

"I said no!"

"Please Adriana I'm really in trouble this time and there's no one else I can ask" Tristen looked at me with sad baby blue eyes and a pout that sent millions of women into a frenzy. "Tris it's not that I don't want to help you it's just....you know I don't do people and what you're asking me to do is...well...people." I sighed I knew Tristen wouldn't ask me to be his assistant if he had another choice because he knew I was the most socially awkward person in the world. I never spoke to anyone who didn't address me first and that's on a good day normally is simple freeze and shuffle away. I was so shy that the only friend I managed to make in my 23 years of existence was someone my mother had arranged a play date with when I was 5. Now said friend is asking me to be his assistant. Now if he had been a corporate employee at a Fortune 500 company I might have said yes however said friend was a world famous actor and model beloved by females ranging between 6months to 90. "Adri I know this is a lot to ask but I really really have no other choice" he walked over and took my hands in his and looked down on me "shooting begins tomorrow and both my Christopher and Sasha are down with the flu I need you." I looked up at him seeing the helpless look on his face. "That's not fair tris" I whispered looking down at my white feet with shiny pink toenails. I took a deep breath and looked back up at him and sighed and rolled my eyes, I held up one finger and said "1 week and I have 3 conditions, #1. I only work behind the scenes #2. You owe me big time no matter what I asked you have to do it and #3. You have to give me your limited edition signed of guilty conscience."