
Galactic Entrepreneur

The galactic society. A place big enough to house hundreds of different sentient alien species.Humans, flying birds with telekinesis, living stars, whales the sizes of planets and more. Civilizations spanning light years wide to a small business on a space station. Supers able to destroy cities and even planets. Cold wars between civilizations and takeovers of smaller businesses.Its a cruel place to be weak and the perfect paradise for those who hunger for more. Humanity being one of the newer races to join the galactic society is forced to accept a weaker standing in the society but now humanity with its talents is entering a golden era! An era led by 5 supers.After all, humanity was born to rule over the stars! An entrepreneur, a vigilante, an explorer, a hunter and a criminal of all people to lead humanity's golden era.What a time to be alive!

ZapFlak · Sci-fi
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24 Chs

13:The Flood of Violet

Violet was such a beautiful colour.

That was all Zephyr could think about right now. Everywhere Zephyr could see with his eyes. On the floors, on the walls, on the roof, his hands and everything that moved seemed to have been dyed in violet.

It was as if time had slowed down. The creatures moved so slowly that Zephyr could outrun them with a broken leg, afterimages of the members of Violet Flood appeared everywhere and more were being created every time he blinked.

Every new creature that appeared walked into the violet, slowed to a crawl and got it's head obliterated by a flash of violet.

It was like a fire works show and a light show being condensed together. The sight of it was mesmerizing enough to make Zephyr forget about the horror he had just witnessed and it let him indulge in the beauty of it for a split moment.

Hundreds of Rand worms and hundreds more of the creatures died right in front of his eyes. Their blood and brain matter still flying in slow-mo through the air. Yet it seemed to be never ending, more and more shells and more and more afterimages appeared shattering each creatures head in an instant only to be replaced by another.

Throughout the whole spectacle with his eyes, his sense were practically screaming at him. The pure amount of quantum,mental and soul energy in the surroundings right now was like a sun!

Along with the psychic energies he could also sense... something mixed in with it and yet when he observed the energy as best as he could. He could see nothing wrong with it.

It looked the same as it always did, just shapeless, always moving blue, purple and yellow.

No! Zephyr strained his senses even further. Practically blinding him, it was like staring into a bright light source mere milimeters away! But he could spot something!

Immediately retracting his senses, he tried to analyze what he saw. On the energies was a... mark? Zephyr didn't know what it was. It looked as if someone had stamped a seal on it. The 'seal' resembled that of a child's scribbles but the image of them remained engraved in Zephyr's head.

Scribbles... could it be like runes that some mages use?

Mages had a very different method of growing stronger compared to other supers, their body transformed quantum energy into mana and like others could slowly cultivate quantum energy to increase in strength. But, in order to grow even stronger. The mages of the past needed a stronger method.

So they came up with mana circles, to put it simply. You take some mana and use it to create a circle around your heart. The circle would act as protection, would help absorb quantum energy faster and increase the strength of spells.

Not all mages use mana circles, such as runic mages, enchant scribes and worship mages who worshipped beings such as the Tide of Violet in exchange for strength.

It's not to say mana circles had no downsides. They had to be created out of mana and the type of mana used would heavily alter the users ability to fight.

For example, if a white mana focused mages fought against a fire mana focused mage.Unless the white mana mage was at least 10 circles over, he would at and no chance of winning!

Creating more circles also posed a problem in of itself. The body could handle up to 3 circles at F grade? From what Zephyr could remember and if you wanted to get more circles then you would need to get to the next letter grade of strength by cultivating.

This is what made mages so different from other super classes,similar to designers. They could learn stronger spells, have better equipment to channel their spells and mages were great researchers!

So why was something a mage would use on a psychics energy?

No, Zephyr was getting ahead of himself here. What if it wasn't even magic in the first place?


Trevin's voice blasted throughout his mind, knocking him from his concentration.


Shakingly standing up, Zephyr tried to muster his telekinesis to push back several of the smaller Rand worms from chewing through the armour of some random mercenary.


Trevin's voice yelled out in his mind again. Urgh, this guys voice was too loud.


He inhaled deeply and steadied his feet in the ground taking care to not get dazed by the violet everywhere.

Aiming his right palm at one of the larger creatures, he willed his mental energy to blast and...


The recoil of the blast knocked Zephyr off his feet and back onto the floor. There was almost no delay between willing it to shoot out and it actually exiting his body to blast the creatures head off.

Furthermore the power of it was off the charts! Zephyr couldn't even get past the things armour earlier and now he managed to easily destroy it's entire head.


A difference voice rang out in Zephyr's head. This one sounded a lot more bearish and gruff then Trevin's soft and quiet voice.

Stumbling back onto his feet, he aimed his palms at the creatures and used quantum energy to dig his feet into the floor.


It was like playing a game. All he had to do was think of it, and boom! Whatever he aimed at would die.

The horde of creatures slowed down and stopped rushing into the violet. Instead, they started to wait at the border and were they communicating?

Zephyr could see multiple groups of them all clicking their mandibles at each other furiously.

More and more of the creatures appeared. Zephyr could even see a few with armour on then make out of metal! There were even a few wielding very crude spears and shields!

Walls of them surrounded the sphere of violet. He could see nothing but the black heads of them, clicking their mandibles throughout the whole tunnel.

In the corner of his eyes though, Zephyr could see one of the mages who was in charge of the large scale spells. He had been cradling a corpse of another mage when he suddenly stood up and threw his staff on the floor.

Suddenly out of nowhere, he felt a massive wave of quantum energy hit him. Followed by another and another and another. Totalling 8 times.

Tunring to where the waves of quantum energy were coming from. He could see the unknown mage standing still. His head was looking at the roof and his fists were clenched tightly enough to make his palms bleed.

"Mana in the air. Listen to my words and make them true. Obey my instructions and make every sentence I say an action that must be truth in this world. "


A wave of what Zephyr recognised as mana flew through the air. What type of mana it was however Zephyr count recognise. Thousands and thousands of fires caught onto any of the creatures in the mages line of sight. Zephyr could even see some of the creatures melting!

Realising the danger, the creatures rushed back into the violet to try and stop the mage.


A wave of mana burst from the mages body and flew through the horde of creatures. It almost looked like someone had just paused a video. Every one of the creatures had frozen in place and stopped moving. Their eyes all stuck looking at the mage.


This time another wave of mana burst out. This wave was so much stronger then the previous two that it made his previous spells look weak!

Using his senses, Zephyr could clearly see the mana and quantum energy all gathering together on one big group behind the mage.

"Damn. Thats awesome. "

Hundreds and hundreds of iridescent cyan spears all lined up in an orderly formation behind the mage and Zephyr could see more and more appearing.

As the spears finally finished manifesting. Totalling at least over a thousand. Zephyr could sense even more mana being gathered!


The massive amount of quantum energy and mana suddenly exploded. Blinding Zephyr's energy senses. It was brighter then when he tried to inspect the violet sphere due to it being so concentrated!

Shutting off his energy sense. Zephyr tried to use his eyes to see but could only barely make out the spears flying through the air because of the insane brightness.

Hundreds of shrieks from the creatures all overlapped together to create a noise that could only be described as hellish to the ears. Combined with the ryhtimic thud of hundreds of spears going straight through the armour of the creatures and smashing into the floor. It sounded like the worst band ever. Some of the spears even brought out the creatures whole heart out when they flew through.

The whole tunnel seemed to have gone quiet. Nearly every one of the creatures in one direction of the tunnel was dead and the sound of the mandibles clicking were gone.

The mage who was standing still for all of the spells. Immediately collapsed face first into the corpse of whoever he was originally mourning.

The silence was almost immediately cut short by the frenzied footsteps of a random mercenary. Running as fast as he could through the now empty tunnel.


Trevin's voice cut through the quiet in Zephyr's mind.

Slowly getting onto his feet. He mustered up whatever quantum energy he could into his feet.


Falton's suit blazed past Zephyr his drones following closely behind him. A rush of wind hit him right in the face. Knocking his hair back.


Zephyr's feet kicked off the ground, leaving a massive hole behind. His legs were covered in quantum energy and his hair was blowing everywhere as he ran as fast as he could even using his telekinesis to push himself even further!

Time to get out of this hellhole!

Mage explanation this time for those who who can't understand it.

mages are supers who transform quantum energy into mana.

mana can be used to cast spells, inscribe runes, enchant objects, heal etc

Mages like other supers can cultivate by using quantum energy to grow stronger. but they can also create mana circles as a sort of strength multiplier and to increase their control over Mana.

if a mage had white mana circles, then he would only be able to cast heals, buffs etc and if a mage had only flame mana circles, then he would only be able to cast fire attributed spells.

magic circles can take a heavy burden on the mages body, so they can't have too many or else it will negatively impact them. This is also why their physical strength is the weakest. Only higher letter grades will allow mages to have more magic circles and some spells need multiple magic circles to cast. Some magic doesn't need magic circles so some mages don't have them.

hope this explains it better!

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