goal?"- Barbara.

"To see my brother again."- the girl.

"Your brother?"- Franklin.

"Yeah. It's a long story. But he was missing ever since we were separated. I do know he's out there somewhere though. As for what made me worked for Z temporarily, here's what happened. I was just out on my own in space exploring the other day until I ran into him. I was just on the moon when he suddenly appeared with his tiny ship. Z offered me a deal and took me to his ship. I wasn't interested at first but he said that if I had help collect all the Infinite Crystals, he would help me reunite with my brother again. That alone made me cooperate with him. But that was so he could use me for his own selfish reasons. He lied to me! That was when I realized I was fooled and we all got captured."- the girl.

"That's horrible! I'm so sorry to hear about your brother missing! You just wanted to see him again and that mean doctor toyed with your feelings."- Barbara, feeling bad for her.

"Oh, yeah! Guess I haven't told my name. Should've done that sooner while we were at the base."- the girl said.

"Well, you can tell us now."- Nero.

"It's Luna."- she introduced herself. Finally!

"Your name's Nero. Who's that girl with the glasses?" – Luna.

Barbara walks over next to Nero.

"Oh. I'm Barbara! Nice to meet you!"- Barbara, as says and politely bows with her hands in the middle.

"Quit it. There's no need for formalities. And I take it that the pinhead's name is Budo?"- Luna.

"Yeah. He's sleeping in his room right now. We'd better not disturb him."- Nero.

"He has been though a lot today, after all."- Barbara.

"Yeah. We all have."- Nero.

"And who are you?"- Luna, looking at the professor.

"Oh! I'm Professor Franklin Whitehouse! A scientist who watches over the ship. Also Nero's guardian. Nice to meet you, Luna!"- Franklin.

"Yeah. Nice to meet you too. Mind if I crash here for a bit?"- Luna.

"Of course, you could use some rest with so much that has happened to you."- Franklin.

"Thanks! A girl could get used to the ship."- Luna.

At 9 pm, Luna walks in the hallway. She stares at the window with a sad expression. Meaning she's thinking about her brother. Nero appears.

"You okay?"- Nero.

Luna gets startled and looks at Nero behind her.

"Wha- don't scare me like that! What's with you?!"- Luna.

"Sorry about that. What's on your mind? Thinking about your brother?"- Nero.

She nods in depression then looks back at the window. Nero walks over to console her.

"Don't worry. Whatever it takes, we'll help you reunite with him."- Nero.

"I really miss him. Hey, Nero? If you were created by Z, why aren't you like, y'know, associating with him? Only asking out of curiosity."- Luna.

"Because with my professor and friends, this is my true home. From what I've just learn, Z used to name me Absorber, because I can borrow the energy from any Infinite Crystal. He named me that when I was created. Can't remember much, but I was abandoned on a moon. That's where the professor found me. He took me in and treated well. Unlike Z, he is the only human I've seen with a kind heart."- Nero.

"Wow. And you grew up in this spaceship?"- Luna.

Nero nodded.

"Say. You wanna stay with us, Luna?"- Nero.

"Sorry. Can't. I need to head back in the morning."- Luna. "Where?"- Nero. "I'm just going back to a galactic facility in space."- Luna. "Really?! Does that mean you work with the Galactic Federation! At a young age!? Wow! That's so incredi-"Nero, before Luna cuts him off by putting her hand to cover his mouth.

"Shhh. Look, just go get some rest, okay? I'll tell you all about it when I get the chance."- Luna.

"Okay. G'night!"- Nero, waving at her before heading back to his room.

Everybody goes to bed. Luna, while borrowing an empty room, gets out of her suit and puts on the pajamas Franklin prepared for her. She lays in her bed.

"That Nero. He's an interesting one, alright. He's also kinda cute."- Luna as she talks to herself out of her own thoughts. Is she crushing on Nero?

Everybody wakes up in the morning, get dressed, and exit their rooms.

"Morning, guys!"- Nero.

"Good morning! Hey, is Luna not up yet?"- Barbara.

"Who's Luna?"- Budo.

"The girl who helped us out. She told me she was going back to her place in the morning. I really wanted her to stay, though."- Nero.

Barbara agrees.

"Yeah. But she's also the girl that stole our crystals and caused us trouble."- Budo.

"Budo, she helped us get them back! Z manipulated her!"- Nero.

"She also apologized to us for what happened last night! While you were sleeping!"- Barbara.

"Okay, okay. Guess we just got off on the wrong foot. I'll have to say thanks to her."- Budo.

After the conversation, Nero heads to the empty room that Luna was in. He opens the door and sees that she's not there.

"Hey guys. I think she went home already. Or she could be in the upper floors of the ship."- Nero.

The others head into the elevator and press 2F. When they reached the kitchen, it appears that only Professor Franklin is seen. He is doing some Sunnyside eggs for the group.

"Hey professor, did Luna tell you she was leaving?"- Nero.

"Yes. She had her suit on too. I fed her some breakfast before she left."- Franklin.

"Then she did leave."- Nero, looking a bit sad.

"Oh well! We'll see her again no doubt! Anyway, remember our field trip, you guys?"- Nero perks up quick.

"Yeah! We get to see Captain Galtic and his crew Thursday! I'm so excited!"- Barbara.

"Let's chow down then head to school."- Budo.

They quickly finish breakfast, and the professor drops them off.

They arrived at the Galactic Academy. And they head straight to class to sit in their desks.

"Man, I really can't wait to see the captain this Thursday!"- Budo.

"Neither can I!"- Nero.

Barbara couldn't agree more.

The teacher begins the lecture about Planet Terria. He says that it is a deserted planet with giant creatures lurking in the wild. The Terrians have hunted some of these species for many generations.

"We've been to Terria before!"- Budo whispers.

"Something you'd like to share to the class, Budo? Don't talk or even whisper while I'm speaking!"- the teacher scolds him.

"Oh! Sorry, teach! It's just that I was talking about Terria. It's real exciting place! Wish I could visit there."- Budo, hiding the fact that he, Nero and Barbara have been there before.

Because Terria can be dangerous, and Budo fears that the teacher wouldn't allow anyone who is not from Terria to go there.

"Well, alright. It's understandable to be fond of the planet. But if you want to speak, don't hesitate to raise your hand first."- The teacher.

Budo nods happily. The lecture continues.

The clock says it's 10:30am. Nero and friends exit the classroom. And head to the hallway of the school for a snack break and a chat.

"Listening to that lecture really made me want to go to Planet Terria again. There's still a lot of places there we haven't been to yet!"- Budo.

"We can go there after school, Budo."- Barbara.

"What I wanna do is get ready for the field trip to the Galactic Force HQ!"- Nero, hyped.

Lumen and Nicole arrive to meet with the group.

"Hey guys!"- Nicole.

"Hi, Nicole! Hi, Lumen!"- Barbara.

"Hey, did you guys hear about Captain Galtic! We're gonna visit him and his crew Thursday!"- Nero.

"Yeah! Although we're in a different class, we'll be on this field trip too!"- Nicole.

"Really? Is everyone in this academy going there?"- Nero.

"Yep! It will also be a cool learning experience for us."- Lumen.

"Awesome! Now I'm even more excited!"- Budo.

"We get to learn about the Galactic Force and about what it truly means to be a soldier!"- Nero.

"Well, HQ has more than just soldiers, I think. They also have officers, inventors and stuff like that."- Lumen.

The way he described it made Barbara even more interested about the trip.

"Inventors?! Oh, I always wanted to be one!"- Barbara.

She is very avid about this.

"You really want to learn how to invent things, huh Barbara? Not many girls are that into it."- Lumen.

"Yeah! But I'm the exception! I want to make inventions of my own to help others one day!"- Barbara, very happy and excited.

They all eat snacks and wave goodbye to each other as they head to the next class.

In the science classroom. Barbara listens intently to the lecture, and so does Nero. But Budo gets bored. After the lecture, the female teacher gives them all homework to do. They must fill in the answers of each sheet of paper. It only has 5 pages. They put the work in their bags and walk out of the room as class ended.

As they're walking down the hallway, an Arctican girl trips over Barbara. But Nero manages to catch her before she falls to the ground.

"You okay?"- Budo.

"Yeah."- Barbara, before turning to Nero to thank him.

Nero looks over at the girl who tripped Barbara.

"Hey! Why did you do that?"- Nero.

"Tch. It looks like Barbara the Nerd has two boyfriends with her."- the girl, scoffing.

"Magnolia!"- Barbara, instantly recognizing her.

"Been a while, hasn't it, nerd?"- Magnolia.

"Who is that girl?"- Budo.

"That's Magnolia. When I was in a study group at White Star Academy, she and I had always run into each other. But not on good terms. She always bullied me whenever we see each other."- Barbara.

"That's right! It's because you're so geeky and annoying. Just shut up about being an inventor, you squealing pig!"- Magnolia.

She walks over to bully Barbara even more. Physically. Budo, enraged and protective of his friend, stands up to Magnolia.

"You're the pig! Not her! She's much more charming, beautiful and hardworking than you!"- He snaps.

"B-Budo..."- Barbara, blushing at the compliment.

"Exactly. You don't have the right to treat her like trash!"- Nero, chiming in.

"Wha- How dare you speak to me like that! Forget this, I'm out of here!"- Magnolia, walking away.

Barbara looks scared and traumatized by Magnolia. Tears were coming from her eyes.

"Hey, it's okay. Don't listen to her. You're amazing."- Budo.

Barbara wipes her tears away and smiles.

"Thanks, you guys. Sorry for the trouble."- Barbara.

"No worries. We never hesitate to help a friend out."- Nero.

After making Barbara feel better, the group heads to the gym for P.E.

Time passes, school ends, and Franklin picks them up. Rinse and repeat, it's how school is these days.

Anyway, at night, Barbara heads to the professor's lab. It seems like he is working on inventing a machine.

"Um.."- Barbara.

As Franklin notices her, he turns around.

"Hi, Barbara."- Franklin, with a kind smile.

"Um… Professor?"- Barbara.

"Yes?"- Franklin.

"I'd like to become an inventor, so um… can you t-teach me how to do what you do?"- Barbara.

"You mean like make a gadget or a mech?"- Franklin.

"Y-yeah. I'd like to learn a lot from you. I want to be more helpful to everyone!"- Barbara.

He kindly nods to her proposal. Franklin teaches her how to invent something. And they keep working together until Barbara falls asleep. The professor watches her with a kind smile. He pick her up and carries her back to her room as he knows that she is exhausted.

"This girl has a lot of potential. I know she'll be great one day!"- Franklin, thinking deeply in his head.

He puts Barbara down on her bed places her cover over her.

"Good night, Barbara."- Franklin, quietly. Hoping not to wake her up.

He gets to bed himself after he closes Barbara's door behind him.

Morning rises again. At school, Barbara wants to show the class what she made. She pulls out the invention.

"What is it?"- some excited student asks.

It appears to be a robotic butterfly.

"You see, she is called, Robo-Fly. As I liked to call her. She can use her antennae to search for any missing item she is requested to find."- Barbara.

"That's so cool! Did you make her, Barbara?"- another excited student.

"Well, not by myself. I had some help."- Barbara.

"Robo-Fly, could you find my bag?"- Barbara.

The butterfly nods as she uses her antennae to scan the entire classroom. She found that Barbara's bag is two straps on her chair.

"I know it's obvious where my bag is, but I had to demonstrate."- Barbara.

The entire class is amazed by her very first invention.

"Thank you for showing us Barbara! I'm very proud to have such a smart and talented girl like you as my student!"- Mr. Thunder.

"Th- thank you very much!"- Barbara.

She blushes and politely bows at the teacher. After Barbara shows the class her invention, everyone starts to idolize her.

"Okay class. Let's get back to learning! Barbara, please feel free to show us more of your creations some time."- Mr. Thunder. Barbara agrees.

Time passes and it is now 12:00pm. Nero and the gang have their sandwiches.

"This is good! The Prof really packed us some good sandwiches!"- Budo.

"Yeah! He's the best!"- Nero.

"He certainly is!"- Barbara.

A boy with red hair comes to talk with Barbara.

"Hmm? Oh hi! Wanna join us?"- Barbara.

The boy blushes and shyly nods. He sits down with them on the table.

"Um, are you Barbara?"- he asks.

"Yeah."- Barbara.

"I- if you don't mind, would you like to spend some time with me? After school I mean. I'm Ray."- the boy introduces himself.

"Uh… well."- Barbara.

"Hi, Ray! I'm Nero, and this is Budo."- Nero introduces himself and his friend.

"You already know Barbara."- Nero.

"You're her friends? It's very nice to meet you two as well!" Ray smiles happily at them.

"Ray, how about we show you our home?"- Barbara suggests.

"S- sure!"- Ray.

It's now 3:pm. The gang, with their new friend, Ray, head to the entrance. But something stops them. A gang of bullies, including Magnolia.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the geek!"- Magnolia.

"What do you want?!"- Budo.

"Just came to play with you losers a little bit. As a traditional send-off on your way home!"- Magnolia.

"Out of our way!"- Nero.

"Is that any way to talk to speak to a lady?! You'll pay for disrespecting me last time!"- Magnolia, she snaps her fingers. Telling two boys behind her to deal with them.

One of them grabs Barbara. The other boy grabs Nero and Budo.

"Hang on, everyone! I'll get the teacher!"- Ray, runs to get help. But the astronomy teacher already arrives.

"What's going on here?!"- he asks, upset.

"Nothing, sir! We were just-"- Magnolia.

"Just what? Bullying? You three better come with me to the principle's office! NOW!!!"- he's furious.

The boys let them go.

"Please! We were only-"- The teacher cuts Magnolia off by violently grabbing her hand.

"Are you all alright? I'm sorry I couldn't do anything."- Ray.

"It's fine, Ray. Don't worry about it."- Budo.

"We can still show you our place if you'd like!"- Barbara.

The group take Ray to their home ship after school.

"Wow! You all live in a spaceship!"- Ray.

"Yep! And you're going to be surprise when you meet our professor!"- Nero.

"Really who is he?"- Ray.

Franklin appears, coming down with the elevator to the garage. Where they are.

"Whoa! Is that a human?!"- Ray.

"Yeah. Don't worry some humans are friendly!"- Nero.

"Hi there. Are you another friend of Nero's?"- Franklin.

"I-I'm Ray. I- I just met them today."- Ray.

"I'm Professor Franklin Whitehouse. I'm from Planet Earth. I'm also an inventor. Nice to meet you, Ray."- Franklin, shaking Ray's hand.

"We're just giving our buddy here the grand tour of the place. That okay, professor?"- Budo.

The benevolent professor happily nods. They decided to show Ray around the ship. Time passes a bit, and it is now 4:00 pm. Everyone is at the garage floor.

"Thanks, everyone. I should be getting home now"- Ray.

"You know how to use a Teleport Rocket, right?"- Nero.

"Yeah. Just like you guys told me. I just have to put in the full location."- Ray does so as he is taught.

He then gets into the rocket and waves goodbye to the gang. They wave back. The rocket flies him straight home after the hatch closed.

Nero, Budo, and Barbara are in a study session at Barbara's room.

"Let's see… Planet Terria has created how many years ago?"- Budo.

"Five billion years ago, Budo."-Barbara.

"Oh! Right! We could learn more about Terria if visited that place again."- Budo.

"After our trip to the Galactic Federation, we can. Sound good?"- Nero.

"Alright. We'll go."- Barbara.

"The usual temperature of Terria is ninety degrees, right?"- Budo, trying to answer the question on the page.

"It's actually 80 degrees. But you were close."- Barbara.

"Okay that's the last one. Only one page left." Nero.

They continued working until the last page was finished.

It's now officially dinner time. Everyone was talking about the trip tomorrow.

"We get to meet all kinds of galactic troops there! Especially my hero, Captain Galtic!"- Nero.

"I do want to train hard. The captain said I could work out with one of his soldiers."- Budo.

"That's great, you two! Are you excited too, Barbara.? You always wanted to be inventor!"- Franklin.

"Yeah! But I've learned so much from you! I invented Robo-Fly!"- Barbara.

"You should show her to Galtic, then. He'll love it."- Franklin.

"Yeah! I will. Thank you so much, Professor Franklin!"- Barbara.

After eating, they all get ready for their trip tomorrow as they head to their rooms. But Barbara takes a shower on the 5th floor before getting to bed.

"I hope I can show the Captain and his crew one of my inventions. It'll bring a smile to everyone's faces!"- Barbara.

"I'll also show Magnolia that I'm not a pig! I'm a living being!"- Barbara, as she says firmly with strong determination!

After her shower she changes to her white nightgown. And gets to her bedroom.

"I just want to be helpful to everybody. I'll prove I will."- Barbara says this before she goes to sleep. Her drive for invention seems to be making her more determined than ever. '

Everybody wakes up cheerfully and ready for the day!

"Morning, guys! Ready for the day?"- Budo is excited.

"Hmhm! It makes me happy to see you in high spirits, Budo! Who can blame you though? Today is very important and is going to be fun! And you, Nero?"- Barbara.

He nods to her cheerfully.

"Well, let's hit it, gang!"- Nero.

He rushes forward to the elevator. Budo and Barbara follow him.

After breakfast, and after Franklin drops them off, our heroes are finally at the Galactic Federation Headquarters!

"Hello everyone! Glad you all could make it! For each class, line up behind your teacher, and one of the Federation's best commanders will come by to show you around!"- the announcer.

One of the high-ranked commanders comes out now. It's Galtic! He walks towards the Astro Class. That's the class Nero, Budo, and Barbara are in.

"Captain Galtic!"- Nero.

"Hello there! I am Captain Galtic! Commander of the squad, the Galactic Force! Please follow me. I'll show you around the facility!"- Galtic, as he walks towards the door with the teacher and students behind him.

The door that leads to the offices opens. Galtic waves at the officers and they wave back. Galtic explains to the students the offices are where they do paperwork and consult with each other about any information they find while exploring in space.

"That's really interesting, Captain!"- Nero.

"If you think that's interesting, wait until you see the next room!"- Galtic.

They head into the Training Room. Galtic explains that this place is where trainees or skilled soldiers of the federation hone their skills in flying in their spacesuits and in combat.

"Wow! This is so cool! You did say I get to train with your squad, Captain Galtic!"- Budo.

"I did say that. But maybe after you graduate, you can join my squad."- Galtic.

"Aw man. Well, hopefully I can join your squad in the future."- Budo. Galtic and the rest of the class keep going to the next room. It's the lab. It's where scientist, researchers, inventors and mechanics study their findings. It also has inventions and portable weapons. The inventors and mechanics make those tools.

"Amazing! This lab is incredible!"- Barbara. "Indeed, it is. Most scientists help with the people that invent machines of this facility. They also do a good job preparing us with weapons, gadgets, and other things."- Galtic.

"Ooh! Speaking of that, please come out, Robo-Fly!"- Barbara, bringing her out of her bag.

Everyone was fascinated upon seeing the mechanical butterfly. She flies around and greets everyone with a bow.

"Amazing. Barbara, did you make her?"- Galtic.

"W-well, I specifically designed her, sir. I just had someone helped me with her hard drive and other technological functions."- Barbara.

"You're quite the young inventor, little lady! After you graduate, you should definitely join our tech group! I'll even convince the chief!"- Galtic, impressed with her and her invention.

"T-thank you, sir! I really don't deserve this much praise."- Barbara, blushing while at the same time being humble.

As time passes, Galtic finally finishes showing the class around the place. The other classes are done as well. When they are back in the main hall in front of the reception desk, Nero spots Luna.

"Hey, Luna!"- Nero.

Luna is shocked to see Nero and the others here.

"What are they doing here?!"- Luna, thinking deeply in her head.

She is surprised and embarrassed at the same time.

"Do you know one of my soldiers, Nero?"- Galtic.

"Is Luna a part of your squad, Captain?"- Nero.

"Yep. You must've met her already. Luna's one of my best soldiers despite the young age. I taught her multiple skills in combat. She's kind of the no-nonsense type of girl."- Galtic.

"You mind if I go to talk to her?"- Nero.

"Sure. Feel free. The tour's done anyway."- Galtic.

Nero nods and thanks him. He walks towards Luna. "Hey there. I was right! You are part of the Federation!"- Nero.

"And if I am?"- Luna asked nervously.

"I had no idea at first. But my guess was right. By the way, I liked the uniform you have on. It's way different from that space suit you had on. It also makes you more charming."- Nero

"Alright! Enough already! Geez, it sounds like you're flirting with me or something! This is just what I wear here in this facility! Anyway, where are those friends of yours?"- Luna.

"Oh! Right!"- Nero.

He calls Budo and Barbara over. They walk over to them.

"Hey! How you've been?"- Budo.

"How are you doing, Luna?"- Barbara.

Luna waves at them. But is still surprised they're here.

"What are you guys doing here?"- Luna.

"Right… Never told you, did I? We were just on a field trip. This place was the perfect one. It helps us with our future goals. I, for example, want to be just like Captain Galctic! A hero!"- Nero.

"I want to a good enough inventor for everybody."- Barbara.

"As for me, I just want to get stronger. I know how vague it sounds. But strength is important if you wanna protect others."- Budo.

"I see… That explains why you guys and those other kids are here. You think just learning what we do here will help with your dreams?"- Luna.

The trio shouted yeah.

"Well, there's more to fulfilling your goals than to just knowing what us soldiers do on missions. Yeah, it may bring you inspiration. But you can't just learn from just watching us. You need to learn and grow from your own experiences as well."- Luna.

"Yeah. But learning about these people in the facility gives us the passion and inspiration we need. That's the point of this field trip."- Nero.

"We could learn from them."- Barbara.

"That's right."- Budo.

"Guess learning from the best can make you the best, huh?"- Luna.

"Attention, everyone! All teachers and students, please make your way to the entrance! We will send a pilot with a Star Ship your way to pick you up and take you back to the Academy! Thank you for exploring our Galactic Federation Headquarters!" the announcer said from HQ's intercom.

"Well, we gotta go. See you, Luna!"- Nero.

He and his friends wave goodbye at the girl as they are heading to the entrance. As the pilot appears, everyone gets in the Star Ship. They're heading back to the Galactic Academy.

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