
Frost's Greed (Marvel)

Everyone follows Xavier, the idealist. Everyone worships Magneto, the extremist. None dare to disrespect Apocalypse, the militarist. But what about the final of the big 4. The one who has lost their students at every turn. The one that walks down the darkest path and is unwilling to put their faith in none outside of their circle of trust. The one that cares not about how humans view mutants nor about the infighting of others. Whose only true care is for the students. This is not a story about her but about a student of hers that believes in her ideas and teachings. Not about peaceful coexistence or mutant supremacy or survival of the fittest. To strive for a brighter tomorrow, even if they have to make it through the blackest night. This is the story of one boy following learning how to be a mutant in a world that hates him under the teachings of the White Queen. He will go from an inexperienced kid to one of the most important mutants in the world ------------ I'm guaranteeing this story for a year, averaging a chapter per day (major holidays may get no chapter or more chapters.) This means that this will be my longest and most secure story, and hopefully the best, on the site. *Warnings! Warnings! Warnings!* - This takes place in an AU of Marvel. So while most things will remain similar to what most people are familiar with, there will be some changes (Some characters being mutants or mutates, etc) - He will start off weak power-wise. He will become very powerful eventually but not for now. He must earn the crowd's favor. - This will be a harem.

BoredAsura · Anime & Comics
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207 Chs

Issue #2

(Started another fanfiction that I'm writing along with this one. I figured that I would stick to the original schedule that I wrote in the synopsis and only make one chapter a day but make them longer than before. Like how this one is 1599 words without this comment instead of the average 1000 word count.

But then my mind said 'Screw that!'

So now I am taking turns writing chapters for each story. After I write one for one story, I will post it before writing one for the story and do the same. And I'm still gonna make the chapters 50% longer.)

On his way back, Jack decided to make a quick detour over the Xavier Institute. And it was lucky that he did. As he was doing a fly-over, he saw about 10 sentinels on the school grounds and opening fire. Several X-Men were present while a few students were also helping out.

'They need more people on my level. It shouldn't be so much trouble to take care of a few robots.'

Jack created 10 20-foot long, 4-foot wide great swords around his body before firing them down on the sentinels below.

-- Down on the ground --

"Shit! Cyclops. Fire those beams harder!" Wolverine yelled at their field leader

"Not now, Wolfie! We need to focus on taking these sentinels down," Marvel Girl reproached him

Jean looked at the battlefield around her with a worried gaze. They had already taken down half the number of sentinels but there were still 10 left. And there was no telling if more were coming.

'We need some help. I wonder if Rogue can fly back real...'

Just as Jean was thinking about calling in reinforcements, she saw several whitish-blue swords made of ice pierce through the sentinels' chests. The swords then began to spin until they bisected the sentinels from head to toe.

With that single wave of attacks, the opponents they were struggling with so much were dealt with by an unknown ally in barely a second. The X-Men turned and saw the outline of who their savior was due to the sunlight blocking his facial features.

Most of the women there began to blush due to the charming outfit Jack arrived in and his [Seductive Aura] ability. Jack noticed the effect varied greatly among all those affected but mutants seemed to be more easily influenced by it.

When Jack landed, the X-Men were able to clearly see that it was Jack who had saved them. As soon as he saw who it was, Logan scowled at Jack.

"Fuck! Why'd it have to be him?" Logan complained allowed

"Glad to see you too, Mutt," Jack shot back

Several students heard what the pair said to each other and were curious about them. It sounded like they were both serious but each of them had a smile on their face.

"Do they like or hate each other?" some student couldn't help but ask aloud

"A bit of both. Personally, they can't stand each other. Professionally, both have a deep sense of respect for the other," Jean commented when she heard the students talking

With the sentinels down, many students began coming out of the school to see the sentinels up close. They were taught to fear and be wary of these machines because these are what some people created to hunt them down.

Most of the students had only seen photos or videos online. Seeing these things up close was very different than the videos.

"Um... Mr. Drake? Can you do that too?" one of the students asked who saw what Jack did to the sentinels

When he heard the question, Bobby froze (hehe). He was feeling embarrassed already when he saw that the swords were made of ice but now that someone had pointed out the connection between himself and Jack, he was truly mortified.

Seeing Bobby not wanting to answer the question, Kitty came in to save him.

"Bobby doesn't make and control ice. He is more about freezing which as consequence makes ice. Just like how Havok and Cyclops create two different energy beams," she explained to them

Most of the younger students nodded while some of the older ones knew what she was trying to hide. Bobby was supposed to be the most powerful cryokinetic mutant but had been outdone by someone that was not even a member of the X-Men.

Jack also saw this interaction and smirked to himself. If it was before today, he would have truly thought he was more powerful than Bobby. But after he had gone through Sinister's files, Jack was able to see Bobby's true potential.

'An omega-level mutant that can't even tap into a fraction of their powers. I don't know if that is better or worse than truly being a weak mutant.'

While Jack was thinking about when his clone of Bobby would be done, several members of the X-Men walked up to him to thank him.

"Thanks for the help, Jack," Ororo said while giving Jack a friendly smile

'Tsk. She still isn't affected by the charm. Even Jean and Emma have been affected a little the first time they saw me after I got my power before they snapped out of it.'

"No problem, Ororo. I was just coming back from something else so it was really a coincidence."

"It doesn't change that you have helped us keep these kids safe. Are you sure that you and the other members of your squad don't want to join the X-Men," Jean offered for the 17th time since they met

She had been especially passionate about getting Jack to join. Unlike the others who would let their egos cloud their judgment, Jean was able to see that Jack was clearly trying to do good even if he was a bit flashy about it.

"Sorry. I plan on staying on the Avengers for now. But if I ever leave them, the X-Men will be the first team whose invitation I accept."

Jean nodded in understanding but she wasn't planning on giving up.

While Jean was thinking of ways to convince Jack to join their team, the same young girl Jack had saved with the quintuplets arrived in front of his face.

"Fight me!" Laura declared before charging at Jack with her claws

She swung at his face but Jack sidestepped and dodged. She tried to swipe again but Jack just moved back away from her. As Laura continued her attacks, Jack continued to dodge while silently evaluating her.

'She has potential but she is wasting it. Her flexibility and speed alone put her above Wolverine and Sabertooth. But she is fighting like the both of them and trying to put all her weight behind each attack. She is also just using rage to guide her and not thinking.

She is much lighter than Wolverine. Not just because she is a girl and younger. I wonder if they didn't bond the adamantium to her skeleton so she could grow properly.'

Laura made for a lunge as she tried to pierce through Jack's head but he turned intangible so the girl went right through him before face-planting on the ground.

Laura stood up and was about to attack again when she was hit in the face with a snowball. After wiping away the snow, she saw a snowball in each of Jack's hands.

"Agh!" Laura roared in anger before continuing her attack

And just like before, whenever the girl attacked, Jack would dodge her easily. But instead of just dodging, he also threw a snowball at her face whenever she missed him. After 20 snowballs, Laura gave up attacking and let out a roar before shouting at Jack.

"Why won't you fight me!?"

Jack smiled at the girl. Even though she was angry, Jack could also see some hints of embarrassment on her face.

'Finally. She is making an expression other than what I see from Scott all the time.'

"It's because I can't take you seriously. Not cause of your age. Well partially because of that. You are fighting harder but not smarter.

You are fighting too much like Logan when you need to fight better than him. He is an old bastard that has had over a hundred worth of training. He is heavy so he has to put his all into his blows to make them as fast as he can. His skeleton is also more durable than yours so he doesn't have to worry about counter-attacks.

You need to be lighter on your feet. Focus more on your agility and flexibility instead of strength. As for strength, you don't need it. Your claws are the hardest materials on the planet and sharpened into fine blades. They will cut what you want you cut, Laura."

Laura calmed down when she listened to Jack's words. Although she didn't want to admit it, she had let the pressure of what the other students had been saying get to her. They all called her 'Wolverine's knockoff' and compared how different she was to Logan vs the 5 to Emma.

"Thanks, Jack. I will keep that in mind," Laura was not above admitting that she was doing the wrong thing. "Actually, can you train me? Please."

Jack thought about it and figured that this was not something too difficult. It only took him a few minutes to fly from the Tower to the Institute.

"Sure. I can't be sure of the schedule but I will ring the Professor or Jean and tell them a few hours beforehand so you can be prepared or say if you have plans or not. Is that alright with you?"

Laura beamed at Jack and nodded her head

All those around them were shocked. This was the first time Laura had any expression on her face beside a scowl or her lips pressed together so hard she could kill a bug.

Jean began a telepathic conversation with the Professor and Ororo about trying to get Jack to join them. He was the perfect teacher.

Watching all this from a distance, the quintuplets were impressed.

{Dad is pretty good} Sophie said to her sisters

{Hmm} the other girls agreed with her