

In the world of Marvel, a carefree spirit armed with the power of gacha arrives, embracing life to the fullest and embarking on a thrilling journey of enjoyment and self-discovery. English is not my Native language so if you find any problem with it please tell me. (It's important to note that the cover used in this novel does not belong to me. If the rightful owner expresses a desire for its removal due to copyright concerns, I shall promptly comply and respect their intellectual property rights.)

UNTAINTED_MASK · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter – 3 Strength

"There's only two things I ever managed to believe in. Firstly, myself. And even then only about 50% of the time. Secondly, the future. That there would be one and we'd make it"

—Tony Stark

As I hold the mask made out of discarded Band-Aids in my hand, a flood of memories overwhelms me. It dawns on me that this mask belongs to Luther Strode, a character whose powers and abilities have now merged with mine. The memories rush in, showing me various poses, exercises, and breathing techniques from a book called "The Hercules Method."

As I recall the details from these memories, I feel a surge of newfound strength coursing through my body. I realize that I possess extraordinary physical capabilities, capable of breaking concrete effortlessly. The memories of training and mastering these techniques blend seamlessly with my own experiences.

Yet, there are more memories flooding my mind – memories of different languages and books that I can't immediately place. It seems these might be related to Nightwing, the other character whose powers are integrating with mine.

The fusion of these memories is disorienting, as if I am piecing together the experiences of two different individuals. The knowledge and skills I have gained from both Luther Strode and Nightwing are now a part of me, and I can't help but marvel at the possibilities that lie ahead.

As I sit on the rooftop, the sounds of the bustling city below envelop me. The golden rays of the sunrise paint a vivid picture, and the chirping of birds creates a symphony that resonates with my soul.

Name : James Smith

Race: Human

Character Absorb:

Fully Absorb:


Luther Strode

In Progress:




Summoned Characters:







As I command the system to use the weakness removal card, a satisfying "Ding" confirms its activation. The weakness removal card works its magic, and I feel a profound change within me. The weakness known as "killerforce" is now gone, leaving me feeling stronger and more capable than ever before.

All the thoughts of killing somebody in most brutal way starting to suppress, they were impulses sent from the killerforce to those who use Hercules method, although they are still there they are not forcing me to do anything now.

With the weight of that weakness lifted, I feel an incredible sense of refreshment washing over me. My mind is clear, and my body feels rejuvenated. It's time to work.

As I stand beside the old granny, her wrinkled hands expertly cutting through the vibrant vegetables, she calls out to me in a sweet and affectionate voice, "James, can you help me with these vegetables, child?"

"Why not," I reply with a warm smile, happy to assist her in the kitchen. I grab a knife and join her, mimicking her careful and precise movements.

Granny's eyes twinkle with delight as she looks at me and says, "You look much healthier now, child. Look at you, you are looking so handsome and strong. If I was 30 years younger, I might have married you."

Her playful comment elicits a hearty laugh from me, and the other grannies who are helping in the kitchen join in, their laughter echoing in the cozy space.

As we continue cutting the vegetables, Granny and I engage in light-hearted banter and share stories. They keep pestering me to meet with their granddaughter.

As we continue chatting and laughing in the kitchen, a faint sound interrupts our conversation. We turn towards the source and see an elderly lady slowly approaching us with her there is a tourist.

The elderly lady explains that on her way to where she meet this tourist was struggling. I notice her looking around, hoping someone can understand her.

Realizing that she needs help, I step forward and smile warmly at the tourist lady. ["Hello, how can I help you?"] I greet her in Spanish, offering my assistance.

Relief washes over her face as she hears me speak her language. She explains that she is lost and requires directions to a nearby landmark. Apparently, her English is not very strong, and she feels more comfortable speaking in Spanish.

I nod reassuringly, telling her that I'll gladly help her find her way. Granny and the other grannies, seeing the interaction, also join in to offer their support.

With me as a translator, we collectively understand the tourist's request and provide her with clear directions. She smiles gratefully and thanks us profusely in Spanish, expressing her gratitude for our kindness.

"Thank you, James, you are really helpful today" said Aunt May who brought the tourist

I humbly replied, "You don't have to say that, Aunt May. It was really a small matter. Anyone would have done the same in my place."

Aunt May shook her head gently and responded, "It's not about anyone; it's about you coming forward to help. That's what matters. Now, let's get back to work. We still need to feed many people." She joined us in the kitchen, ready to resume our task.

Currently, I am at F.E.A.S.T. It serves as my temporary home now. With my newfound powers, I don't have to rely on it anymore. But it was here that I had the chance to meet Aunt May.

It's been nearly a month I work as vigilante and I realize that being like Spider-Man is not my style. Instead, I decide to observe the heroes who have been protecting the city for some time.

One of my targets for observation is Spider-Man himself. According to the information I gathered, he has been active as a hero for at least a year. He is one of my favorite hero from my past life. I watch him from a distance, studying his movements and techniques.

During this time, I come across old news about an accident at Oscorp. Though the details are kept under wraps, I suspect it could be related to the radioactive spider that granted Spider-Man his powers. My intuition tells me that Oscorp might be conducting experiments on other spiders, and if my hunch is right, there might be more than three to four radioactive spiders now roaming the city.

As I continue my journey as observer and observe Spider-Man from a distance, a nagging curiosity fills my mind. I want to confirm if this world's Spider-Man is truly the hero he appears to be or if there might be a darker side to him. To uncover the truth, I realize that I need to get closer to Aunt May, who is an integral part of his life.

Aunt May's presence in Spider-Man's life offers a unique perspective. As his caregiver and guardian, she must know him on a deeply personal level. Getting close to Aunt May might provide me with valuable insights into the true nature of Spider-Man.

However, I must tread carefully. Approaching Aunt May under false pretenses would be unfair and unethical. I don't want to manipulate her or use her for my own gain. Instead, I want to form a genuine connection with her, one based on trust and mutual respect.

My intention is not to exploit or harm anyone but to understand the dynamics of this world and the heroes that inhabit it. If there are secrets or hidden aspects of Spider-Man's persona, I believe that Aunt May might hold some answers.

As I spend more time at F.E.A.S.T. and work alongside Aunt May in the kitchen, I do my best to be authentic and kind. I help her with various tasks, listen to her stories, and offer my support whenever she needs it.

But now I can start my true plan for Spider-Man.