
Frost's Greed (Marvel)

Everyone follows Xavier, the idealist. Everyone worships Magneto, the extremist. None dare to disrespect Apocalypse, the militarist. But what about the final of the big 4. The one who has lost their students at every turn. The one that walks down the darkest path and is unwilling to put their faith in none outside of their circle of trust. The one that cares not about how humans view mutants nor about the infighting of others. Whose only true care is for the students. This is not a story about her but about a student of hers that believes in her ideas and teachings. Not about peaceful coexistence or mutant supremacy or survival of the fittest. To strive for a brighter tomorrow, even if they have to make it through the blackest night. This is the story of one boy following learning how to be a mutant in a world that hates him under the teachings of the White Queen. He will go from an inexperienced kid to one of the most important mutants in the world ------------ I'm guaranteeing this story for a year, averaging a chapter per day (major holidays may get no chapter or more chapters.) This means that this will be my longest and most secure story, and hopefully the best, on the site. *Warnings! Warnings! Warnings!* - This takes place in an AU of Marvel. So while most things will remain similar to what most people are familiar with, there will be some changes (Some characters being mutants or mutates, etc) - He will start off weak power-wise. He will become very powerful eventually but not for now. He must earn the crowd's favor. - This will be a harem.

BoredAsura ¡ Anime & Comics
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207 Chs

Issue #6

"Damn you!" the latest Mr. Sinister clone shouted before Jack beheaded him

In the main throne room, Jack was standing in the center with over a dozen dead corpses of Mr. Sinister as well as a few different corpses of Marauders. There were over 30 more Mr. Sinisters standing around the room as they were trying to decide on their next move.

'Tsk. What's wrong with Sinister? My powers are still working since when I killed the Marauders and their clones, I got their powers. I even got the choice to gain the abilities of their clones. Or maybe all of them were clones.

But no matter how many clones I kill of him, I still can't get his powers. I have to be missing something.'

Jack was playing around with the man at this point. He wanted to understand what was going on with Mr. Sinister and why his powers weren't working against him.

He wasn't worried about time at all. Troy was enjoying his battle against th Fantastic Four, Avengers, and Doctor Strange.

'Hopefully, that dumbass doesn't get himself caught I already erected a barrier so they can't sense us so he better pull out before getting caught cause I do not wanna have to break him out with Qilip.'

While Jack was thinking about who he would take and who he would leave to Qilip if he had to fight the Avengers, Sinister was cursing Jack's previous 9 generations and his next 18.

"... with a cur as wretched as you. Let them know that the curse upon their bloodline was a virus I designed especially because you dared to cross me!" all of the Sinister clones monologued at the same time

Jack looked at them with disinterest before his eyes began to sparkle (metaphorically) and then they began to glow (literally). He figured out why he wasn't able to get Mr. Sinister's abilities.

Jack used his telepathy to instantly dig into the mind of one of the Sinister clones. Although he had put up telepathic defenses, Jack was easily able to break through them.

'You learned your powers like many other telepaths. Use them to overpower those without telepathy and clash directly with those that have it. But I was taught by the best.

I don't just try and use a bomb to destroy your walls. I find the weakest spot and give it a simple tap. That tap causes a small crack. And a crack in your defenses is all I need to infiltrate your mind. And your biggest crack is that you are spread way too thin.'

Jack finally figured out why he couldn't kill Sinister. He was never truly killing Sinister. He was merely disabling puppets of Sinister.

'You aren't really here. Yet you are. Each of these clones is nothing more than a dead body that you are possessing remotely. Like a necromancer. None of them are truly alive which is why I can't get anything from them.'

Jack used the bodies that Sinister was using to get to the real mind of Sinister. And once he did, he stood in front of the mental manifestation of Sinister.

Both of them were made of pure psionic energy, one white and one blue. But Sinister's white body was looking at Jack in fear. This was the first time he felt fear in his life. Even when he stood in front of Apocalypse, all Sinister felt was curiosity. But Jack truly made him feel fear.

"How? How did all my plans end up like this? With my life in the hands of a mere child."

Mr. Sinister had resigned to his fate. The clones of the Marauders he created were slaughtered. The traps he set were useless. His trump card was broken. And now that Jack was within his mind, he could do nothing else because if he turned his attention for a moment, he would be slaughtered instantly.

"Same reason so many other ancient beings are killed by younger ones. You grow arrogant with age and think yourself invincible. You think that you are always the smartest person in the room. That's why you will die today."

Jack lifted his hand and unleashed a blast of psionic energy struck Sinister's body in the chest before causing him to shatter into millions of pieces. After he did, Jack finally entered the Dark Place.

Jack looked at all the orbs in front of him with great interest. Saying that Mr. Sinister was the person he was the most excited to kill wouldn't be a lie.


- (X-Gene) Endopathy: Endopathy: The ability to control every molecule of his body, enabled via the implanted. This will allow the user to deviate their own genetic structure in a slew of incredible ways

- (X-Gene) Superhuman Condition: The user's body has reached a superhuman level. They are able to exert around 10 tons worth of force, withstand low-caliber bullets, and run at speeds of up 60 mph.

- (X-Gene) Telepathy: The user possesses powers as one of the strongest telepaths on the planet. Would be listed as a High-Level Threat by O*N*E

- (X-Gene) Telekinesis: The user possesses telekinesis on a high level and is one of the most powerful telekinetics on the planet. Can lift up to 100 tons with their mind.

- (X-Gene) Technopathy: the user is capable of interacting with and controlling machines with their mind.

- Geneticist Mastery (Absolute): The user is the best geneticist (short of cosmic beings like the celestials) when it comes to genetics. Their skill allows the user to understand an entire genetic structure by just seeing it once. The user specializes in mutant genetics, cloning, and body modification but is still skilled in many other fields.


Seeing all the powers that Sinister had hoarded for himself, Jack was impressed. He had never seen another mutant with such powers. But when he saw the [Genetics Mastery] skill that was at the absolute level, Jack finally understood.

'He might not have even been a true mutant. Sinister could have been a normal man before that just used his knowledge to gain these powers. But no matter what, I'll take it.'

Jack choose the [Geneticist Mastery (Absolute)] skill without a thought. This was the first time he had seen a skill on the absolute level. He previously thought that 'Master' was the highest rank. With this, Jack was confident that his plans wouldn't be foiled.

After choosing his ability, Jack reappeared in Sinister's mind. The shattered pieces of his psyche were floating all around him.

Jack decided to absorb all the knowledge that he could from the fragments. They began to enter his astral body one by one and with each shard, a new memory would flow into Jack's mind. This would have caused issues taking in so much information before but with his [Cyber Mind] power, Jack was easily able to process all the information.

There were many pieces that were missing but Jack made sure to take everything he could. And he found out several things about other important mutants that he had no clue of before.

Once he got done with all the memories, Jack left Sinister's mental space before returning to the throne room. Once he was outside, Jack began to fly through the facility and take all the information he could.

'Lucky for me, he was smart enough not to store the DNA here. I can go collect that another time.'

After Jack got all the information, he gave Troy and Qilip the signal to retreat. Their mission had been completed.