

Ever felt trapt in a video game? Saya has a lot to deal with normally, but getting stuck inside Fushionheart is a whole different matter. She must learn to use her skills to survive and hopefully avoid more problems on the way.

Peaceful_Star · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


Saya rode her bike to the store and grabbed milk for Ms. Akano. Saya thanked the cashier as she left and placed the milk in her bike's basket. She briefly wondered if she could think of something else to keep her out, but she knew she'd have to face her parents eventually.

"Thank you so much, Saya. Keep the change." Ms. Akane went inside and Saya felt her bravery leave with her. Turning around, Saya went inside her home.

"How was school, sweety? You hang with your friends?" Her mom asked with her fake cheerfulness. Saya knew she was trying to spare her feelings, but at this point, she'd rather honesty.

"It was okay, Mom." Saya made her way toward her room.

"Saya, can you stay at a friends house tomorrow? Your daddy and I have plans and I'd really hate to leave you home by yourself." Saya stopped and nodded before heading into her room.

Saya pounced onto her bed. She felt the dread creep into her heart again. Going to her friend's house used to be great, but now she was always bringing them down.

Saya sat up as realization hit her. She did exactly like her mom to her friends. Saya flopped back down and screamed into her pillow. She was a hypocrite. Saya felt tears about to fall and angrily whiped them away.

She had no reason to pity herself. There were so many people who had to endure so much worse than her. Rin's mom had lived life without sound and never knew how beautiful her singing voice was. Boa's dad faced racism in his country for his skin. Juna's brother had to claw his way to get a job.

Saya stood up and tried to shake the sorrow away. It was still there, but she wouldn't let it take her. Saya grabbed her notebook and started drawing. It was her favorite thing to do and at least she could put her sorrow on page.

Saya woke up to the sound of her mom's alarm going off. Her mom always set her alarm to the loudest ring in fear she wouldn't hear it. The downside to this, it woke the whole house and Saya was sure, the neighbors too.

Saya started her morning shower and got dressed in her usual t-shirt and shorts. She could smell breakfast cooking and remembered she hadn't eaten supper with her parents yeasterday due to all the avoidance.

"Good morning, Saya." Her mom actually looked cheerful this morning.

"Morning, Mom. What's up?" Saya asked making her plate.

"I told you. Your dad and I are going out. We're celebrating." Her mom was almost jumping up and down by now.

"Celebrating?" Saya took a bite and watched her mom closely.

"I got a job. Before you were born, I disgned clothes with Junko at her own store. I quit when I had you, but since your older... Junko wants me back. And we need the money. You'll have to start making your own lunch and helping with chores." Her mom kept going and going which made Saya realise this really made her happy.

"It's just until I can find a job." Saya heard her dad speak and looked at him with wide eyes. How long had it been since she'd heard her dad speak?

"I'm happy for you, Mom." Saya said finishing her breakfast.

"At least someone is." The undertone in her mom's sentence raised a red flag inside Saya's mind.

"Don't start this again, Aika." Her dad looked emotionally exausted.

"You're staying at a friend's house tonight, right?" Her mom looked at her expectantly.

"Yeah. I asked Boa and she said it was fine." Saya hated lying but what else was there to do. "I should go pack so I can catch the trarn."

"Here's some money for the train and extra for a snack." Her mother handed her the money and Saya went upstairs with no clue what to do.

She grabbed her bag and packed her uniform along with some essentials. She grabbed her phone and texted Juna first with her heart heavy.

Not tonight, Saya. I just got this game and I have to check in. Maybe some other time. Juna's words stung but Saya took a breath and texted Boa.

We can't tonight. Mom's got work and she doesn't allow anyone over when she's not here. Saya felt a tear slip through her defences. She whiped it away before texting Rin.

We have relatives over. Later mby. Saya stared at the three messages and suddenly got angry. She knew she had no reason to be, but the anger wouldn't leave.

"You almost done?" Saya's mom called up. Saya calmed herself before heading down and saying goodbye to her parents.