

Ever felt trapt in a video game? Saya has a lot to deal with normally, but getting stuck inside Fushionheart is a whole different matter. She must learn to use her skills to survive and hopefully avoid more problems on the way.

Peaceful_Star · Fantasy
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15 Chs

To Not Be Home

Saya slowed to a walk after she was far enough away. She didn't have anything to do, but she didn't want to bring her friends down. Lately, she always seemed to be the gloomy one.

With nothing left to do, she went home. Her mom and dad were fighting and Saya stopped before she entered the house. The dread she felt pulled her away from the door. She just couldn't face them again.

Her mom always acted like nothing was wrong and faked smiles everytime she spoke. Her dad never spoke to her anymore. He was ashamed, but Saya didn't blame him for their current predicament. Only when she was gone, they started fighting. Saya took a deep breath and walked away.

"Hello, Saya." Saya turned to see Ms. Akano waving her over. Ms. Akano was nearing her eightieth birthday and often asked Saya for help.

"Hey, Ms. Akano. You need some help?" Saya asked leaning on the fence in front of the old lady's home.

"I ran out of milk earlier this morning and the last bus has already ran. Normally I'd go get it, but it's such a long walk." Ms. Akano was one of the sweetest women Saya had ever met and there had been many times Saya had ran errands for her, but never had she been so grateful for the diversion.

"No problem, Ms. Akano." Saya put the money the woman handed her into her skirt pocket and grabbed her bike. The store was a little further than Saya usually rode but she'd done it before.

Saya stopped her bike at the store and proped it next to the building. She looked down as she walked and saw a wallet on the ground. Saya bent down to pick it up and noticed how shiny and new it looked. Not to mention the initials on it. She opened it up and saw the address on the I.D. Checking it on her phone she noticed it wasn't far from the store.

Saya grabbed her bike and rode it to the address. Saya really wasn't ready to face her parents and figured she could do this kind act as a detour and no one could blame her.

She got to the giant home and stared a good minute befor she hit the buzzer.

"Shirogane residence." The speaker blurted. The female voice startled Saya at first but she quickly calmed herself after a moment.

"I found this wallet at the gas station on Saikon street. It has the address and ID says it belongs to Takane Shirogane." Saya felt like she was yelling and wasn't sure why.

"Come in." The speaker buzzed and the gates opened. All Saya could think was. Rich people.

Saya got to the front door and was about to knock when the door opened to a business type man who was really intimidating.

"You have a wallet." His deep voice summoned a part of Saya to feel very much like a child. Saya handed the wallet over and watched the man open it and count the money as well as search the cards. She almost wanted to get angry but a part of her understood.

"What's your name?" His tone implied to answer honestly and respectfully.

"Saya Kino, Sir." Saya said as respectfully as possible.

"Nana, get her information. I'm going to return this to my son." The scary man left and a cute woman in business attire replaced him holding a clipboard and pen. After what felt like an entire interview, Nana let Saya leave.

Saya made her way down the driveway and only looked back to watch the gates close behind her. She had a strange feeling she was being watched.