
Futanari outtakes

boy123 · Others
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54 Chs


Katrina sat at the head of the conference table, her sharp eyes scanning over the faces of her senior members. They were all successful in their own right, but Katrina was the one in control. As the CEO of a successful tech company, she held all the power and made sure everyone knew it.

But what most people didn't know was the secret to her success. It was her unorthodox management style that kept her employees motivated and hardworking. And today, Katrina was about to demonstrate it once again.

As the meeting began, Katrina's eyes fell on the new male intern who was sitting at the end of the table. He was a handsome young man, and Katrina couldn't resist the urge to have some fun with him. She motioned for him to come closer, and without hesitation, he crawled under the table.

As Katrina discussed the new product with her senior members, the intern diligently worked on her with his mouth, bobbing up and down on her hard member. She couldn't help but moan in pleasure as she felt herself getting closer to release.

With a loud grunt, Katrina released a massive load into the intern's mouth, pushing him off her and onto the floor. She then turned to one of her senior members who hadn't been contributing much to the meeting. With a sly smile, she motioned for him to come closer.

He hesitantly obeyed, and Katrina wasted no time in pulling down his pants and taking him right there on the conference table. As she thrust into him, she could see the fear and arousal mixed in his eyes. It only fueled her desire even more.

The meeting finished up and Katrina headed back to her office. She called for her secretary to come in and he eagerly obeyed, bending over her desk with his pants down. Katrina began fucking him from behind, relishing in the control and power she had over him.

But as she was in the middle of her secretary, she remembered her appointment for the time slot. She didn't want to keep them waiting, so she called them in and continued fucking her secretary while talking to her appointment.

It was a rush of pleasure and power as Katrina came into her secretary, blasting load after load into him. It took minutes for her to finish, but she didn't stop there. As soon as her appointment finished, she called in her next one and began raping the one who had just finished to cement his contribution to the company.

Katrina may have been unconventional in her methods, but it was undeniable that her company was a huge success. And as long as she kept using her unique management style, she knew it would only continue to grow.