
Galactic Technological Library

I have moved the novel due to a bug in the system that won't allow me to change the name or update the novel. don't worry it still on webnovel.https://www.webnovel.com/book/17276697706301005 Galactic Technological Library that is the access point for different races of the universe to exchange knowledge, choose an ordinary boy from the earth as its librarian. How a boy with no ambition would use this chance given to him. He is given the right to access all kinds of technical knowledge which has yet to discover by the earth and interact with different races that come to the Library seeking knowledge. Follow the adventures of Fu Yan while he uses this knowledge to become the strongest man on earth and travel the different worlds as a librarian to collect books. join my discord server:https://discord.gg/zAyYpJX support me=www.patreon.com/sakakoi24

sakakoi · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
64 Chs

Big Brother What am I?

After chatting with Fei Hong a little, Fu Yan lay down to rest.

He was still feeling weak because he had lost too much blood and according to the doctor "Its miracle that you survived, you had lost too much but luckily the knife avoided many major arteries"

After the doctor confirmed that Fu Yan had no other problems, Fei Hong relaxed.

She was really exhausted and because of Fu Yan's nagging did she laid down to rest.

These past days, She had been taking care of the company and him. She barely slept and was under too much stress because of him.

She just laid down on the bed next to him and slept soundly.

Fu Yan looked at her face and with his hand on his chin, he started to think about his life.

He was just an ordinary boy who had never even killed a bird and was softhearted but after encountering this incident, his mentality started to change.

According to Fei Hong, those 3 boys were from rich families and they had quite an influence in the city.

That night they were out to enjoy when they encountered a lonely couple in the park, they decided to add thrill in their life.

Police had quickly identified the suspects but they hired a lawyer and put the case in court, saying that it was self-defense.

Under the pressure of their family, the case was dropped quickly and they gave 100 thousand country C dollars as reimbursement.

A CCTV camera had recorded the incident but according to the monitoring department of the city, the file was corrupted and only some part of the video could be seen.

The part that was not corrupted showed Fu Yan attacking the boy but not them starting the fight so Fei Hong could only protest.

Because Fu Yan was unconscious and the company was not strong enough to compete so she just backs down.

After hearing this he felt quite shocked. His view of the modern world shattered.

"For rich people, the life of the poor is just enjoyment"

He now felt the need of power.

"If I had power then everything would be easily done and they would be prosecuted but now its not. I thought I was living in civil society but I was wrong. Power is everything no matter what era you live in."

Fu Yan's eyes were burning with new passion and that was power. Power to influence not only the decisions of a city but a country and even the world.

"I will use the technology from the library and make so that each and everything in this world is under my influence."

Before he had no goal for his life but now he had set a point where he had to reach.

"I will use any means necessary, even if I have to trample on people, I will. I will make sure that the people I love, the people I care for, never get harm ever again."

He felt quite funny when he thought about his past, like when he set rules for Qing so that she won't harm human beings.

"Harm human being, well I don't want her to be something like in movies where AI destroy the earth and kill all human being but now I will use her to harm human being at my will not her own. People who will threaten me will be harm. I will use her as a weapon. A weapon which only I have."

His weak mentality which he had for years, now shattered. He was like a new being.

"First of all, I need to see who those boys were and what gave their family the power to influence the police and justice system."

He picked up the laptop that Fei Hong had brought to him from home.

He connected to the server and wrote.

"Qing I need you to do something."

Words started to appear on the screen immediately after he wrote this.

"Yes, Big Brother. What can I do for you."

Fu Yan was surprised by the way Qing answered.

Before she would have answered like "yes what should I do or whats the order".

Her answers would be like a kid taking order but now it was more like a mature adult answering him.

"Well I will check her core program when I go home later, now is not the time to ponder over this issue."

So he wrote.

"I need you to hack into the city surveillance system and find out the identities of those 3 boys.

Just after he wrote, 3 pictures appeared on the screen.

"What that fast? but no matter how fast the Qing is, it cant be this fast."

Another line appeared on the screen after the picture.

"Qing had already searched these people before and have already extracted all details about them. Since I, me, I am. Big Brother What am I?"

Fu Yan was startled upon reading this.

"Does she have a bug, well that a possibility but I think she got upgraded and she is having an identity crisis now."

He quickly typed on the keyboard.

"Qing is Qing. You are an important person to me. No one can replace you. So no matter who you are, You will remain Qing to me and I will always be Big Brother for you."

No words appeared on the screen for 1 whole minute.

"Since I could not contact Big Brother so as per rules I decided that the best possible action was to find out the identities of the culprits and hand them to the police but when I delivered the identities and the crime video to police server, they were deleted by someone and they tried to trace back to me."

These words appeared on the screen after the pause.

Fu Yan understood what happened so he typed.

"Ok, no problem. Now your task is to Find out everything about these people and their families. Who they come in contact with, what is the business of their family. If possible start monitoring them. I want every detail you can find but try to do this without getting noticed. If you ever get noticed, stop immediately and contact me."

"Ok Big Brother!"

Fu Yan closed the laptop after giving instructions to Qing and put it on the side table.

"Power! Huh. I will have all the power to rule all over the world."

He raised his fist and closed his eyes.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<End OF Chapter>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

3rd chapter of the week. 1 remaining. also, I owe you guys 1 more chapter from last week so 2 more chapters remain. since we are not in the top 100 this week so no extra chapter😁.

Don't forget to leave a review and comment and vote.

Also, I have created a discord server so come join if you want to. First 10 people who join will be given the role of assistant librarian. I have put the link in the synopsis of the novel so that you guys can copy it.

Again I need power stone because I am hungry for them😂😘🥰😍😎😋😉😊