
Future Smartphone

I returned to the past with a smartphone containing all the information. If you have this smartphone, becoming rich is a piece of cake. In addition, there were many women around me who were like hidden gems, strangely more beautiful than anyone else, but ugly because they were not crafted, and I decided to make all of them my women.

NescafeMTL · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs


Just when I was getting used to living in the same house with Nayoung, who suddenly became my brother and sister.

I sighed and pulled up the blanket.

As expected, Nayoung was under the blanket today too.

"I just can't seem to sleep alone."

There were many empty rooms in this spacious house.

So, Nayoung was assigned a separate room without any problems, but strangely enough, she secretly crawled into my room late at night when everyone else was asleep and started sleeping with me like this.

To be honest, it's not bad.

It wasn't bad, but it kept shaking my head.

"Nayoung. Nayoung. Wake up. It's morning."


I shook my body and tried to wake it up.

Despite persistent resistance, Nayoung did not give up and repeatedly woke her up. Eventually, Nayoung woke up and found herself with a half-asleep look on her face.

What's so good about it? I burst out laughing.

"Because I grew up in your room. That's right."

"I want to sleep with Jihoon."

As my mind synchronized with my body, I suddenly found myself looking at Nayoung as a woman.

What should I do if Nayoung keeps sleeping next to me in places like this?

Unlike me, who has an adult mind but a young body, I have a young mind but a body that has matured close to an adult, so my reason could not overcome my instincts and I was holding my breath because I felt like I was about to do something big.

Despite my efforts, she knew nothing and was letting her instincts win.



Nayoung cried out loud and lifted the blanket up to her neck.


A deep sigh flowed out.

Even if I thought about it rationally, this wasn't the case.

Even if I do, I want to do it after a while.

I don't know if I can survive until then.

"Okay, okay, now let's get up. We have to go to school."

"Huh... I hate school. Let's sleep a little more, okay?"



I never dreamed that I would miss school so much after entering society.

But even now that I was able to go back to school, I still didn't want to go to school.

I don't know if it's just me, but Nayoung is lying on the soft and warm bed, tempting me to sleep a little longer with her, but I can barely resist the temptation and force Nayoung to wake up.

"Why are you going to school on Saturday...? I'll just let everyone rest."

Nayoung woke up grumbling.

For reference, today is Saturday. It's also a Saturday when I have to go to school because I have morning classes.

"Soon there will be no more Saturday school attendance."


"Uh, really."

"When?! When?!"

"I'm not sure about that."

I'm sure that first and third Saturday school attendance will disappear in the near future, but I can't remember the exact date.

Even though the information will come up immediately when you search on future smartphones, it was a hassle to look it up.

"But they say it will happen someday, so just keep that in mind and wash it first."


I still couldn't fully wake up from my sleep, so I answered weakly with half-closed eyes and left the room.


A sigh comes out as soon as Nayoung's back disappears.

Compared to his peers, he was quite tall, and more than anything, his chest and pelvis were so inappropriate for his age that I couldn't believe that he was a child of this age.

As my lower body needed to calm down quickly, I spent some meditation-like time to soothe my lower body, then pulled up the blanket and got out of bed.

When I entered the bathroom, I could smell the scent of Nayoung who had used it earlier.

I roughly washed my face, washed my hair, and then picked up my clothes and put them on.

"Has Nayoung come down yet?"

"Yes. They said I should go down first to change clothes."

When my mother learned that Nayoung always woke up under my bed, she naturally looked for Nayoung in me.


The mother's attention was focused only on the new daughter who arrived late.

Maybe that's why my mother reacted indifferently, as if she didn't really care whether I came or not.

"Didn't Dad come home today?"

"Of course."

"Didn't the company survive?"

"He had to survive. But this guy seems to be so greedy that he's busy swallowing up all the companies that were shaking along with him."


After overcoming the crisis, it seems that they are trying to grow by swallowing up all the companies that were shaken by the crisis and no wonder they collapse at any time.

To be honest, there was no need to do that.

As it is, we are from a well-off family, and in the near future, I will be accumulating a huge amount of money, but no matter what my father does, he will never be able to earn as much as I am earning.

Dad, unaware of this fact, was running around non-stop, not even coming home.

In the first place, no matter what I say, I won't be able to stop Dad from going.

"Wow! Curry!"

Nayoung came down dressed pretty like a princess.

Her face looked happy because her favorite curry was for breakfast.

"Nayoung, are you here~!"


"Oh my. It's so cute and pretty!"


Your daughter is no different from an idiot.

It's true that Nayoung is pretty, cute, and kind, but I was a little hurt because her reaction to my son was so extreme.

"Wow~ yum."

I took a spoonful of rice mixed with curry and put it in my mouth.

"Mmm~! It's delicious!"

"Really?! I'm glad. I was worried that Nayoung might not like it."

"Hehehe. Everything mom cooks is delicious!"

"Oh my! Thank you~! Some people don't know how to be thankful and just eat like it's normal."

As if it was blatantly aimed at me. Let's look sideways.

"Wow. It's so delicious."

"If you're going to do it without a soul, why not just do it?"

If you don't do it, you get criticized, and if you do, you get criticized. What is this?

"Last time, he ate it while crying. Well... the child has already changed. Mom is sad."


Not long after the regression. Because it had been a long time since I had eaten her mother's food, tears came out without me realizing it.

At that time, I really couldn't eat without crying.

However, humans are creatures of adaptation, and although I don't feel anything now, it's difficult to fulfill my mother's wish for me back then.

"Uh, mother… don't cry…!"

I just pretended to cry, but Nayoung thought I was really crying and started to fidget.

"Wow...! Nayoung is the only one!"


He hugged Nayoung and overreacted.

What are you doing when you get older?

Still, it was nice to see.

"Jihoon. Did you just think of something naughty?"

what. How do you know...? Are you a mind reader?

As I gently looked away and scooped up the steaming curry and put it in my mouth, my mother looked at me for a moment and then withdrew her gaze.



"Do you want to try saying 'Mom?'"


Nayoung suddenly stops when she is told to call me Mom instead of Mother.

"I like my mother, but since I'm still young, I guess I like her more. And."

Soon, it wasn't that difficult and I was about to call her mom.

Mom put her mouth next to Nayoung's ear and started talking.


Nayoung opened her eyes.

"If it's difficult, you can take it slow."

I smiled and waited for Nayoung to speak.

However, Nayoung's face is so red because she said something in a whisper and she is in a situation where she can't speak, so she can't say two words: mom.

"Hehe. Nayoung, enjoy your meal. Be careful and go to school."

"all right."

When he still didn't say anything, I answered for him.

"After you finish eating, put it in the sink. Don't forget to fill it with water."


My mom dressed up neatly and left the house before us, probably because she had an appointment today.

"Nayoung. What did your mom just say?"


When I asked that, she turned her head away, unable to meet my face.


No matter how many times I called, he didn't answer and started eating in silence.


"Uh, anyway, if I marry Jihoon later, I'll be his daughter…!"

He let out a bright, goofy smile and clenched his cute fists.


Arrived at school.

First period was about to start, so unlike me, who was preparing for class out of politeness even though I wasn't listening, Nayoung, who was sitting next to me, was just looking at my face and laughing as if she was broken.

On the way, I kept muttering the word marriage.




"Hehehe… I'm getting married…!"

It didn't really bother me because I wasn't paying attention in class... but I couldn't help but be bothered by the intense gaze I felt next to me.

I'm thinking of going to sleep with my chin propped up and pretending to be in class, but at this rate, all the sleep I was trying to get is running away.


"I'm getting married… me and Jihoon…"

I think mom brought up the topic of marriage with her child.

Even though I'm still young, it doesn't feel like it's too early to talk about marriage.


I called two more times and only then did Nayoung respond.

"Class is over. Next period is PE, so I need to change."

"Oh, yes!"

"But Nayoung."


I stopped her as she followed me.



"Boys change in the bathroom and girls change in class, right? But Nayoung, why are you following me with your gym clothes?"

"Ah...! Hehe."

Nayoung is embarrassed. Scratched her head.

"See you later."


I left Nayoung alone and left the class alone.

As soon as I left, the girls rushed at Nayoung.

"Wow...! Your waist is so thin!"

"Your breasts and butt are huge!"

"I envy you!"

"Ah, ahhh...! Ha, don't do that!"

He took advantage of my absence to harass Nayoung.

In some ways, it could have seemed like bullying.

However, physical contact between women can be a bit excessive, and if they are really bothering you, they will tell me everything and ask for help.

That's how girls become friends in the first place.
