

shroomking · Fantasy
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11 Chs

9: Split personality

After everyone woke up and got ready for school they went down to get breakfast. `so what is for breakfast.' Shu asked Layla tiredly wile Shawn and Yui walk in right behind him. `were having toast eggs and sausage for breakfast so sit down and me and Shawn will pass out the plates.'Layla said while Shawn helped her pick up the plates. `this looks really good Layla how are u so good at cooking.' Shu said while stuffing his face with the food. `I have always cooked for my self since there's almost nobody ever home since my mom died.' Layla said kind of depressed. " i have to think of way to get that off of her mind after school."Shawn thought while looking at his upset girlfriend so he decided to speak. `how about we get going to school it's going to take us a little while.' He said with a smile on his face. `yea but first we will have to go get your lunch from the kitchen so you have something to eat for lunch babe.' Layla said to Shawn before they left for school. `Oh what's going to be for lunch baby.' Shawn asked Layla with a questioning look. ` it's a secret you will have to see when it's time to eat lunch.' She said with a scary look on her face. `also remember we have all the same classes so you wont be able to take a peak till lunch and I'll Mack sure of that.' Layla said in a threading tone with a scary glare. ` yes ma'am i wont look at it till lunch time so there is nothing to worry about.' The only thought that went through Shawn's mind was "I'm gonna die if i look in it". `now we can go Shawn.' Layla said acting all innocent like nothing happened. ~after they left and were about to get to school~ `hey guys we have been waiting for y'all for the past twenty seconds.' Sora said to Shawn and his friend group. What the hell are y'all even doing here this isn't even your the school that you go to.' Shawn said too Sora and Zara with a confused look on his face. `Oh so that's how you greet the new transfer students.' Zara said with a shock expression on her face. "What the hell is wrong with them there purposely acting like that to Shawn and its pissing me off." Layla thought to her self but little did she know that her other side was forming. `Oh so y'all are the new transfer students the teacher told me about this morning from the email to the student council so I guess ill be the one to show y'all around the school during first period.' Shawn told Zara and sora while sighing and rubbing his forehead. `I'm coming with y'all babe.' She said to Shawn but was really thinking `I don't want these hoes to be near Shawn more then they have to. `sure I will make a excuse for u t be with me during first period babe.' " yes that's perfect now i will be with him and they wont be able to do anything to him. Layla thought as a scary red glint flashed in her eye's. ~after Shawn ad Layla gave them a school tour~ `and this is the roof and that's the end of our tour if you need anything ask the front desk also here are you're schedules your second period is in room 104. Shawn said to Sora and Zara as the bell rang. `yes now we are alone with Shawn.' Layla thought to herself and asked Shawn. `hey can i talk to u in private babe i have something important that i need to ask u.' Shawn then looked at Layla and said. `sure let m tell the teacher that i have some more student council work to finish and that you offered to help me with it.' Shawn said while walking somewhere they can't be heard while texting the teacher. `ok were here so what did you want to talk about.' Shawn asked while walking in a room on the rooftop. `oh can you get sit on the floor kitty.' Layla said seductively to Shawn. `W-what are you talking about babe.' But as he finished the sentence he heard the door look behind them. `why did you lock the door babe.' Shawn asked but before he could get his answer he was pushed to the ground by Layla. `I can't handle this anymore babe i saw how they treated you and it pissed us of why would you let them treat you like that babe.' Layla said while she stroked Shawn's head. `that's how they've always treated me ever since i meet them when we were kids.' But Layla didn't seem to like that answer. `what do u mean that they've always treated you that way.' Layla in an even more pissed voice. `since we were kids they've always picked on me because of how short i am an always seemed to try and get on my nerves.' But right as he finished saying that he felt something touch his lips an he couldn't breath, and the next thing he knew was that he felt Layla biting his lips so he opened his mouth for her and she slipped her tongue in and by now Shawn just started to go along with it because he knew that he couldn't win against her because she was to strong for him. *ten minutes Later* they finally broke the kiss and Layla said. `Shawn we just want you to be safe and happy that's why we always protect u when your in danger.' Then Shawn noticed something. `babe why are you always saying we when ever you are trying to specify yourself.' Shawn asked Layla about his question. `Oh i guess she hasn't told you bout me well I'm her obsessed split personality Luna the yandere side and the side the always helps you when your in danger and Layla is a half wolf spirit half human just like you babe.'