
Fruit that grants...

Hakalaka · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Chapter 6.

"Is this?" Valentine exclaimed after seeing the sky. There were no clouds, no moon nor stars. The only crimson-colored sky itself.

Since there was nothing particular Valentine would be interested in, he shifted his attention to the building beside him.

The building was designed after traditional Japanese households. The only difference was that this building was as crimson as the sky.

Suddenly, a door opened by itself, spooking Valentine out on the process.

Valentine stood there stunned for a while before going into the building. When he entered the building he was greeted by red-colored walls, roof, and floor. There was nothing except these inside the house.

When Valentine was examining the room carefully another door opened. When he enters the room another door will be opened like it was leading Valentine to the master of this house.

Soon after Valentine entered the largest room he ever entered in this building. The room was vast but there was nothing except a tall figure standing opposite Valentine.

The figure had snow-white skin, bloody red lips, long crimson eyelashes, and ruby-like red eyes staring at Valentine as if she was looking at the soul of Valentine, as well as long dark, braided hair arranged in loops on her head. She wore a revealing red robe which emphasized her perfect proportional body. Alongside her doll-like face and perfect body, she was the woman of many men's dreams even if she had mannequin-like hands.

Valentine stood there for a while, stunned after seeing the lady. He hadn't met many women in his life other than his mother, some neighbors, and some either royal, noble, or rich ladies who came to buy a slave but he instinctively knew the lady in front of him was the most beautiful person.

"Are you...?" Valentine asked after getting out from the shock.


"System, how did that tiger got a name?" Valentine inquired as he was sitting on the large branch of a massive tree.

[The locals call it Whitefury. Thus it became its name]

"As expected." Valentine slightly nodded his head. "Can you help me to find a civilized place?"

[I have already pinpointed the location of the nearest civilized place when we first came here. Do you wish to go?]

"It's getting late. Let's postpone it till tomorrow." Valentine stated while looking at the full moon before closing his eyes, entering the dreamland.


The night passed in the blink of an eye and it was the day Valentine will finally meet other humans.

Valentine got up early, worked out as usual before finally setting to find either town or village, maybe even city.


Many hours passed. But Valentine couldn't find a town. But he didn't get disheartened by it and consisted of going.


Suddenly, Valentine heard loud shouting coming from the front. Valentine's eyes lit as he finally found a person, rushed to the center of the sound as the person seemed to be in trouble.

Not long after he arrived at the location, noticing a large wolf was about to attack a little girl who was on the ground, crying for help. Even though her precious life was in danger, she was embracing a straw basket tightly like it was some precious good.

The wolf lunged as it bared its teeth to kill the girl. However, it was blasted by a small ray of highly condensed spiritual energy.

The wolf flew as it was already in the air, like a ragdoll.

The wolf soon recovered from the attack, tried to stand up. But it was hit be Cero once again. This time Cero was much bigger and stronger than the previous one, eradicating the wolf from the face of the earth.

"Are you okay?"

The girl opened her eyes after hearing a warm voice. There, she saw a youth with tanned skin, long brown hair, and golden-colored eye. He was wearing clothing made from fur and it was pretty ancient styled too.

The girl after seeing Valentine started to cry even harder while constantly saying 'Thank you'.

Valentine didn't know what to do and just stood there with a troubled look on his face.

"Why are you in this forest? Don't you know it's dangerous? Especially for a little girl like you?" Valentine asked many questions at the same time after the girl was calmed down.

"I'm sorry. I know the forest is dangerous. But..." The girl was about to cry once again as little droplets of tear were forming in the point of her small eyes.

"It's okay since you are safe." Valentine soothed.


"Ne, brother, why are you wearing clothes like this?" The girl asked quite curiously. Since there weren't a lot of people who would wear clothes like the ones Valentine was wearing at the moment.

"Well. I had nothing to wear apart from these." Valentine scratched the back of his head while faking laughter.

An hour passed since Valentine saved the girl. From then, she had been guiding Valentine to her hometown.

"Ah, we arrived." The girl flashed to the end of the forest while giggling.

"Welcome to our Karbakura town." The girl stated quite proudly which Valentine found pretty interesting as the town itself was in pretty bad shape.

"But" Valentine exclaimed after seeing the town.

"I know our town is in a bad state like this. But a few months earlier it was much better than this. If it weren't for..." The girl muttered the last part however Valentine managed to hear the last part.


[There is danger in the town.]


[New quest arrived]

[Quest: Kill pirates on the island.

Reward: New skill, 'Shunpo'.]

Valentine smirked as he read the new messages. He knew there was something wrong with the town after seeing the girl embracing the basked carefully and treating it as more precious than her own life and the town's current state as well as muttering of the girl. After connecting the dots, Valentine realized someone bad must have come and maybe terrorized the town.

"Let's go." The girl pulled Valentine's left arm with her small right hand, running towards the town.

When Valentine arrived at the town, many curious stares were coming from residents of the town which was completely understandable. Thus Valentine just shook his head and let it be.

Soon the girl took Valentine to one of the damaged buildings.

"I'm home." The girl entered the house and announced her arrival to her family.


"Big sister!!!"

Soon two even smaller kids run out from one of the rooms. They were wearing the exact same clothes as well as the exact same facial appearance.

After them, a lady in her late 30, also run out of the room, embracing the girl in her arms tightly. She had a hint of tears in her eyes and worry ness on her face.

"Where have you been? Did you go to the forest again?" The lady asked after letting the girl out from her embrace.

The girl looked down and nodded slightly.

"I told you so many times not to venture to the forest. It's dangerous." The lady shouted.

"But" The girl said in a low voice.

"I know. You went to the forest to help me. But what if something bad happened to you? You know if something bad happened to you, I can't live anymore, right?"

The girl stood silent as she knows it was her fault.

"Promise me never go into the forest again. Okay?" The lady asked.


As Valentine stares at the family, he remembers his parents. As he remembers his parents, a hurtful look formed in his eye.