
Guilt and euphoria


I tried not to let the panic that was raising from the very depths of my heart to show in my eyes. I quickly let go of tristen and began walking towards the staircase. "Okay I guess I better go and pack my stuff. What time are we leaving?" I asked trying desperately not to make eye contact.


"6 this evening." I looked down at my phone then back up at the most important person in my life. " that gives us 7 hours to pack and get to the airport." "Okay" the soft replay wrapped itself around me. I looked at the Tiny retreating back and a warm fuzzy feeling almost overwhelmed me. I was stuck between feeling guilt and euphoria Guilty because I had just lied to my best friend and euphoric because finally my plans were beginning to fall in place. I had been in love with Adriana Carmichael since we met in preschool. she tried very hard to come across as your typical girl next door kind of girl, but the truth of the matter was she was just too beautiful to quietly fade into the background. She was tiny only about 5'2" but what she lacked in height she made up with beautiful features her eyes were the rarely seen blueish purple large and flanked with thick dark lashes that swept her cheeks whenever she so much as blinked. She had the cutest button nose with Cupid bow lips a fresh pale pink. Her cheeks and nose were dotted with freckles and two tiny moles sat on her face one just below her right brow and the other right above her plump kissable lips. She wore large black glasses that took up more than half her face in an attempt to hide her natural beauty. her shiny dark red hair was up in a messy bun with curly tendrils framing her face. She had a curvy seductive figure that she hid under ginormous sweaters and puffy skirts. She almost always wore some type of heels so as not to look like a middle school kid, but today she's had worn white high top converse sneakers.