

Gabriela is a remarkably powerful angel who grew up under the guidance of her mentors, each of whom carefully helped shape her into a powerful weapon against demons. Everything seemed to be going well, and Gabriela was soon to be released into the world when one of her mentors realized that as skilled as she was, she had no compassion. In an effort to instill empathy in her before its too late, Gabriela has been sent to earth to live amongst humans, with her abilities sealed. But will she actually learn what it means to care, or will her ingrained fixation on battle lead her astray?

kristen_fae · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter Fourteen

Rennyn shrugged as Gabriela started to get smart with him. In the end, it was only herself she was hurting if she didn't want to cooperate out of stubbornness. There were too many witnesses, and a lot of evidence stacked against her that Rennyn was actually not even sure if he did want to do anything with her anymore. Clearly, it'd be more to his own advantage if he just let all this play out. However, he was fairly sure if he let it play out, he'd be involved in the legal process, and he just didn't want to have to try and explain why he didn't exactly exist.

In the end, it would just be much faster if the two of them could come to a temporary agreement. And so he attempted to explain this to the angel.

"I'm sure you've come to the realization by now that between the two of us, you're the one that is facing the most trouble here," he began, not actually with intent to rub it in, but in hopes that she would see just how much more this was benefiting her than himself. "In reality, I could just let this go, let you try and fight your way out, and use all the advantages it brings for me against you out in the street. But if I did that, they'd want to know all sorts of things about me so they could "protect" me from you, and I'm sure you're just as nonexistent in this world as I am." He stopped to let her think about all this for a moment before continuing.

"What we need to do is convince them that the entire thing was harmless, or at the very least that it won't happen again. I don't know about you, but I can't provide a home address or phone number let alone… what was the phrase? …press charges? Yeah, press charges against a psycho that tried to impale me with an umbrella. It's as simple as getting our stories straight. I'll agree to let you go, and we go our separate ways, or at least find a less public place to continue where we left off."

He wouldn't do that last one, of course. It wouldn't help him in any way to continue the fight head on. He needed to have the element of surprise, and a strategy. No, if the two of them got out he'd leave her the second they got out the door.

"So? Do you think you can manage that much? Or would it hurt your fragile pride too much to agree to lie to authorities with a demon?"

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