
Future Smartphone

I returned to the past with a smartphone containing all the information. If you have this smartphone, becoming rich is a piece of cake. In addition, there were many women around me who were like hidden gems, strangely more beautiful than anyone else, but ugly because they were not crafted, and I decided to make all of them my women.

NescafeMTL · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs


After changing out of my gym clothes in a very uncomfortable, cramped and dirty place called the bathroom, I headed to the gym.

As soon as I came out, Nayoung, who had been waiting anxiously for me, found me and came to me with a bright face and immediately jumped into my arms.


He was still smiling like a fool and rubbing his face against my chest.

"Looks like you're going to play basketball today."

I found some boys getting their keys from the PE teacher and bringing basketballs from the PE preparation room.


"You don't know basketball?"


Because I lived a life cut off from the world, I didn't even know about basketball, one of the most famous sports.

"That's what basketball is."

I was just about to give a rough explanation by bringing a basketball to demonstrate.

"Everyone gather together!"

The physical education teacher appeared with bad timing.

"I'll let you know in a bit."


But even if I don't explain it to you.

"What we're going to play today is basketball. I'm sure there's no one who doesn't know this, but let me explain it from the beginning."

He sat us down on the floor and continued explaining about the sport of basketball.

From simple theory to simple dribbling and shooting.

"Okay, now we're going to practice. First, let's take one basketball per person and just stand still and bounce it as the teacher instructed."

As soon as he finished speaking, the kids gathered around the basketball like hungry hyenas facing their prey.

"Bah, if you don't go fast, won't you have no balls?"

"There won't be anything clean. Instead, there won't be anything clean."

"Huh... I want to use a clean one."

"You're both dirty anyway."

There were two main types: old basketballs and basketballs that looked brand new after being purchased.

Whether it's an old basketball or a new basketball, it's just as dirty.

It's just a matter of whether the color has faded a lot or a little depending on the frequency of use, but both will be equally dirty, and it's clear that it won't cause any hindrance to practice.

Above all, as you can see when you feed the guppies. I didn't want to be among the goofy kids who wanted relatively clean basketballs.

"I'll get it. I'm waiting."


Around this time, most of the kids were bouncing around with basketballs and running around to catch the balls that were running away. Only then did I take a step.

As expected, there were no basketballs left that looked clean.

Just a faded basketball.

"It's okay."

I took something out and fried it.

If you look at it bouncing high while making a clear and cheerful sound, there doesn't seem to be any problem.

"Now. Nayoung."

"thank you."

Still, I got the cleanest ball I could and handed it to her.

"Did you get the explanation?"


"Then try frying it."


He took a deep breath and bounced the ball with a slightly nervous expression.

You have to press down as if you were lightly pushing a basketball ball that touches the ground and bounces with elasticity, but Nayoung just slapped it, as if it didn't even hurt.

As a result, the modulus of elasticity became smaller and the basketball ball no longer reached the height Nayoung wanted.

As the height gradually decreased, Nayoung's waist also bent accordingly.

"Ah, ah...!"

He barely managed to hold on, but then Nayoung's slipper hit him and he rolled away.

Nayoung ran straight away, caught the running basketball, and came back.

"I'll try it again."

"No. That's enough."


When I didn't do what my physical education teacher showed me, I became discouraged.

"More than that, Nayoung. Doesn't your palm hurt?"

"Palm...? Now that I think about it, it hurts a little!"

I answered brightly that it hurt.

Should I say it is pure? Should I say it's stupid?


And the ball has to be very hard. It will probably hurt quite a bit, not just a little.

"Give it a moment."

"Uh, huh."

I checked her palm.

Fortunately, the surface was only slightly reddened and no other abnormalities were found.

"Nayoung, look carefully. It doesn't feel like you're slapping it, it feels like you're pushing it like this."

container. container. container.


Unlike Nayoung, the basketball landed properly in my hand and then fell down again due to gravity.

When Nayoung saw that, her eyes sparkled and she couldn't help but be amazed.

I felt embarrassed yet strangely happy to have elicited such an excessive reaction just for something like this.

"Look at this!"

A boy next to her felt jealous and recklessly bounced the ball to get Nayoung's attention.

It's fast, but it's really meaningless nonsense.

From the beginning, Nayoung's eyes showed no signs of leaving me, so even though I made a fuss by playing drums and janggu by myself, all she was interested in was me.

"Do you know what it feels like?"

"Okay, I get it!"

I nodded vigorously.

"Then let's give it a try."


container. container. container.

"Oh, you're good."


It was easy, and Nayoung was smart, so she followed along right away.

Now, bouncing the ball should be no problem.

"Now let's work in pairs and try to bounce and pass the ball."


Finish. At the words of the physical education teacher, the kids who were bouncing balls around the gym were forming pairs.

"Nayoung. Let's do this together!"

"Come play with me! I'm good at basketball! I'll teach you everything!"

At this point, girls and even boys came up to her and tried their best to become her partner.


"I'm sorry. I have to do this with Jihoon."

The pair had already been decided.


Seeing that there was no room for them to squeeze in, the boys clicked their tongues and glared at me with hostile eyes.

When boys of this age played with girls, didn't they make fun of them for playing with girls?

That may have disappeared because Nayoung is so pretty.

"Really? Then let's do it together next time!"

"me too!"

"Yes! Then!"

At least the girls are a little disappointed. He didn't show me any more emotions than that.

The kids who had gathered around Nayoung split into pairs.

"Nayoung, let's do it with your balls."

"With this?"

"I think it's better that way. Come on, try frying it."


Nayoung held a basketball bigger than her face tightly with her two cute hands and threw it toward the floor.

container! container. Chubby plump...

"It looks like you don't have enough strength. So I think you just need to throw a little harder."


The distance must have been so great that the ball almost rolled and landed at my feet.

I bounced the ball as gently as I could and sent it to Nayoung.


After catching the returning basketball ball to his chest, he immediately put his arms around him and hugged him.

"Hee hee! I got it!"

"Good job, Nayoung."


She shouldn't have been treated like that, but Nayoung didn't feel the pain because her large breasts acted as a cushion.


I bounced the ball with more force than before.


Because he still lacked strength, he was able to take two steps forward and catch the ball, but he still praised him for doing a good job.


As if she didn't know it, Nayoung smiled brightly and laughed.

"Nayoung. This time, don't take it with your chest, just use your hands. Let's take it like this."


He gave the ball back to me, showing me how to catch it.

Nayoung was able to properly receive the ball after several failures.

Is this the heart of a teacher looking at his student's growth? It felt not as bad as I thought.

"Shall we stop now and score a goal?"

Then it was time to shoot.

The boys stood in a line, separated by boys and the girls separated by girls.

They each rushed towards a different goal and threw the ball with all their might.

"Throw with the feeling of hitting the square box of the goal rather than trying to score."

Most of the people gave tips but still couldn't.

All the girls, including Nayoung, were not able to enter, and the boys were only able to enter easily those who were good at exercising.

"Eight! Eight! Eeight!"

After scoring three goals in a row, I quickly lost interest and watched Nayoung.

I threw the ball as hard as I could with a cute cheering sound, but I couldn't even get close to the goal.

The physical education teacher, who went to the girls who were no different from the boys, was blatantly eyeing Nayoung.

Maybe it was just my imagination, but it seemed like I had something up my sleeve right now.

Is it paranoia?

"Nayoung, don't throw it like that."

I think they're trying to teach me how to throw something.

Most girls are much worse than Nayoung.

But why do you really want to teach Nayoung first? You could even just explain it step by step in her own words to her as she jumps up and throws the ball at her without any meaning, but she dares to go to her side.?

For these reasons, there was absolutely no reason for me to stay still.

"It's dirty. You crazy guy."

It's not for me to say, but I'm still young right now. It was dirtier than anything else for a grown adult to have lust for a child.

Even if you're pretty, being too pretty is a sin. Ugh.



When I called her, Nayoung, ignoring the physical education teacher, immediately answered brightly and approached me.

Despite being ignored, the physical education teacher was correcting the other children's posture with a disapproving expression as they were already flirting with each other.

Was it really my mistake?

"are you all right?"

"Hehe. It's okay!"

As she worked out with me, her physical strength improved so much that even though she was sweating profusely, her energy was really high.

"Still, let's get some rest."

"If Jihoon is like that, take a break!"

I heard you very well.

As I sat with my back against the wall, she also sat down next to me and put her head on my shoulder.


I couldn't stop laughing from morning till now.



"Should I take a break from exercising just today?"

"Exercise? Jihoon, I told you that you shouldn't take a single day off. But can you take a break?"

Come to think of it, I did that last time.

"Of course, you can't rest without any reason. But there are times when you have to rest unavoidably. If you're sick or tired, or if you really need to do something and don't have the time."

"Jihoon. Are you sick? Are you tired?"


"So am I sick and tired?"

"Nayoung isn't like that either."


Nayoung tilted her head.

"I have work to do today, so I don't have time."

"What happened?"

"I'll let you know after school."

"Ugh! Can't you tell me now?"



"The teacher is calling. Let's get up."

He even yelled at other kids, including us, asking how long he was going to keep messing around.

I had no choice but to get up from my seat, and Nayoung also got up as well.

"Chii... okay."

He seemed a little offended when I didn't tell him the reason.

"That's true even though I told you right away."

"Hmph! Okay!"

"Hey, why are you like that?"


Actually, I'm not really upset. And like this.

"Ji, Jihoon... ugh.....!"

If I hug you from behind, you'll blush and immediately feel better.

"You can look forward to it."

He fell while whispering in her ear.

Today will probably be the most memorable moment in her life.

All preparations and commitments have already been completed.

All you have to do is run it.