
New signature.

Tuesday night, 10:00 pm.

Shaun had all the necessary stuff needed. He put on a pair of leather gloves, pack his hunting knives. He had bought different kinds after moving to New York. Shaun went downstairs, he was dressed mostly in black. Mary was at James's place again. So Shaun locked the door and headed towards Karen's house. Now the major part to be noted was that Jill hadn't mentioned how she wanted Karen to die, so Shaun had a lot of options. While trying to decide how to kill Karen, Shaun made into her yard, according to his observations she was supposed to be living alone. As Shaun approached a window, he heard voices from the inside, "So how was your day? ", it was a male voice, seemed a little old, so maybe it might be her dad or some uncle, thought Shaun.

_What do I do? Wait outside, or break in and hide? _

He decided that the longer he stayed outside lingering in the shadows, more likely that someone might spot him. So, he slid his knife into the small opening the window had and popped it open. He slowly entered, minding not to make a sound and shut the window. He was in a bedroom, rarely used, the bed sheets didn't have any folds or wrinkles, so he guessed this might be a spare room for guests. He walked towards the door and peeped through the keyhole. They were having dinner, the room he was in was close to staircase but it was also in plain view to the dining room. He needed a distraction so that both Karen and the old man looked away so he could slip out and head upstairs. Shaun looked around room, he found a 12 inch metal ruler, a couple of rubber bands and a divider (geometric instrument). Shaun wrapped 2-3 rubber bands to the ends of the divider, making it into a catapult. He then looked through the hole again, there was a table with a vase on top. Shaun now aimed the made up catapult at the table as best as he could, put the ruler in and pulled back. This was a one time try, if he failed, they would know he was in. Shaun took a deep breath and released, the ruler slid through, across the room and hit the leg of the table behind the dining room. The budge was enough to make the vase fall which made both Karen and the old man jump and they both looked towards the sound. Shaun immediately exited the room and ran up the stairs as fast as possible with as less sound as possible. Karen got up and went towards the broken vase, and found the ruler. She was really confused, "Professor, there seems to be a ruler here, which knocked the vase down", the professor seemed as confused as Karen. Shaun could hear all this, which made clear that this old man wasn't going to stay the night. All that Shaun could do now was to wait.

11:30 pm, Shaun could hear them say goodbye and the door shutting. He was considering attacking her upfront or just wait till she comes to her room. To be on the safe side, he decided to wait. After what felt like 10 min, Karen walked into the bedroom. She was wearing a robe, which meant she was planning to sleep. Shaun waited, while Karen sat on the bed and texted her friends. Now Shaun was hiding in the closet, and peeping through the crack in the door. The disadvantage here was that the closet was exactly opposite to the bed, and Karen could see him if he came out. He had to do this fast. Karen put her mobile down by the bed lamp, she moved a little on the bed to get into a comfortable position and turned the bed lamp off. Shaun counted 15 sec, took a deep breath, pulled out his knife. It's going to happen, Shaun burst out of the closet startling Karen but before she could do anything, or even scream Shaun threw the knife at her and it sunk into her throat. He then quickly grabbed and lashed it out, completely opening her throat. Karen grasped at her throat, choking on her own blood and looked at Shaun. He bent down to get close to her ear and whispered, "Jill", Karen's eyes widened and then became lifeless. She was dead.

The objective was complete, now it was time to mark the achievement. As known, Shaun once used to put candies in the mouth of his prey but that was not good enough. So he came up with a different method, a new signature. He went towards the wall opposite to the bed and wrote "Θ", which is the capital format of the Greek letter Theta. It means Death. After marking the wall Shaun quickly went downstairs and to the room through which he came in. Once there, he exited the house through the window.

He reached home after 30min, and then opened the twitter account through a disposable phone which he had bought that morning while he was planning the Hunt. He then put in a tweet tagging @Jill Adams, " You said the name, and the person is no more".

It's a short chapter, hope you like it.

Shaun_Frostcreators' thoughts