

shroomking · Fantasy
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11 Chs

7: Plans

'So what are we going to do today it's Saturday so we don't have school' Shawn asked everyone at the table. 'well me and shu are going to meet zara and sora at the park to go on a double date.' yui said answering the question Shawn asked. ' well I'm going home to get some clothes and a couple of things from there since I live alone.' Layla also said answering Shawn's question as she leaves. "well figured everyone had plans today." Shawn thought while looking at shu and yui. 'I guess I will go play games till Layla comes back.' Shawn said to yui and shu while they were putting on their shoes to leave. After about thirty minutes or so of waiting on Layla he got bored of the video game and decided to go on a walk and right as he got down stairs he saw Layla walking inside. 'oh hey babe I thought you were going to be longer so I was going to go for a walk cuz I was bored.' shawn said as he ran up to her and hugged her stomach. 'Well I still have to unpack so why don't u go for that walk of yours I will text you when I am done kitten.' Layla said while petting his head. 'ok I will be back in a little while babe.' Shawn said as he left to go for his walk. an hour later with Shawn "Ok I will get groceries then go back home."Shawn thought while walking to the store suddenly his phone vibrates. :hey kitten I'm almost done.What about you.: a text from Layla had appeared. :Me to just stopping by the store to pick up ingredients for dinner.: he replied back to her. :ok see you soon kitten.: "Ok let's do this as fast as possible." Shawn thought to himself while entering the store. After he grabbed what he needed shawn started to walk back home. 'hey hey hey look what we have here.' a girl with tattoos said while walking up to Shawn with her friends. ' Isn't he a cute little fella' another girl said while they surrounded Shawn. 'so what is a little guy like you doing out so late.' the girl with tattoos asked him 'just going back home after getting ingredients for dinner why.' Shawn said with a bright smile 'So what do y'all need from me.' Shawn asked the group with dead eyes and a bright smile. 'we want to ask if u wanted to have fun with us.' a blond headed girl asks. 'sorry but no my girlfriend is waiting for me at home.' he said getting a little intimidated by the group and started to walk away. 'sorry that wasn't a question cutie.' the boss girl with tattoos said while grabbing his wrist scared Shawn screams and tries to pull his hand away from her. but to no avail he can't get away and is knocked out. when he wakes up he is in his room laying on top of Layla. 'Oh so u decided to wake up I see well dinner should be ready soon.' Layla says with a smile on her face. 'h-huh how did I get back here.' shawn asked Layla scared. oh well I found you passed out on the ground so I brought you and the groceries back home.' Layla said with another smile. "I can't let him know what really happened back there or he might hate me."