
Future Smartphone

I returned to the past with a smartphone containing all the information. If you have this smartphone, becoming rich is a piece of cake. In addition, there were many women around me who were like hidden gems, strangely more beautiful than anyone else, but ugly because they were not crafted, and I decided to make all of them my women.

NescafeMTL · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs


"This is the new cake!"

Nayoung's eyes sparkled as she saw a cake in a shape she had never seen before on the table.

In the blink of an eye, I picked up a fork, scooped up a large amount of cake, and put it in my mouth.

"Mmm~! It's delicious!"

Is the new cake that delicious? As soon as I put it in my mouth, my pretty face melted.

"Jihoon! Jihoon, try it too! It's so delicious!"

Then, he scooped up the cake again on the fork he had used and brought it into my mouth.

Even so, it's been a while since we started dating, but we haven't even gotten to the point of kissing. There's no way they wouldn't have even fed each other.

I calmly put the cake Nayoung brought me into my mouth.

"how is it?"

"It's delicious."

"Right?! Right!"

Nayoung herself was even happier when she heard that it was as delicious as if she had made it herself.

"Ha~ um!"

I started eating the cake as if I was vacuuming it up.

Sometimes they feed me some, but it's only about 10% of the total.

"Wow... Nayoung eats more than I thought, so why isn't she gaining weight?"

Chaeyeon opened her mouth as if she was jealous.

Even when eating school lunch, she asked for more and received more food on the plate than certain boys.

As if the school lunch wasn't enough, I went to the cafeteria after eating and ate bread, snacks, and drinks.

Nevertheless, rather than gaining weight over the past month, she seemed to have lost some weight and was maintaining a prettier body.

"Ugh...? Sal?"

"Uh, I mean Sal. Sal."

Chaeyeon pinched the skin of Eunbi's forearm who was sitting next to her.


Eunbi was startled by a strange noise and got as far away from Chaeyeon as possible.

"Look at Eunbi. She's gained this much weight even though she barely eats."

"Eh...? Did I gain weight?! That's a lie!"

Eunbi put her hand on her forearm as if she couldn't believe it.

"Did you gain weight...? Did you gain weight?"

Just by touching it, I tilted my head because I couldn't guess whether the weight had stayed the same or whether it had been lost.

"Do you have the constitution to not gain weight? I'm jealous."

If you don't know Nayoung's past or how much she usually exercises, you might think that.

Nayoung chewed the cake and shook her head.

"No. I gain weight really easily."

"Don't lie."

"It's true! Just a year ago, I gained a lot of weight and was a completely different person!"

As they said, I gained so much weight that I became a completely different person, no, a completely different race.

"Really? Jihoon!"

"That's true. At that time, Nayoung gained a lot of weight. She must have been like a pig."

"Okay, pig! Jihoon is bad!"

My true feelings came out unconsciously.

Nayoung sulked with a shocked face.

"Ah! Nayoung! It's a joke. It's a joke. Ha, haha...! Nayoung! I'm sorry!"

Somehow I succeeded in making Nayoung feel better, so I leaned back and took a sip of my drink with an exhausted expression on my face.

"Anyway, I also have a constitution that allows me to gain weight very easily, but at that time I didn't really eat and just exercised a lot, so I got to where I am now, and I'm still exercising regularly."

"What are you exercising?"

"The exercise I do now is light running on the treadmill for about an hour or running outside, yoga, and various other things…"

Chae-yeon, Mi-jin, and Eun-bi were listening to Na-young's exercise method with the idea that they might be able to maintain a pretty body by eating as much as Na-young, and the more they listened, the more their expectant faces began to rot.

"Exercise like this for about two hours a day!"

"Huh! Three, two hours...?! Even for me, it's only 30 minutes!"

Mijin was astonished.

But Nayoung has to eat a lot. If you eat like that and don't exercise for two hours, you'll gain weight right away.

Even in these two hours, the exercise routine is so intense that it strains the body with almost no time to rest.

Even I was tongue-tied.

Still, Nayoung ate whatever she wanted and gritted her teeth to maintain the body shape I liked.

"I'll just… eat less."

"me too..."

"I don't want to eat like that..."

It's easy. You can't just say you don't want to eat it.

As proof of this, aren't we constantly taking high-calorie cakes and chocolate lattes to our mouths?

It was clear that sooner or later, she would gain a lot of weight from eating everything I bought her, so she would ask Nayoung to help her exercise.

"Anyway. Where do you want to go?"

Now that I think about it, the reason I came to the cafe was to decide where to go.

I finally brought up this topic.

"Can't we just chat here…?"

Eunbi spoke cautiously because she didn't want to wander around.

Like Eunbi, I won't be able to go home anyway. I just wanted to sit in the cafe like this.

"That's okay, but you ate a lot, right? Shouldn't you move your body to get rid of it?"

"Ugh... I see."

We shared a cafe latte and several cakes.

With this alone, an incredible amount of calories are accumulating in their fat in real time.

"Do you want to go to the pom-pom place and exercise?"

There was silence for a moment, and after a while, Mijin pounded her fist and said, as if she had a good idea.


"Yes. I heard that a large indoor pom-pom center has opened nearby. Let's go check it out."

"Oh! Pom-ponjang! It's fun, it's exercise, and it's great!"

It was unanimously agreed to go to Pongpongjang.

And of course.

"Mr. Wallet! Please do me a favor!"

As soon as I arrived at Pongpongjang, Chaeyeon, who had been walking ahead, naturally came behind me and pushed my back like water.

Suddenly this thought occurred to me.

I think Nayoung didn't just bring me here because she wanted to hang out with me, but rather used me to protect herself and her friends' wallets.

When I looked at Nayoung with her arms crossed, she felt my gaze and just smiled with an innocent face.

Even though I knew it wasn't true, I couldn't help but have doubts.

"Thank you! Mr. Wallet!"

"Thank you, Jihoon."

"Thank you...!"

After leaving the formal thanks, the three people went inside and enjoyed the pom-ponjang as if they had been waiting.

They knew this would happen, so they took the gym pants they had brought with them from the bag and put them on straight into their skirts.

"Aren't we going to play together?"

I asked Nayoung, who was still clinging to me like a piece of gum.

"I will play if Jihoon plays with me!"

"Nayoung. I'm really tired today, but I'll be watching from here, so why don't you go and have some fun?"

"Ugh… are you very tired?"

"Uh, I'm so tired that if I could sleep, I could sleep here too."

"I can't do it..."

Putting my regrets aside, I approached my friends who were running around with a very depressed look.

But when she starts playing, she gets along with her friends with a brighter smile than anyone else.


The four pretty girls squeaked! Ouch! As I watched her scream and run around, her body became lethargic and she yawned.

The tiredness that I had forgotten about was surging so quickly that I felt like I would fall asleep right then and there if I made a mistake.

Maybe that's why my head lowers and my eyelids get heavy.

It is inevitable that flies will be attracted to pretty women.

A group of guys who looked to be at least three years older than us were attacking the kids who were just wearing their school uniforms.

"Ha... bother Siri."

I'm playing well, but I don't know why he's acting like that.

What is it that they are doing to young children who are likely to go to a different school than them?

Nayoung was blatantly disliked, but since she was the prettiest of them all, the men paid no attention and continued to attack her.

Chaeyeon was smiling as if she was used to it, but her smile gradually began to crack due to the men's actions of not giving a shit. Eunbi hid behind Chaeyeon's back.

Mijin is busy running around as if it's not her business.

As they were not free to dye their hair, they dyed their hair yellow and the tattoos visible on their bodies showed that they were not ordinary kids.

This is why I won't give up easily.

"what's the matter?"

I approached them and asked with as grim a look as I could.


Strangely enough, Eunbi let out a loud scream and fell over.

"What are you?"

I have muscles that are not appropriate for my age due to constant exercise.

On the other hand, the four gangsters are overflowing with inexplicable confidence, even though their upper bodies look very weak, as their only sport is soccer.

Even though I am a little shorter in height, my physique is considerable.

Above all, this is a public place.

You can't just rely on a few tricks and do bad things.

"He's your boyfriend?"

As I said that, I wrapped my arms around Nayoung's slender waist and pulled her towards me.


Even though it was not a situation she would like, Nayoung smiled happily.


It happens that one of the four women has a boyfriend. And the prettiest girl had a boyfriend, so she clicked her tongue.

Just as I was about to think that there were still three people left.

"Darling! Why are you so late!"

Chaeyeon suddenly took my arm and wrapped it around her waist, pressing her body close to me like Nayoung did.

'What, what kid? All, darling...?'

"Everything, darling?"

I wasn't the only one who was confused.

Not only Yangachi, but even Nayoung looked embarrassed.

"You keep hitting on your girlfriends! I'll scold you!"


Mijin nodded, as if she understood what Chaeyeon said.

"That's right, baby."

She even matched Chaeyeon's ridiculous excuses and pranks.

After that, he gestured towards Eunbi, who was left alone.

When you say this, it seems like you are telling me to stick to you too.

"Me too...?!"

Eunbi was restless, looking alternately at Yangachi, me, and the three women who were clinging to me, then closed her eyes.

"All of you!"

Soon, Eunbi is held in his arms.

"Fuck. Are you kidding me?"

Honestly, who would be fooled?

One of the gangsters shouted with a bright red face.

"Hehe. That doesn't work."

"That's right. It's a shame. Almost everything was successful. Is it because Jihoon can't act?"

"Did you know this would work? No... did it work? Would it have worked if I had acted a little more? Ugh...?"

Chaeyeon left, saying, "If it doesn't work out, don't do it," followed by Mijin and the confused Eunbi.

"You're not making fun of us right now. You bastards…!"

A fist was raised.

However, since this kind of thing was not uncommon, the owner of the indoor pom-pom shop hired a part-time worker with bulging muscles that could be seen beyond the rough-looking clothes.

"Hey. You guys go out."


Even at a glance, it was clear that if they fought, they would be beaten harshly.

Although the gangsters were angry, they had no choice but to give me a sharp look and then obediently leave.

"If something like this happens again, call me."

They didn't tell us to leave because we were confirmed to be part-time workers without even hearing the circumstances just because the pretty-looking girls were having an argument between men and women.

Rather, I told him to call me right away if something like this happens again.

"Yes~! Thank you, brother!"

At Chaeyeon's words, the part-time worker returned to her seat with a happy smile, as if she was seeing her beloved nephew.

"Let's play again!"


The young people's play is not over yet.