

***EUNMI's POV***

i woke up upon the sounds of birds and monkeys ringing in my ears. usually my alarm would just be like ring! ring! but now its the sound of birds chirping and chattering monkeys. my alarm clock seems to improve and is enhancing on its own- wait what?! monkeys? birds?

i opened my eyes and rose up just to see that im inside this room that is very unfamiliar to my eyes. and its not just a normal room. this room has weird doodles on the wall and weird collections of weird things that are neatly placed on the corner. i gasped when 2 blue birds and monkeys ran pass me and out to a window.

i look to my side and saw chaeyoung who was sleeping so peacefully. i shook her, " chae! chae! chaeyoung! "

she let out a whine and wiggle a little before turning back to sleep again. i flick her forehead and shakd her body the second time.

" the cafe is on hold for now. please let me sleep properly shoo shoo! " she groan and stretch her arm to find a blanket for her to cover her self.

" blanket? give me back my fluffy blanket. " she wave her hands up, eyes still closed.

" what cafe and blanket are you talking about!? chae we are nowhere right now. please get up- " she instantly sat up and open her eyes. her mouth fell open as her eyes take a stroll around the room.

" sht where are we? " we both stood up from the mattress and walked around.

" we are on a tree house. here, there's a ladder. let's go down! " she motioned me to follow her as we made our way down to the tree house.

laughs were heard as soon as we reached the ground. I scrunch my nose and began walking, following the voices.

" come on that was funny! right joon and tae? "

I blink my eyes and softly went near aerum and doyeon who was happily goofing around with 3 unknown guys who was just wearing skirts made with leaves. this is-am I dreaming or what? I didn't know cosplaying in the forest is fun because the guys looks so comfortable with those small piece that's only covering their members.

" eunm-oh my gosh. " chaeyoung let herself drool at the sight of the muscles of the semi-naked guys. I glance at her and her eyes seems to be only looking at a particular guy. the guy with deep dimples.

" ay! " she snapped out when I yelled in her ear.

" gosh did you see the abs? i can't believe it my drool almost fell from the corner of my mouth- oh hi! " she cutely said while tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

" what a btch-a-annyeong! " I waved and showed a small smile to the guys that are staring blankly to me.

" aerum who is she? " the guy with a small mole on his nose tugs unto aerum's arm.

aerum smiles at his cuteness, " that girl is chaeyoung and the other girl is eunmi. "

" girl? are they girls like you too? " the guy with the dimple asks and doyeon nods in response of his question. " yes they are. they're girls like us. "

" oh. hi im joon. " the guy with dimples smiles showing his dimples (duh). he shake hands with chaeyoung and to mine afterwards.

" im yoongs " the pale guy greeted and shook our hands. I was expecting that his hand might be cold because of the zombie-skin that he has but nah his hand is warm. he isn't dead. nor a zombie.

" ma man. " doyeon wiggles her eyebrow and yoongs gave her a confused look.

" hI! iM tAe! " the guy who has a mole cheered and engulf us with a big hug.

he pinches our cheeks and said, " you're so cute and handsome-"

" -pretty. handsome is only for boys and they're girls so call them pretty. " aerum cuts and corrects him. tae looks at her for a brief moment and nods. the corner of my lip twitched. handsome? do I look like a guy to him?

he again pinches mine and chaeyoung's cheeks, " you're so cute and pretty! "

" ha! i know right. " chae flips her hair.

i nudge her before joining the others on the long wooden bench. i look around and saw that there were 3 other tree houses attached to a single tree.

" hey I have another joke. " I glance around when I heard a voice.

" no hyung we had enough. "

" I don't want to hear that anymore. "

" NO! tell us your joke. " i glance around again.

" yeah, I mean all of your attempts earlier are funny so go! what joke is it this time? " i rub my ears and glanced around for the 3rd time.

" so I have 3 jokes. "

" and what are they? "

" joke, joke, joke. "a wind shield wiper laugh then followed.

" what the heck. you're so funny! let me slap you. "

" what is heck? do you know what's that hope? "

" no. i don't know what is that word but my instinct says that the meaning of heck is good. i mean heck is close to heckup and heckup only comes after you eat or drink quickly. and eating and drinking is very nice so I assume heck is also nice- WAHHH!!! MORE HUMANS! HI HUMANS! " my eyes widened when a guy with a foreign nose and long jawline ran towards me and threw me in his chest, squishing the living shit of me.
