
Galactic Technological Library

I have moved the novel due to a bug in the system that won't allow me to change the name or update the novel. don't worry it still on webnovel.https://www.webnovel.com/book/17276697706301005 Galactic Technological Library that is the access point for different races of the universe to exchange knowledge, choose an ordinary boy from the earth as its librarian. How a boy with no ambition would use this chance given to him. He is given the right to access all kinds of technical knowledge which has yet to discover by the earth and interact with different races that come to the Library seeking knowledge. Follow the adventures of Fu Yan while he uses this knowledge to become the strongest man on earth and travel the different worlds as a librarian to collect books. join my discord server:https://discord.gg/zAyYpJX support me=www.patreon.com/sakakoi24

sakakoi · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
64 Chs

Why did you protect me?

Darkness, no matter where you see only darkness meets the eye. Fu Yan looked around and saw nothing but darkness.

"Where am I? What happened?"

He thought for a bit.

"I remember getting pierced by a dagger so I am dead. So is this the afterlife. It so cold *Curling up* but I can at least my family again. I wonder if someone would miss me."

He placed his head in between his knees and curled up more.

" So this is how life ends! I wonder what would happen to me now. Anyway its better than being alive. I can finally rest." He wondered and started to sink into the darkness even more.

'Fu Yan! Big Brother Fu Yan!" He suddenly someone calling for him.

"Who is calling me? Where is this voice coming from." He looked around and suddenly saw a tiny light in the sea of darkness.

The light started to come towards him and when it got near. The brightness made Fu Yan close his eyes a bit. When he adapted to the light, Jing was standing in front of him.

"Jing! Jing! I can finally meet you. I am coming to you." He tried to rush towards her.

But Jing shook her head and said.

"Big Brother Now is not the time for us to meet. You have to live." With that, the darkness started to fade and he opened his eyes.

The ceiling looked familiar.

"Where have I seen this ceiling before? Ah, right it the hospital." He looked around and saw Fei Hong sleeping on the side of his bed.

Feeling a movement she opened her eyes and upon seeing Fu Yan towards her with his eyes open, she started to cry and hugged his arm.

"Thank god you opened you are alive. Thank god." She hugged his arm and cried while saying this over and over.

Fu Yan tried to speak but a sudden weakness suddenly came upon him but he still spoke in a weak voice.

"I am ok so don't cry."

Fei Hong upon hearing this cried even more.

Fu Yan tried to use his other arm to console her but weakness got him and he started to lose consciousness again.

"Don't cry Fei Hong, I am ok." He again said in a weak voice which hardly audible and lost consciousness.

In his dream, Fu Yan was back in his old house with his parents and Jing.

He went to the school festival and his parents went to meet the relative.

When Fu Yan came back from the festival, His parents were back and Jing was waiting for him outside the door.

He felt happy upon seeing this but somehow he could feel that this was a dream. Even knowing that this was a dream, he still enjoyed it. He played with his sister, enjoyed the cooking of his mother.

He went to his room to sleep and his mother kissed him on his forehead and said goodbye. Tears started to fell from Fu Yan's eyes and he said.

"Goodnight Mom, I love you"

"I love you too, son. Now sleep well."

Fu Yan closed his eyes and opened again.

What greeted him was the familiar ceiling of the hospital room.

He felt moister on his face and used his hand to wipe it. When he touched his eyes, he could tell that this moister was from his tears.

Suddenly he heard Fei Hong's voice.

"Fu Yan, are you ok. Does the wound hurt? Should I call a doctor."

Fu Yan shook his head in denial and said.

"No, it's just a dream. Sorry, I worried you."

She looked a lot composed now but you can see bangs under her eyes and tiredness on her face. She was obviously tired but she still smiled and asked whether he wanted to eat something.

"How long was I out? I mean how long was I unconscious"

"You were unconscious for 4 days." Fei Hong replied.

Fu Yan tried to sit up. Fei Hong suddenly came forward and helped him.

He frowned because of the pain from the wound and a soft voice leaked from his mouth.

He tried to relax but felt moister on his arm.

He looked at it and saw Fei Hong crying.

"What wrong Fei Hong. Is everything alright."

"No, it not alright. Who gave you the right to protect. What is am I to you? I am just your employee and you are just my boss. Why did you protect me? I never asked you. Why? Tell me Why?"

She cried and said all this.

Fu Yan did not know how to answer this question so he just remained silent.

"Tell me. Why did you protect me? If you had not been stupid you would not be injured. If you had died then what would I have done."

She cried and cried.

Fu Yan used his other arm to place her head on his shoulder and let her cry. He knew that she was under a lot of stress these days and she needed to release it.

Fei Hong cried for a while but did not lift her head from his shoulder.

After some time, Fu Yan said.

"Are you ok now? Have you calmed down now."

Fei Hong Shook her head and stayed in the same position.

"You see I have started to lose the feeling of the shoulder. You are too heavy."

Fei Hong smiled a little and put a frown on her face.

"You are fat and how can you say to a lady that she is heavy. You don't have any manners."

She lifted her head after this and looked into Fu Yan's eyes and said.

"Thank you for saving me but please don't do this ever again."

Fu Yan nods and said.

"Btw I can't feel my shoulder so can you call the doctor."

Fei Hong punched him on his shoulder and laughed.

Fu Yan laughed too.

What he did not know that someone else was watching him through the cameras in the room and upon seeing his smiling, it stopped watching.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<End OF Chapter>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

This chapter took me a while to write and edit because I am not a professional writer and I am single😛 so I don't know how to convey emotions but I tried my best so tell me what you think of this chapter.

Some of you might be wondering why I upload chapter irregularly. that's because i write novels when I am at university and have free time. I don't know why it is like this but whenever I try to write at home, the results are hilarious. so there you have it.

Also, I have created a discord server so come join if you want to. I have put the link in the synopsis of the novel so that you guys can copy it.

Again I need power stone because I am hungry for them😂😘🥰😍😎😋😉😊