
Futanari outtakes

boy123 · Others
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54 Chs


Seraphina was a futa, a woman with both male and female genitalia. But she was not like any other futa. She was strong, capable, and had a deep desire to stick her dick in men. She loved the feeling of dominating them, of taking control and making them submit to her. But despite her many conquests, she couldn't shake off the feeling that something was missing.

As she went around, leaving a trail of raped men behind her, all filled with her sperm, Seraphina couldn't help but think about finding a strong man to rape her in turn. She longed for someone who could match her strength and desire, someone who could truly satisfy her.

As she bounced a young boy on her dick, with his father lying off to the side already raped and his wife watching in horror, Seraphina had a realization. Maybe she didn't need to find a man to satisfy her. Maybe she could raise a man to own her. With this thought in her mind, she stood up and still bouncing the boy, she picked up the husband in a hug, squeezing his ass and giving him a sloppy kiss. Then, she walked over to the wife and told her to go into the car.

The wife obediently headed to the car and opened the doors. Seraphina took the men in the backseat and told the wife to drive them home. As they drove, Seraphina kept bouncing the boy on her dick and she asked him if he wanted to be big and strong, to take revenge on her for raping him. The boy, not really understanding the need for revenge, said yes anyway. This answer made Seraphina fall in love with his determination. She saw potential in him and decided to train him to become a real man.

From that day on, Seraphina became the boy's personal trainer, teacher, and motivation. She constantly raped his father and all his friends, using them as a way to push the boy to become stronger. And under her expert tutelage, the boy grew from a scrawny kid to a hunk of a man.

As the final part of his training, Seraphina had planned for him to rape her, to make her his wife. And on that fateful day, as Seraphina was spending the day raping the husband on every surface in the home, on all the tables, couches, and even on the wife, the boy made his move. He started raping Seraphina, and just from inserting his huge dick into her, she came, blasting a huge load into the husband, causing him to cum on top of his wife.

For hours, the boy continued to fuck Seraphina, causing her to cum again and again, filling the husband with so much cum that it spurts out of his mouth. And as he fucked her, he confessed his love for her.

Seraphina was overwhelmed with emotion and realized that he was the strong man she had been searching for. She had found her perfect match in this boy, who had now become a man. And just like that, they became husband and wife, with Seraphina as his proud, devoted, and satisfied wife. And from that day on, they lived happily ever after, with Seraphina as his partner in both love and domination.