
The Hunt.

It's been a while since Mary had started dating James. Everything seemed well, Shaun's days had become quite normal, so this was the right time to up his game. Shaun wanted to do stuff methodically, for that he needed to show the world that he's an expert. Over the days in New York, Shaun had researched different styles of hunting, and had come up with his own style. Now only thing to do was to put on a good show.

Sunday, morning 10:30.

Mary is at James's place. Shaun makes a fake tweeter account under the name Death@instant. He uploades a link with a tweet saying, "Say the name and your enemies shall die, Say the way and your enemies shall suffer so". This was just a way of testing the water, so that once he shows he's authentic, his plan was to kill for money. Shaun had understood that finding a random target was tough, and since he can't kill around his neighbourhood, he had to change his method, plus this seemed more profitable.

After 5 hours, there was a retweet from a girl named Jill Adams, "Karen Paige, 22 years old, Umbridge university". It clearly seemed that the retweet was meant as a joke, but Shaun didn't care, he had a target now. All Shaun had to do was a little of surveillance, and prepare for the hunt.

Next day Shaun went to Umbridge University, as he neared the entrance, he put on a cap, held university pamphlets and approached the guard, "Hello sir, I have been planning to apply here in future, mind if I take a look of the campus? ", the guard nodded with a smile and asked him to enter. Shaun entered the building and headed towards the registration office, he had to find a way to see how does Karen Paige looks like. As he entered the office, the registrar looked at Shaun and asked, "How may I help you, Young man? ", Shaun smiled and replied, "Hi, my name is Jim Adams, I'm looking for my cousin Jill Adams", the registrar nodded and looked through his book and told the floor and class number. Now the reason why Shaun asked for Jill was 1) If Jill mentioned the name Karen, she has to be her classmate, kinda obvious over there.

2) If Shaun asks for Karen and she dies after some days, it'll put him in trouble.

He reached the class room, without entering, he put a tweet asking Jill to call out Karen, Jill seemed confused, she looked around to see if Shaun's there. He hid himself, she then shrugged and called Karen, she stood up and approached Jill. Shaun clicked a pic, and went back. After exiting the university grounds, he decided to go back to work and come later when the class got over.

During all this, Layla had reached New York. The purpose of her arrival was to find a job and also pursue her dream as a singer, if possible. She was very nervous, not only because it's a new city, and that she doesn't have any connections here to find a job, she was truly nervous because this is where Shaun Frost had come after their last meeting. Thinking back she again realised how dangerous Shaun was, the way he had bashed in Alex's head, had haunted her for many nights.

Shaking her head, trying to clear her mind she thought that there's no way she'll meet him again. After the long travelling, she decided to have some coffee before she went to the apartment where she was gonna live.

She entered the cafe, wondering what she should have. She sat at a table, and a waiter approached her, without looking she asked, "What do you recommend? ", there was a pause and then the waiter answered, "Well, we have amazing Choco mocha ", Layla froze. She definitely knew this voice, she slowly raised her head to look at the waiter, and there he was, Shaun Frost.

"Well well, if it isn't Layla Makovsky! How are you? ", asked Shaun, grinning. Layla couldn't believe her bad luck, the first thing she does in New York is to run into him. She didn't move, "H-hi, S-Shaun, I'm fine. What about you? What are you doing here? ", he smiled and answered, "I'm great, the city has been very kind to me". He waves at the counter and said, "A Choco mocha, on the house please, this is an old friend! ". John nodded, he was surprised that Shaun had friends. Layla tried to refuse, she wanted to get out of here as soon as she could, but Shaun insisted. He sat at her table, since there weren't many customers. "So, what are you doing here? Come here looking for a job? ", Layla couldn't make out whether he's acting nice, or was he actually changed. She looked at him, brought up some courage and asked, "Shaun, are you the same Shaun I knew or have you changed? ", he looked down for a min then raised his head, "Layla, I have to tell you something. I'm very sorry for the way I treated you. I have really changed, I'm trying to make amends, get a life. ", Layla was hesitant to believe this, noticing this Shaun got up, "I see that I'm making you uncomfortable, I'll leave you alone. But really, I'm sorry ", he walked away. Layla let out a sigh, could this be possible? Can that person really change??

She finished her drink, and walked towards the door, before exiting, she turned around to look at Shaun, he just smiled and waved goodbye.

After Layla left, Shaun couldn't help but laugh, he had his toy back in town. But first he had a job to do. He went back to the university and waiting outside for Karen to come out. After 30 min she exited the university and headed towards home. Shaun followed her but kept a safe distance just in case. Shaun had always been a little crafty since he was young, so as it seemed that they had reached her place, Shaun took out some pizza pamphlets and jumped into her yard. He circled from the back, just in time to be at the door when Karen opened the gate. He looked back and smiled, "Hello, there's a new place not far from here which has amazing pizza. We do home delivery too so check it out". Karen smiled and took the pamphlet but as Shaun was about to leave she asked, "Aren't you a little young to be working? Don't you go to school?", Shaun smiled and replied, "I'm done with school, I love working ". He left the compound but hid immediately, he had to find out which was her room, and the purpose of meeting her was to see why she was mentioned as a target, but she seemed pretty normal, which of course wasn't going to stop Shaun. Everything was set, now the game shall begin tonight!

I know it's been a while, sorry, had hit a wall with the story. Anyway Enjoy the chapter.

Shaun_Frostcreators' thoughts