
Fujimaru Ritsuka On Other World

The Grand Order came to an end, but... (What the hell!? I finish the story of the game, right?) -Oneshot -Spoiler Alert in all kinds of related series- -Expect many POVs aside from the MC -A parallel world of related series. >>>>Caution to the ENGLISH speakers *I only create this fanfic for a hobby with poor grammar and poor implementation of the story* *I might not be able to update it regularly* *Heavily based on games and anime itself* Want to support me? Please buy me a coffee ^.^ ko-fi.com/greedyqindian

GreedyQindian · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

The King of Heroes

There was crimson. Around the ground lay the body of spiky brown hair as he looked at the crimson drops of blood that ran across his hand.

(It's red... Crimson red. This is my blood. My whole hand is red. This is all my blood. )

Then she came into his mind. The one he imagines is that one girl. The beauty with the crimson hair. Every time he saw her, his eyes were drawn to her crimson hair.

(If I was going to die, I wish it was inside the arms of a beautiful girl like that.)

Hyoudou Issei, the one dying on the ground, regrettably thought as drops of blood continued to leave his body.

(I started to feel like I was cheating on my girlfriend, Yuuma-chan, because I was having these thoughts. Hold on, that Yuuma-chan was the one who killed me.)

While Issei jokingly thought in his mind, there was a silhouette of a person who started crying on his side. He only knows him for a month, but still, he is his important friend.

(Idiot! Don't cry! There is still a chance! Hurry up and run!)

Issei could not say those words as he started to lose consciousness while looking at the back of his friend facing his fake girlfriend with determination written on his face. The tattoo on his back started to shine as a silhouette of another person appeared beside him.



"What with that face, brat?"

The fallen Angel said as she saw the friend of his victim look at him with a serious expression. Her instinct started to kick as if unexplained feelings started to creep inside her body. A dangerous feeling she can feel when facing a strong foe, just like in the past.

(I am mistaken. I did not take this World seriously... even though Morgan had already said that this World was more dangerous. I take it for granted that I can prevail with my servants, but...)

Ritsuka looks at the unconscious body of his friend. Regret and Rage were the only emotions he could feel. Meanwhile, the Fallen Angel started using her power to materialize a spear of light to throw at Ritsuka.

"You are only just a human! Don't you dare to ignore me!"

"To live."


That was all Ritsuka needed to say as a shadow servant with the arrogance of a King materialized beside him. Its Spirit Origin, which was supposed to stop to only being a shadow servant, destroyed its restraint and has decided to materialize itself completely.


By the time the Fallen Angel could react, the symbol on the back of the hand of Ritsuka started to glow as the ominous feelings that Fallen Angel felt started to become so intense that she started to prepare to leave the place immediately.

"Mongrel. To think you would summon me in this place. Not only that, making me work to force materialize myself to your shadow servants. Even if it's not intentional, it should have its limits. You deserved to be punished."

King of Heroes said as he glanced at Ritsuka, who started sweating on his forehead. The ego of this servant would not permit the usage of his Spirit Origin without his permission. When he feels the contract with his Master, he uses it to his advantage to materialize himself.

The contract that was not active recently was now functioning as the King of Heroes forcefully summoned himself, and the fact that Gaia was not actively erasing their presence as servants was a significant factor that he could materialize even among shadow servants of Ritsuka. However, he was an exception due to his ego.

"Hmph, Still, what a vile place you brought me in. A world full of living gods is not a pleasant thing to experience."

"King Gilgamesh. I'm honored to be in your presence."

Ritsuka Fujimaru, who came to his senses, welcomed his unexpected summon of his servant even though he was unwilling.

(He was on my list that I did not want to be summoned! @#$!@)

"Tsk, your glib tongue was still active as ever. Well, I forgive you. But first."

The moment that the Fallen Angel, Reynare, decided to flee as she used her wings was the moment she felt the heat churning in her stomach. A golden gate materialized beside the King of Heroes as the Holy Sword, with great origin, pierced the stomach of the Fallen Angel.


The screaming of Reynare resounded as the whole area of the place protected by some barrier was even pierced by the holy sword bringing the place to its normal condition.

All the eyes watching on the outside had a surprise on their face. The moment they laid their eye on him was when they knew he was a Human Hero through and through. The one that can kill the gods and balance the order of the World.

"Hmmm, not bad, not bad. There are many individuals in this World worthy of becoming my enemy. Rejoice Mongrel. This journey of yours in this World has piqued my interest."

The King of Heroes smiled as he felt the presence that could threaten to destroy him. The gods and exceptional beings that felt his presence was the only worthy opponent for him to become his enemies, and everyone else was not worth mentioning.

"It's time to bring the gods of this World to its kneel. BHAHAHAHAHA"

The King of Heroes started laughing as the presence that watched his summoning started to disappear one after another like it was nothing there.

(Sh!t. Time to summon Enkidu ASAP.)

Ritsuka said his honest thought in his mind as he started using his mythic code to heal his friend's injury with some finest healing medicine grace by Gilgamesh that he gave to Ritsuka because he was in a good mood. Bringing Hyoudou Issei, who was already on the verge of dead, to come alive.




-Khaos Brigade Headquarters.

"What is it, Ophis-sama?"

A handsome young man with short black hair and blue eyes with a spear on his shoulder questioned the young lady(?) with long black hair down to her hips and black eyes looking at the far distance.

"Nothing. He was interesting though he can't kill the dream."

"I see."

The abrupt conversation came to an end as the young lady disappeared in the presence of the young man whose shaking his head.

(It's not time yet.)





"Tsk. Another arrogant human who thinks he can mess with us Gods. Well, maybe I can invite him to become my subordinate. Well, given his origin. The answer was already given."

Indra, the King of the Gods and Lord of Heaven said disappointedly as he started doing his business again.



-Underworld, Gremory Territory

"Heh. It looks like the human can prevail in this era again."

The leader of the Four Great Satans ruled the Underworld with the title of Lucifer. Amusedly said. As he decided to consult his friend because of the presence of the Human hero he felt in the Human World.




A handsome young boy whose fishing on some lake smile as he shakes his head with an amused smile.

"The Era was changing, starting at that boy with black hair. How intriguing his power is. He's an invader, yet I can't feel his hostility."

He said with sharp eyes possessing bottomless divinity and limitless superiority that causes people to shiver in fear. He was one the strongest in this World. Ranking on the highest of Top 10 Strongest Beings in the World. Shiva, one of the Trimurti and the God of Destruction.

"To live, huh... What a statement to say."



Profile no.5

Name: Gilgamesh

Class: Archer

Gender: Male

Alignment: Chaotic-Good

Bond Level: MAX (Mongrel-level. He accepts his Master as his subordinate to rally him and nothing else)

Noble Phantasm: Gate of Babylon (Anti-Personnel) Rank: E~A++

Treasury of the King. A key-shaped sword that connects to the Golden Capital. It bridges different spaces and allows the user to take any treasure from the vault freely. The more riches the user accrues, the more powerful the attack.

Noble Phantasm: Enuma Elish (Anti-World) Rank: EX

Star of Creation that Divided Heaven and Earth. Crowned with the name of a Mesopotamian god, the sword Ea can cause a rupture in space. One of the most powerful Noble Phantasms, it is a sword that can "cut apart worlds."


This Heroic Spirit clearly overpowers all the others and unleashes his overwhelming wealth like water. Ruthless and merciless, he does not listen to others. He's a tyrant who sees his standards as absolute.

Part god, part man, the King that ruled over the city-state of Uruk in Sumeria before the modern calendar. A king not just of legend but of one of humanity's oldest tales, "The Epic of Gilgamesh."


*Author's Note: (Aside from using them in my fanfic, the source on the profile did not come from me, and I do not claim any character created by the original author themselves.)

The story would heavily focus on other characters, so do not expect my MC to do the whole story. And the original plot won't change much aside from MC flexing his powers(servants).

My English is not that good(Very BAD). So comment on any paragraph to correct it would be appreciated.

Thanks for reading ^.^

GreedyQindiancreators' thoughts