
Future Smartphone

I returned to the past with a smartphone containing all the information. If you have this smartphone, becoming rich is a piece of cake. In addition, there were many women around me who were like hidden gems, strangely more beautiful than anyone else, but ugly because they were not crafted, and I decided to make all of them my women.

NescafeMTL · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs


The new school life that I was starting to get used to little by little was coming to an end today.

"Nayoung. Nayoung."


"Let's go play together after today."


There are three girls I got along with from the first day and became fast friends.

Mijin with short hair, Chaeyeon with a lively personality, and Eunbi with a timid and cute appearance. These three people became close friends with Nayoung, both at school and outside of school.

Among the three, Chaeyeon, who was sitting right in front of Nayoung, looked back and suggested that they go play together after school.

I feel like I want to nod my head like I'm biting my head. Naturally, Nayoung glanced at Jihoon, who was sitting next to her and resting his chin on her face with a tired expression on his face.

I think I was doing something called stock and FX margin trading until late last night.

That's why I couldn't concentrate properly in school and fell asleep.

What is so fun about staying up late at night?

Still, Jihoon was okay.

He was smart enough to maintain the top spot in the entire school without even having to take classes in the first place.

"You can come hang out."

Jihoon, perhaps feeling Nayoung's gaze, readily agreed.

But it wasn't the answer Nayoung wanted.

"That's not it… Can't Jihoon go with you too…?"

It's really fun to play with new friends I've made.

But no matter how fun it was, it wasn't as much fun as playing with Jihoon.

"me too?"

"Yes! Let's go together!"

Jihoon's eyebrows became slightly distorted.

"I'd like to go with you, but I'm too tired today..."

"No...? We can't go together...?"

Although it was an unavoidable situation, and although she could understand it, Nayoung could not hide the discouragement that rose without her knowledge.

"How can it be that such a pretty and cute girlfriend just wants to go out to play and then dumps her?"

Chaeyeon opened her eyes wide and covered her mouth with her hands in shock.

"Why...? Why on earth? If I were your boyfriend, I would have gotten down on my knees and begged you to go out with Nayoung?!"


I know all that feeling.

Still, Jihoon was worried.

It was a time when the stock market, which had been on the decline due to the subprime mortgage crisis, was rapidly recovering.

As a result, I refused to sleep and continued trading, which led to a situation where I couldn't sleep at all these days.

Even though I was sleeping on my stomach to get some sleep at school, it definitely wasn't as refreshing as sleeping comfortably in a soft bed.

From 9 am to 3 pm. Even though I slept for a good 6 hours, I was still tired every day.

As soon as I got home, I laid down my exhausted body and woke up again when the US stock market opened, but the fatigue was still lingering in my body.

"Why. What's going on?"

Mijin, who was intrigued by the commotion and approached, and Eunbi, who followed Mijin, could not hide their curiosity.

"No, no. Listen. An incredibly pretty, kind, pure, and cute girlfriend like Nayoung begs you to go out with her, but you refuse because you're tired from being her boyfriend."

As if she had been waiting, Chaeyeon quickly explained the current situation.

Mijin heard those words.

"What...? Lies. Where can you find that kind of trash?!"

I was shocked as he said this with a playful expression and was explicitly aimed at Jihoon.

"If it were the three of us, you wouldn't know it, but Nayoung said that…?"

A relatively small and charming voice followed.




Eunbi, feeling the sharp gaze of Chaeyeon and Mijin, hurriedly hid her small body behind Nayoung's body.

"Hohoho. Eunbi. What does that mean?"

"What's wrong with us?"

If you think about it, they were also quite pretty.

Looking at it objectively, it's clear that ten out of ten people would say that they are pretty, but the problem is that they are the center of the group to which they belong.

As Na-young, who has an overwhelming beauty, was by his side, even though she had a pretty face, she naturally turned into a turtle.

"Ugh…! I'm sorry…! Nayoung, help me…!"

He moved his small body around and fell into Nayoung's arms.

So, she looked like an older sister who was more than three years older than me and a timid younger brother.

"Jihoon, look. Eunbi also wants to play with Jihoon."

"Huh...? Me, me?"

It was the first time Eunbi had heard of this.

"For Eunbi's sake, can't we just hang out together today?"

"Nayoung...? I've never done that before...? And why are you looking at me?"

While I was in Nayoung's arms, I tried to ask a question with a confused face, but it was completely ignored.

"Ha... okay... okay."

It's like he can't do anything even though he's really tired. Jihoon took a deep sigh and then said yes.

"Yay! Eunbi! Thank you so much!"

"Huh...? Hmm?! Ah, no...! Nayoung! I didn't do anything!"

Without realizing it, he had become the number one contributor.

"Oh, Eunbi Lee. When did you seduce Jihoon?"

"Oh my...! Are you competing with Nayoung for Jihoon?"

"What are you two talking about!"

Who on earth can believe that less than a month has passed since they met?

Jihoon, who was looking at the four beautiful girls, sighed deeply again and muttered.

"I'm already tired."

I was already tired, but I felt like my fatigue would return severalfold if I walked around with those girls.


In the end, as soon as school ended as scheduled, I followed the four women out.

"Where should we go?"

In Chaeyeon's words.

"Um… why don't we go to a cafe and decide?"

Mijin answered.


The only cafe Nayoung knows is Starbox, a famous chain restaurant.

"Ah. That's right! I heard there's a new cake coming out this time. Let's go eat it!"

Regardless of whether it is a well-known cafe, privately operated, or a cafe, the taste will be similar.

However, if a new menu was released, it was a different story.

"Cake! Okay! Let's go to Starbox!"

Could it be that a well-known chain restaurant has launched a new menu that has no taste whatsoever?

With bright eyes, Nayoung was filled with the desire to eat the new cake as soon as possible, so she started urging her friends.

Chaeyeon, with a face full of mischief, was a boy walking along behind them. He looked at me.

"Mr. Wallet. Are you okay with Starbox?"

"A wallet?"

"No way! A girlfriend who is this pretty, kind, pure, and cute! Her friends say they want to go to Starbox and eat cake, but you're saying she won't buy it?!"


"That can't be possible!"

It truly was a match made in heaven.

They say that pretty girls hang out with pretty girls, and as they say, three pretty girls clung to Nayoung's side.

But the problem is that I never dreamed that the three of them would even have similar personalities.

The starting point was Chaeyeon, and not only Mijin, who opened her mouth as if to defend Chaeyeon's words, but even the timid and timid Eunbi followed them and helped at this point.

There may not be any malice in his actions since he knew that I am quite wealthy, but I cannot look at it positively as he is trying to get something every day.

I feel comfortable thinking of it as just a reward for being friendly with Nayoung and playing with her.

Anyway, spending this much won't even put a dent in my assets.

"Yes. Yes. Mr. Wallet will buy it for you."

Knowing this would happen, I made a check card.

I only put away about 5 million won.

Even if the kids spend money, how much will they spend? This is enough money to last a year without too much trouble.

"Five chocolate lattes, three new cakes, and two bachum kuchen! And... Nayoung, what do you want to eat?"

"I'm a blueberry cheesecake!"

"Three blueberry cheesecakes, please!"

That would be the case, but the order volume is significant.

When I go home today, I think I'll have to take out about 10 million or 1,500 more won.

Since he's already decided to treat me like his wallet, it's clear he's planning on taking me with him wherever he goes.

After all, girls are vicious.

This is why some of the me before I regressed didn't hang out with girls.

"Mr. Wallet. Count!"

Chaeyeon came behind me and pushed my back.

"It's 52,700 won."

I overheard and knew that the average monthly allowance for the three of us, including Chaeyeon, was 50,000 won. It was a huge amount, equivalent to their monthly allowance.

Even considering the price, this feels like more than a rip-off.

"That! Buy me that!"

As if Mijin had any conscience, she made a gesture as cute as possible and rolled her tongue.

"Oh! That's great! Mr. Wallet! Buy me that!"

Should I say that Chaeyeon, who immediately quotes that, is good or bad?

Still, it wasn't such a bad thing when I thought about spending only 50,000 won and receiving affection from a pretty girl who was my niece's age.

"Sleep, Eunbi. Now it's your turn."

"Eh?! Do I have to do it too?"

"People should have a conscience. Isn't that right, Nayoung?"

Nayoung, who was already hugging my arm and rubbing her soft cheek against my forearm, just nodded without thinking.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu?? Sa? Saju... Sajute... yo..."

The voice got smaller as if it was crawling at the end, but I'm still satisfied because it's cute!

"Here you go."

"I will help you pay 52,700 won. Do you need a receipt?"


The part-timer, who was looking at us cutely, finished the calculation with a smile on his face.

After ordering and paying, I chose a seat and sat down.

"But Mr. Wallet, how much money do you have?"


"Yeah. I'm suddenly curious. It came out to a whopping 50,000 won, but you calculated it without hesitation. To be honest, I ordered too much, so I was planning on taking it right away if you asked me to take it back, or we could add it."

"that's right."

Mijin nodded as if condescendingly, saying that was her intention.

"So what is your monthly allowance, Mr. Wallet?"

"What if there are too many?"

"Well... if it's a lot, it's a lot, right?"

Why are you tracing your lips with your tongue while saying that? men and horses.

"I asked my mom about the emerald that Mr. Wallet gave to Nayoung...? She said that the diamond ring is very expensive. If you see her wearing that, she must have paid a lot of money, right?"

"One hundred thousand won.....?"

"Ah. It's so cheap, Eunbi."

"Then... one million won!"


Mijin stuck out her tongue.


"You're not accepting it?"



"Oh, you don't take it...? Then where does the money come from...?"

I smiled brightly at Chaeyeon's next question.

"Earn it yourself."

The three of them kept their mouths shut at the unexpected answer.

As if I knew I was too old to even work part-time.

How much would you earn if you earned it yourself?

With these thoughts in mind, they hesitated, looking as if they were sitting on thorn cushions.

They are not bad kids after all.

If they were bad kids, they would have immediately gone out of their way to tell them how to make money. These kids are really nice kids because they feel sorry right away.

"Well, don't worry, I make a lot more than you think. Honestly, I don't make much, so why spend it without a plan? I."


"I'm ranked first in the whole school, so that's right."

"Woah, wow!"

Being first in the whole school... I laughed bitterly at the kids praising me for being first in the whole school.

This is because the entrance exam is simply a matter of painstakingly searching for information using future smartphones, memorizing the answers, and writing them down.

If I had really played with my skills, I would have barely landed in the top ranks.

"It looks like he came out. I'll go and come back."

The bell I brought rang.

I made the girls who were about to get up sit back down and walked towards the counter.