
Chapter 1:Left Adrift

Cold, it was unbelievably cold and dark. Drifting in an endless void was a human figure with no physical features. Just a drifting soul. Ever since my death I have been stuck here, not sure what to do other than wait.

Slowly as time ticked by I began to fade in and out of consciousness. I have no idea how long I waited like that and I'm glad for it. If I had known it would probably have made the madness of endless waiting with nothing to do even more excruciating.

In the beginning I had thought about my past memories to entertain myself, of my life as a single father of two sons. They were twins, Jason the oldest by 15 minutes and Andrew. Their mother left after they were born so I was left to raise them alone at 19. Though I struggled and it was never easy my life was pretty happy really, I had all that I could want. My sons both went to college and got good professions.

The only real regret I had was that I got sick with brain cancer and died before my kids could have their own. I was only 47 when I died. The more I remembered my life the more I missed my sons. When they were growing up we were the closest, just seeing them happy made working the long and tiresome hours to provide for them worth it. I still think fondly of when we would watch TV shows and movies together when I wasn't working.

They always got so excited that when I'd come home they'd drag me to the TV and we'd spend hours just watching together. They were especially fond of these shows called anime's. There were times we'd even act out these moves from the shows and laugh at how ridiculous we looked, jumping from the couches and pretending to know martial arts. Dragon ball was my favorite though. The fighting and getting stronger so that they could protect the planet and their families kinda struck a cord with me I guess.

It was like this that I stayed, thinking of all my favorite memories, over and over until something I never thought to happen in that cold, dark and empty space happened. From out of nowhere my soul was struck by what I think is a round orb. It stayed planted in the middle of my chest unmoving.

After awhile I began to wonder what it was until I suddenly felt a jolt of pain scorch it's way throughout me. Visions of my life and kids flashed through my mind until it all abruptly ended.

[ What the shit was that? ]. After thinking this a white vortex appeared in front of me and pulled me inside. Then everything faded away.


Ok. Short introduction chapter. This is my first ever written work so don't hurt my feelings but let me know what you think. Till next chapter- Author Ark

Ark_Angelcreators' thoughts